Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?
Jan 23, 2021 at 5:31 AM Post #28,591 of 65,262
Hello !

After a few months with the Soundpeats Truengine 3SE, I noticed a problem with them. Sometimes, when listening music and raising the volume, the sound progressively goes only to the right until the point where I hear only sound coming from the right. When deceasing it, the sound goes to the left until the same point.

After two or three pairing, this problem is solved. But it reappears again quite after sometime (on a random basis).

Do you know what could cause this issue? Could it come from the 3SE or from my phone (OnePlus 7T Pro)?

Thank you!

PS: Final Audio Tips works really well with the 3SE!
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Jan 23, 2021 at 7:11 AM Post #28,592 of 65,262
Hi folks! Does anyone know if the Hifiman TWS400 and TWS600 are one and the same?

In Indonesia there's a model called the TWS400 which I find impossible to find the reviews for (those that I found are from India and Indonesia). I can find the TWS600 which have the same outward appearances though..

Hello !

After a few months with the Soundpeats Truengine 3SE, I noticed a problem with them. Sometimes, when listening music and raising the volume, the sound progressively goes only to the right until the point where I hear only sound coming from the right. When deceasing it, the sound goes to the left until the same point.

After two or three pairing, this problem is solved. But it reappears again quite after sometime (on a random basis).

Do you know what could cause this issue? Could it come from the 3SE or from my phone (OnePlus 7T Pro)?

Thank you!

PS: Final Audio Tips works really well with the 3SE!
Do you raise the volume using your phone or using the buds?

I found volume shanenigans when using the Sabbat X12 Ultra (or anything with Qualcomm 3020) when I change the volume using the buds. Only one side changed. But if I change the volume from the phone, no problemo. The issue is that the phone allows the buds to save their own volume level, and the phone has a separate volume level.

I don't find that issue on other phones (Realme) which only have one volume level (= the phone's), and changing the volume through the buds would only change the phone volume.

But your case might be different.
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Jan 23, 2021 at 8:12 AM Post #28,593 of 65,262
Apperently the update is out for the CA Melomania touch. I got the update for the app at least.

Did it fix most issues? :)

Can't update mine here in US, it shows that old firmware is up to date. Maybe, the update is not "live" here yet.
Jan 23, 2021 at 8:48 AM Post #28,594 of 65,262
Hi folks! Does anyone know if the Hifiman TWS400 and TWS600 are one and the same?

In Indonesia there's a model called the TWS400 which I find impossible to find the reviews for (those that I found are from India and Indonesia). I can find the TWS600 which have the same outward appearances though..

Do you raise the volume using your phone or using the buds?

I found volume shanenigans when using the Sabbat X12 Ultra (or anything with Qualcomm 3020) when I change the volume using the buds. Only one side changed. But if I change the volume from the phone, no problemo. The issue is that the phone allows the buds to save their own volume level, and the phone has a separate volume level.

I don't find that issue on other phones (Realme) which only have one volume level (= the phone's), and changing the volume through the buds would only change the phone volume.

But your case might be different.
Make sure to look at the measurements. Hifiman's first TWS release had nasty measurements. It was the 600. avoid Hifiman TWS like a plague!
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Jan 23, 2021 at 10:12 AM Post #28,596 of 65,262
Yikes, probably why they rebranded it here...

This nasty.
Jan 23, 2021 at 11:41 AM Post #28,597 of 65,262
This nasty.

What's the compensated plot look like? I know the IEM had a small spike in the 1-2k range which was very complained about (and rightfully so). We don't know what the TWS400 or TWS800 actually sounds like. I actually am interested in the TWS800 and how it sounds. HiFiMan has made great sounding IEMs in the past RE-400 being one of the best bang for the buck IEMs. Their RE-1000 was actually really good though it had a V-shaped signature to it. RE-600 was very sweet, but dark sounding.
Jan 23, 2021 at 12:06 PM Post #28,598 of 65,262
What's the compensated plot look like? I know the IEM had a small spike in the 1-2k range which was very complained about (and rightfully so). We don't know what the TWS400 or TWS800 actually sounds like. I actually am interested in the TWS800 and how it sounds. HiFiMan has made great sounding IEMs in the past RE-400 being one of the best bang for the buck IEMs. Their RE-1000 was actually really good though it had a V-shaped signature to it. RE-600 was very sweet, but dark sounding.
iems from back in those days really weren't GREAT sounding. We had so many crappy flavor of the month hypes.

Those were times when people rarely looked at measurements and better accurate measurements weren't as accessible. Headfi just went by random iems introduced that got hyped.
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Jan 23, 2021 at 12:10 PM Post #28,599 of 65,262
iems from back in those days really weren't GREAT sounding. We had so many crappy flavor of the month hypes.

Those were times when people rarely looked at measurements and better accurate measurements weren't as accessible. Headfi just went by random iems introduced that got hyped.

Tyll sad noises (Rin too, though he stopped measuring; I guess they both did). The RE-400 measured very well. RE-600 measured linearly until the treble dropped. RE-1000 has a V-shaped signature (shows on measurements).

Edit: still didn't answer my question though, is that graph compensated? And if so, for what target?
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Jan 23, 2021 at 12:11 PM Post #28,600 of 65,262
Tyll sad noises (Rin too, though he stopped measuring; I guess they both did). The RE-400 measured very well. RE-600 measured linearly until the treble dropped. RE-1000 has a V-shaped signature (shows on measurements).
Show me from an accurate rig if you want to convince me.

I look at raw measurements.
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Jan 23, 2021 at 12:12 PM Post #28,601 of 65,262
Show me from an accurate rig if you want to convince me.

Innerfidelity didn't have an accurate rig? Granted all of their measurements are gone now...

Edit: Rin's measurements are the only ones still up from that time. Innerfidelity had a huge library of headphones measured. It was sad to see those go :frowning2:
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Jan 23, 2021 at 12:15 PM Post #28,603 of 65,262
Is that all you base what accurate is?

You haven't answered any of my questions... Why should I answer any more of yours? But yes, Innerfidelity's rig was accurate. So are many others (like Crinacle and Rins, for example).

Edit: I keep asking compensation because it's important. The ear, and rigs in general, have natural resonances that need to be accounted for and the entire point of DF compensation... Do you understand measurements? A headphone that measures flat in a raw measurement is a very dark, V-shaped sounding headphone.

Edit 2: if you look at the measurements for any Etymotic, they tend to have a pretty big spike in the 2-4k region for whatever reason... Why must that be! Naw, they just sound horrible.
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Jan 23, 2021 at 12:19 PM Post #28,605 of 65,262
You obviously do not underatand measurements if you can see it in the posted measurement and ask for compensation.

It's obvious that you don't understand the reason why compensation is done. Whether it be DF, harman target, etc. spoiler alert, they all seem to compensate for spikes in the 2-4k region for some reason... Sometimes lower sometimes higher depending on the rig. Hence I ask if it's compensated... 🤦‍♂️

Look, it's got a huge spike! Surely it can't be good! (sarcasm for obvious reasons, but it's a near-universally agreed upon very, very good headphone; many would chastise you for saying it's bad).

Note I admitted a few flaws about the TWS600, even regarding the spikes you talked about. However, your plot was very misleading because you showed a raw plot with 0 compensation (it exaggerates any spikes centered in the 2.5k region, but for a reason). I also said that many of HiFiMans IEMs from the past have been good and measured well.

Then you go off and flame on Innerfidelity and the massive amount of work they put into getting measurements out there and reviewing headphones which is absurdly unfair.
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