Greatest Present-Day Band?
Dec 6, 2005 at 3:36 AM Post #31 of 92

Originally Posted by bjjp2
Like it or not, the answer is clearly U2. I know a lot of people don't like their music (judging by posts on this and various other forums I frequent). I happen to think they're great. A matter of taste, for sure, but they are the only band with the longevity, depth, quality, commercial success, live performance and impact to match up to the great classic rock bands of old.

U2 may be a long lasting band, but this has hardly anything to do with superb music skills. It mostly has to do with selling out to Apple and all of Bono's bonkers humanitarian persuits.

The answer is actually not even close to U2. Considering that there are more innovative bands out there currently that touch musical expeditions that U2 would never dream of, that have only been around for a few years, this would be a pretty ridiculous thing to say. Sigur Ros, Procupine Tree, The Mars Volta, among others, have all reached musical landmarks that U2 has never even envisioned before.

I am not saying you don't have your right to love U2 to death and call them your favorite band. However, considering what else is out there, your strong statements read as ridiculous to me.
Dec 6, 2005 at 4:26 AM Post #33 of 92
I also have to follow suit and throw in a nod for Radiohead. I'm guessing they might not be yout style though. If you do check them out, get the "The Bends" album first.

You would probably really dig Wilco. I suggest the albums Summerteeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot for starters there.
Dec 6, 2005 at 5:03 AM Post #34 of 92

Originally Posted by Doc Sarvis
Where should I start with Pain of Salvation?

i'd start with Entropia.. it's an incredibly dense recording with ideas that never quite stay in the same place for too long, and definitely never become boring or derivative. for a debut effort, it's unbelievable.

The Perfect Element is also an amazing record, but it's quite a bit darker both musically and lyrically. the production on TPE isn't the greatest, either.. there are various moments - when the band comes together for a sort of climax - where things begin to sound muddy due to poor instrument separation.. but it isn't as bad as i'm making it sound. i actually prefer TPE to Entropia, but i'd still recommend Entropia for first time listeners.. they hit their peak with that album, IMO.
Dec 6, 2005 at 5:18 AM Post #36 of 92

Originally Posted by bjjp2
Like it or not, the answer is clearly U2. I know a lot of people don't like their music (judging by posts on this and various other forums I frequent). I happen to think they're great. A matter of taste, for sure, but they are the only band with the longevity, depth, quality, commercial success, live performance and impact to match up to the great classic rock bands of old.

No way. The word great doesn't only mean commercial success or longevity.

I happen to really think U2 sucks, Their latest efforts is rehashing all of their earlier crap, they whine about politics, and bono gets a freaking nobel peace prize? His lyrics are rambling washed out nonsense (all imo)...

Yet i did like their earlier stuff... Anything past the 90's album POP and beyond was awful to me... Their newer albums just make money on name and face value, when i hear DJ's and "music experts" all kissing up to U2 it's really having me shaking my head... What's so special about their latest album, other then it being a U2 album? How to dismantle a atomic bomb? How about, how to make a million dollars ; ).
Dec 6, 2005 at 6:44 AM Post #37 of 92

Originally Posted by Aman
U2 may be a long lasting band, but this has hardly anything to do with superb music skills. It mostly has to do with selling out to Apple and all of Bono's bonkers humanitarian persuits.

This is pure nonsense. Most of U2's fans, myself included, are tired of the band's political rants. We don't care about Bono's politics, and I personally disagree with much of what he has to say.

The music rocks, and the live show is amazing. Hundreds of millions of albums and 2 decades later, they're still here.

As for my best bands list, I'd say Radiohead and U2. Coldplay hasn't been around long enough for me to include them. I'm really digging Travis' earlier work right now.
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:53 AM Post #38 of 92
Let's not let our opinions get the better of us here....thanks.
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:03 AM Post #39 of 92
I think for a band to be condsiered as "Greatest Present Day Band" taht they need to have had a bit of staying power. I don't think that one or two albums can put one in the category of Led Zepplin, for example.

I do like the Dave Matthews Band a lot, though I can do without their most recent studio albums (they used Beyonce's producer on the last one, for God's sake!!
). They do a tremendous live show, and my two favorite albums are live albums.
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:29 AM Post #40 of 92

Originally Posted by CookieFactory
I'm quite partial to Nightwish at the moment.

They are excellent, however they broke up recently...

I would say Tool, but Radiohead, Opeth, Nine inch nails (not correct category/genre?) are all very close 2nd's.
Dec 6, 2005 at 11:19 AM Post #41 of 92
Damn nightwish broke up? That is news to me.... One of my favorite bands of the last two years
(recent discovery)
Dec 6, 2005 at 1:17 PM Post #42 of 92

Originally Posted by Ttvetjanu
They are excellent, however they broke up recently...

They didn't break up, they only fired Tarja Turunen. However they will continue with another singer. Great band, but not the greatest

About the question, I can't say one, but for me:

Tool, Radiohead (both said) and Dream Theater.
Dec 6, 2005 at 4:40 PM Post #43 of 92

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
I think for a band to be condsiered as "Greatest Present Day Band" taht they need to have had a bit of staying power. I don't think that one or two albums can put one in the category of Led Zepplin, for example.

But Led Zeppelin, during their prime, was considered to be a passing fad by many critics. Most critics didn't think they had staying power, so at this point maybe it's hard to determine 'greatest present day band'.
Dec 9, 2005 at 4:20 AM Post #44 of 92
I encourage you all to check out a little band from Maine called Jeremiah Freed. They have a similar sound to The Black Crowes. It's like classic rock with some modern influences. Nick Goodale's guitar work is pretty damn good. He produces both memorable riffs and solors. Joe Smith's voice is decent, but sometimes he has an almost whininess to his voice that I find annoying. BUT, overall, they are very good. And this is coming from a guy who hates pretty much all music on the radio today. Their albums are dirt cheap, too. Their signature album, Jerehmiah Freed and Slowburn are excellent to start with. Times Don't Change is also good, and I think they have a new one out.
Dec 9, 2005 at 1:19 PM Post #45 of 92
for me it's The Cure. always has been and always will be.
i can say with full confidence that no other band has the most consistant quality output, and put on the most amazing live shows... not even U2.

while these young Emo bands quit playing at the 90 minute mark, The Cure is only half way through their REGULAR set. no other band i know of can play a solid two hour setlist AND come back out for two encore sets of four songs each. The Cure can easily play a three hour show each evening.
they can outplay any band...

lastly, there's the fact that The Cure continually inspires... everyone from Interpol, The Killers, Muse, Radiohead, The Rapture, Bloc Party... you name it, they're cited as influences.

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