FraGTaLiTy's Audio-Technica AD700 boom mic Mod
Jul 5, 2011 at 3:29 PM Post #76 of 97
I think I've found the answer to the LVA-7330 scarcity:
Aug 26, 2011 at 12:22 AM Post #77 of 97
Hey guys! I am new to having concern about the quality of my headphones. I almost purchased a $90 gaming headset but returned it the next day. Realized I didn't want to pay that much for poor sound quality. I will get my pair of Sony MDR-V6 tomorrow. Probably not top of the line, but seems to have really good reviews so good for my low budget.
I still want a headset, so I've been looking around for possibilities and kept running into this mod. I have been looking for similar microphones, but hadn't had much luck. Today I went to Walmart as a last resort and they actually had a microphone that I thought would work! It's here:
The downside is that since it's a desktop microphone, it is a lot longer. However the neck is flexible so I think it will work. Most importantly you don't need to cut or saw anything off, the mic is just the neck and the cord. It comes with a little swiveling monitor mount that seems perfect for attaching it onto my headphones! Also there is no mute button or anything.
It doesn't have a boom cover for the microphone. I am not sure if it's easy to buy those, but I figured out a pretty great substitute! I went into Walmart's arts & crafts aisle and found those really tiny paint rollers, they cost a dollar at most. The foam roller pulled off the plastic easily and it is ridiculous how perfectly it fits onto the head of this microphone!. Nobody would know I didn't buy it this way.
Anyways I am primarily using my headphones at my PC, so I don't really need any more functionality besides the attachment. Just wanted to share this microphone with you guys since it works well for my needs. By the way I've tested the mic through voice chat and friends say it sounds very good.
Aug 31, 2011 at 3:28 AM Post #78 of 97
Okay, I'm hoping to perform this mod quite soon but am finding it impossible to locate the LVA-7330 anywhere for cheap...the absolute lowest price I've found anywhere is from a seller on amazon but it's around 30 bucks.  Other places sell it for ridiculous amounts upwards of $50!! Has anyone been able to find this mic for a reasonable price? Nothing on eBay either.  I'd like to exhaust my search completely before putting down 30 bucks for just a mic. 
Aug 31, 2011 at 7:30 AM Post #79 of 97
It's long been discontinued so it's hard to find, and if you do find it, its price is likely gouged because the seller knows it's hard to come by.  Your best bet is ebay, as there's usually a couple of them on there for sale.  There might not be any on there right now, but there very well could be in a couple weeks' time.  Another option is to just get a detachable boom mic off amazon (you know those 1-2 dollar ones) and build your own armature out of say-- wood, with a female connection on it.  I've actually seen a picture of a guy who did it, and it was real nice, but I'd probably have a hard time finding a picture of it.
Aug 31, 2011 at 3:18 PM Post #80 of 97
Yeah, I've seen the picture you're referring to, or at least a similar one.  However my modding skill with headphones is pretty much nonexistent and I'm not too confident in my ability to pull something like that off.  I'm nervous about even painting the mesh covers on my AD-700s when I get them.  Anyway, I guess I'll probably bite the bullet and get a 7330 off amazon.  I suppose 30 bucks isn't that bad if this mic is as good as everyone says. 
Aug 31, 2011 at 4:08 PM Post #81 of 97
I was wondering what my options for this were, thanks for bringing up this thread. Found the LVA-7331 on Amazon which is apparently the same mic with inline mute. Ordered. Now I'll have to make a stop at lowes or home depot for some industrial velcro so I can add the mic to my HFi-580s. Stinks the price on that mic is 30 bucks, but I guess the fact that it's popular for this mod, and old at this point jacks the price up. I'll post pictures of the finished mod once I get everything done.
Aug 31, 2011 at 4:11 PM Post #82 of 97
You might pick up a small tube of locktite superglue too.  It's not mentioned much, but the labtec mic has two joints:  a more rigid joint as part of the actual mic, and a looser ball joint that connects to the piece that's meant to rest on top of your ear.  The looser joint makes the mic rather loose, so I put a tiny drop of superglue on the top of it, and problem solved.  You can still move the mic up and down, but doing so with the more rigid of the two joints.
Sep 1, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #83 of 97
Slightly off topic here, but can someone comment on the procedure for stripping off the purple paint on the mesh covers? I just got my 700s in the mail today and quickly set off to get the mesh re-painted.  I emptied almost an entire can of oven cleaner into a tupperware container and set the mesh inside but it seems to be doing little.  I'll probably leave it soaking in that overnight and see what happens in the morning.  I may have to take some steel wool or sandpaper to it afterwards.  Anyone have experience with this aspect of modding the headphones?
EDIT: It turns out that oven cleaner did most of the work.  I let it soak overnight and by morning almost all traces of the paint were gone; all that remained was a very light purplish hue.  I got to painting straight away and right now am putting on some clear coat. 
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:06 PM Post #84 of 97
The LVA-7331 I ordered from Amazon showed up today and the headband snapped off very easy. It will sit right over the HFi-580 logo perfectly. I'm going to get some sandpaper, locktite & industrial velcro tomorrow afternoon, the item was brand new, so anyone contemplating picking one up from amazon you won't get a second hand item. I'll post pictures of the mod once it's all finished tomorrow evening.
Sep 3, 2011 at 2:40 PM Post #85 of 97

Here's what the Ultrasone HFi-580s look like with the mod. The velcro is a little loose, trimming the fuzzy helped a bit, I might find a bit more permanent solution but it's functional. Thanks for the great mod.
Sep 9, 2011 at 4:15 AM Post #86 of 97
I have a question about the best method to attach the mic to the the moment I'm planning to go with the Velcro route, but I'd really prefer a cleaner solution.  Double sided mounting tape is out of the question because it would make removing the mic impossible.  I'm thinking maybe a magnet would work? I don't think it would be able to damage the driver in any way, can anyone confirm or deny?
I would really like to do the advanced mod of building a headphone jack into the headphones themselves, but not quite yet. 
Sep 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM Post #87 of 97
I'm definitely sold on picking up some AD-700's and a boom mic for use as a gaming headset.
However I am not so sold on using a mixamp of any kind, mostly because of the cost. I have no problem with spending the money, but I just want it to be money well spent.
I guess I am confused why I can't just plug the AD700's into my AV Reciever and plug the boom mic into the xbox controller. Then control the game/chat mix from within the game.
Thanks for any info...
ps - Also curious about the Turtle Beach DSS and what benefits the Astro would have over it.
Sep 14, 2011 at 7:34 PM Post #88 of 97
In addition to the Hyundai Mic mentioned previously, other options include turtle beach replacement boom mics PX5, X41. HPA2.
Regarding the benefits of the Mix amp, I think it benefits are proven...
Dec 31, 2011 at 11:39 PM Post #89 of 97
I just finished cutting off the headband on my LVA-7330. After sawing away with a pocket knife for about 20 minutes I got impatient and decided to heat up the blade of an Xacto knife with a candle and use that to basically melt my way through the band. I then used some very fine grain sand paper to smooth off the rough edges. It actually worked surprisingly well. Hope this helps!
Jan 1, 2012 at 1:46 AM Post #90 of 97
BTW, if anyone wants a LVA-7330 Mic, I have one.  PM me and I'll sell it to you.  I got it for a DIY project that never manifested....

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