Greatest Present-Day Band?
Feb 6, 2006 at 10:57 PM Post #76 of 92
I'd say the Stones 'had' the mojo. Most people I talked to were pretty disappointed in their performance last night.

I don't really consider them still going strong, but for anyone who still thinks they are on top of their game, it would be hard to argue against them.
Feb 6, 2006 at 11:47 PM Post #77 of 92

Originally Posted by Aman
U2 may be a long lasting band, but this has hardly anything to do with superb music skills. It mostly has to do with selling out to Apple and all of Bono's bonkers humanitarian persuits.

The answer is actually not even close to U2. Considering that there are more innovative bands out there currently that touch musical expeditions that U2 would never dream of, that have only been around for a few years, this would be a pretty ridiculous thing to say. Sigur Ros, Procupine Tree, The Mars Volta, among others, have all reached musical landmarks that U2 has never even envisioned before.

I am not saying you don't have your right to love U2 to death and call them your favorite band. However, considering what else is out there, your strong statements read as ridiculous to me.

That was kinda harsh don't you think? he gave some reasons for his belief, which is more than what you've done. You only said that you like some jam bands and that you have been enjoying the john mayer trio...not exactly very convicing if you ask me. Do you really think that to be considered the greatest band, be it present day or of all time, is just about the music? it's about making impressions aswell. I think U2 has accomplished alot more than the Mars Volta, Sigur Ros, and Porcupine Tree, and especially the John Mayer Trio.
Mar 3, 2006 at 10:01 PM Post #78 of 92
The problem with a current 'greatest' band is that we're all sick of the current commericalization of music, where an art form has been reduced to a product.
A 'greatest' band pick in the 60s,70s, even 80s would include a widely popular band that a lot of people could acknowledge as 'great' even if the band wasn't their personal favorite. Sure the Beatles were a popular band but they put out great music with artistic merit. They were prolific, they added to vocabulary of music. You could pick the Stones, Led Zepplin, even the early U2. It's hard to point at someone like that TODAY, someone who's doing something huge, beautiful, popular, innovative, personal and current.
Nowadays you're left with the harder choice of picking some small innovative band that hardly has the popular aspect of 'great' or a popular band and have the snobs sneer.
Its hard to pick a greatest present day band, I say.
Mar 4, 2006 at 2:08 AM Post #79 of 92
DMB is pretty good, I don't know who I consider the best though.

For some reason I think Radiohead is annoying as hell. Maybe its just because I listened to only 1 of their cds (OK Computer) but it just doesnt click.
Mar 4, 2006 at 2:25 AM Post #80 of 92

Originally Posted by no1likesme
System of a down

serj is IMO the best vocalist in the industry (and the best thing to ever come out of classical opera
i can listen to them over and over again without getting sick of it (i cant say this about ANY other band)

Most of their lyrics, while wierd do make sense (notice i said most not all so dont flame me) you just have to listen to the song a few times carefully

If their music was recorded well, they'd be amazing. It sounds better on $0.99 ****-buds than anything else
EDIT: Apparently, this was my 100th post
Mar 4, 2006 at 2:58 AM Post #83 of 92
Anyone mention Radiohead yet?

Well it's almost trite now, but they are easily the best band present day.
No other music contains so much emotion or elicits the same.

Also, no other band makes me write such sappy s**t.

Mar 4, 2006 at 2:55 PM Post #84 of 92

Originally Posted by Jahn
During the SuperBowl, my wife looked at the Rolling Stones doing their thing, and said "Satisfaction is a really good song." This, from a very casual listener, who i know for a fact never owned a Stones album ever. Some bands just got the mojo, folks!

"Satisfaction" gets my vote as the best rock and roll song ever writtin but I guess that would be another thread all together.
Mar 4, 2006 at 6:01 PM Post #85 of 92

Originally Posted by milesbeyondjazz
"Satisfaction" gets my vote as the best rock and roll song ever writtin but I guess that would be another thread all together.

now i'll have to weigh in and say that i think "Satisfaction" is possibly one of the Rolling Stones' worst songs. i much prefer tunes like "Mother's Little Helper," "Jumpin' Jack Flash," "Under My Thumb" and what I think is their best song... "Gimme Shelter."
Mar 4, 2006 at 6:23 PM Post #86 of 92
Another vote for Porcupine Tree. I love their music.
Mar 5, 2006 at 3:41 AM Post #88 of 92

but that's at least partly because im about to see them tonight

I also really like Arcade Fire an immense amount. And im not going to jump on the whole "they're getting popular so i dont like them anymore" bandwagon. Funeral is probably the best driving album of all time. hmmm...that might be a good thread topic....
Mar 5, 2006 at 10:18 AM Post #89 of 92
Don't kill me here. I don't really agree with this, but it's an idea... If we are talking about bands who bring in big numbers, and have wide appeal...

...Metallica? They have a mainstream appeal now, and have huge numbers.
Mar 5, 2006 at 11:08 PM Post #90 of 92
My last post notwithstanding, I would say since U2 and R.E.M. can't be considered a *current* pick for greatest band, I would have to say The White Stripes, not for being my favorite band (they're not) but for being a great band that is popular enough to vie for a 'greatest' label (and of course for being a band, as opposed to a solo singer or 'group'). The other reason I pick TWS is because they're current, i.e. still in that maximum creativity zone (I hope.)
Radiohead is a contender but its been, what 3 years since Hail to the Thief? And listening to Hail to the Thief I wasn't thinking greatest current band at all, I would have considered it during the releases of 'The Bends' and possibly 'OK Computer'.

Here's an observation - since some of the listed bands had their heydey in the mid 90s, Oasis is a band that almost everyone is really sick of now, but had this question was asked in late 1995, I bet there would have been some Oasis nominations in a thread like this, even over Radiohead, despite that being the release period of The Bends. Of course not too many people will admit that now.
Edit: Oops, re-reading this thread I see Oasis listed previously. Of course, I don't think they fit because they certainly aren't a current band, unless they've re-united?

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