Go-Vibe 5: What!Mate?!
Oct 25, 2006 at 4:53 PM Post #481 of 536
Mine arrived today..
It's at customs i have to go and declare it..going to take an hour off work for lunch and go get it..YES!

long gone are the days when stuff came to your front door eh.

superb communication from norm, got back to me within 2 hours of payment,obviously shipped it the next day.

paid on the 17th, arrived today 25th. 6 working days from Canada to helsinki is damn fine.
(more like 5 working days,as i paid it night time on the 17th)

As advertised on his site (6-10 working days Int.)
2 thumbs up from me.. cross your fingers they dont give me to much grief at customs.
Oct 25, 2006 at 6:50 PM Post #482 of 536

Originally Posted by t4t3r
has anyone used the go-vibe v5 with Beyer DT770/80's? I'm trying to decide between the vibe and the xenos, with the xenos being a bit cheaper since it comes with everything in one nice little package.

deciding on an amp is even harder than deciding on a set of headphones

Listening to Shostakovich on the GV5 and DT770-600s right now.

To me the DT770s have a peaky top end that can some times be a bit much. Not bright or strident, just that sometimes the highs come at you a bit elevated in level, sometimes they don't.

The GV5 doesn't soften the top end. If you throw a mediocre source into the mix, the sound can get a bit aggressive with the combo. No fault of the GV5. With a good non-aggressive source, the combo sounds great.

I think it come down to this: if you have a hard or bright source, the GV5 won't soften it. I haven't heard a xenos but reports are that it may be a better softener than GV5.

BTW, Norm's service is killer. I wrote Xenos and they never bothered to get back. If the choice is 6 of 1 half dozen the other, that throws the ball quickly in the GV5s court.
Oct 25, 2006 at 7:04 PM Post #483 of 536

Originally Posted by DDF
I think it come down to this: if you have a hard or bright source, the GV5 won't soften it. I haven't heard a xenos but reports are that it may be a better softener than GV5.

Very true. This is actually why I like the GV5 over my SR-71. I don't know about the Xenos, but if you prefer an amp with the upper end tamed a bit, the SR-71 is absolutely one to consider if your budget will allow it.
Oct 29, 2006 at 1:29 AM Post #484 of 536
theres something wrong with my go vibe, i know its not my headphones
sometimes only one side of my headphones work

i need to wiggle the jack and phone input just to get them working together again

it happens every once in awhile its getting annoying
Oct 29, 2006 at 2:07 AM Post #485 of 536

Originally Posted by Sweekz
theres something wrong with my go vibe, i know its not my headphones
sometimes only one side of my headphones work

i need to wiggle the jack and phone input just to get them working together again

it happens every once in awhile its getting annoying

same thing happened to mine... it wasn't norm's fault though, my jack got yanked out. oddly enough, it's working just fine now... both drivers work.
Oct 29, 2006 at 2:21 AM Post #486 of 536

Originally Posted by Sweekz
theres something wrong with my go vibe, i know its not my headphones
sometimes only one side of my headphones work

i need to wiggle the jack and phone input just to get them working together again

it happens every once in awhile its getting annoying

It often ends up being a cable problem, since those Switchcraft jacks are very reliable, but send me an email at normdalgarno@yahoo.ca and we'll sort things out.
Oct 29, 2006 at 2:45 AM Post #487 of 536

Originally Posted by tigger
It often ends up being a cable problem, since those Switchcraft jacks are very reliable, but send me an email at normdalgarno@yahoo.ca and we'll sort things out.

alright thanks
Nov 1, 2006 at 6:47 AM Post #488 of 536
Wow. I just spent the last hour and an half reading/skimming this entire thread. I have a pounding headache and need to go to bed.

I feel like I need to contribute a report and a takeaway:

Ordered 10/23, Norm shipped 10/24, received 10/30. Came in a box with shredded paper. All good. Thanks, Norm.

This thread confirmed that I made the right decision buying the Elpac power source (two hours ago). I'm hoping to get just a little more out of the GV with my DT880 -- better power and better interconnect (in the mail) should help.

BTW... I ordered the Elpac from:

List price is $28.71, but it doesn't tell me how much shipping is. I chose 2-day and will report back on the additional cost.

I started a thread reporting on my experience so far, but it mostly addresses my new Beyers, only a little on the amp. All positive. A lot of learning for me.
Nov 1, 2006 at 9:24 AM Post #489 of 536

Originally Posted by episiarch
Very true. This is actually why I like the GV5 over my SR-71. I don't know about the Xenos, but if you prefer an amp with the upper end tamed a bit, the SR-71 is absolutely one to consider if your budget will allow it.

I wasn't really bothered by this aspect of the GV5 (perhaps the SR71 is coloured?) - I didn't perceive it as too sharp, at all [size=xx-small](my issues were elsewhere)[/size]. At any rate, no, the Xenos is not a softener. It's crisp and very extended (in both directions).
Nov 1, 2006 at 1:49 PM Post #490 of 536

Originally Posted by mchang
Wow. I just spent the last hour and an half reading/skimming this entire thread. ... [an account of recent activity] ... A lot of learning for me.

You are intrepid to have gone through this entire thread. It has grown into quite a tome. The Head-Fi force is strong in you...
Nov 1, 2006 at 2:25 PM Post #492 of 536

Originally Posted by DDF
Listening to Shostakovich on the GV5 and DT770-600s right now.

To me the DT770s have a peaky top end that can some times be a bit much. Not bright or strident, just that sometimes the highs come at you a bit elevated in level, sometimes they don't.

The GV5 doesn't soften the top end. If you throw a mediocre source into the mix, the sound can get a bit aggressive with the combo. No fault of the GV5. With a good non-aggressive source, the combo sounds great.

I think it come down to this: if you have a hard or bright source, the GV5 won't soften it. I haven't heard a xenos but reports are that it may be a better softener than GV5.

BTW, Norm's service is killer. I wrote Xenos and they never bothered to get back. If the choice is 6 of 1 half dozen the other, that throws the ball quickly in the GV5s court.

thank you for your input DDF. I think I'll be ordering this amp in the next couple of weeks.
Nov 2, 2006 at 4:04 PM Post #493 of 536
Allied Electronics isn't doing right by me. The total cost for the Elpac with 2-day UPS delivery is:

+ $3.05 (tax, they're based in Texas)
+ $10.60 (shipping)

However, despite ordering at 10:00 on Tuesday night, it doesn't look like they shipped it until late Wednesday. UPS is only showing the shipment bill received (dated 11/1), but has no status on the package itself.

Sure, it could be UPS delays...

I'll update when the unit gets here and what it does for my GV.
Nov 7, 2006 at 6:42 PM Post #495 of 536
i got my govibe yesterday!

first impressions:

sounds very natural without overdoing anything really - and no hiss! my old govibe v4 got very hissy at louder volumes so i was pleasantly surprised with this - def warmer too which is nice because i felt my old one was a bit metallic

it sounds great with the K501 however i noticed that at louder volumes it tends to distort though i dont know if that's due to the 9V instead of an elpac, or the files, or the headphones - does anyone know?


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