Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Mar 4, 2017 at 10:36 AM Post #9,872 of 12,089
OK, can you describe what happens to the sound with them compared to the stock pads:)

Not so much as each person hears differently.  I can say I like the sound signature with them.  Others may disagree.
I bought the alpha pads strictly for comfort.  I could not use the stock pads at all. 
Mar 4, 2017 at 1:39 PM Post #9,873 of 12,089
Recomendations on pads with bigger opening  for the THX00 ? 

I would say the TH 610 pads are a step in the better direction. Trying the pads of my Denon AHD 7000 made them (X00) sound almost identical to the 7000. Those pads seem to have a near perfect balance between clean mid bass (not too much) and "open" mids and treble. The round TH 600/900 pads are also very nice (and your ears get less warm which is also important) and give the more open and bigger soundstage results. But the treble is also the most.....
I am waiting for the Massdrop Ori pads and am very interested where they will fit in between the other pads.
The original pads for my taste have way too small opennings which colour the sound too much. The TH-610 pads are better, but the original Denon pads (slightly bigger opening in same shape still) seem to have the best shape. My very old pads (used a lot) of my older Denon AHD 5000 are worn and give inconsistant results. I use that one now with the round TH 600/900 pads and like it very much. All these phones are great in a way, and have also a family resemblance in the sound signature (obviously) but individually and with different pads and cups can sound significantly different.
Mar 5, 2017 at 2:22 PM Post #9,875 of 12,089
My Ebony arrived with cosmetic issues. I returned it yesterday and Massdrop will be sending me a replacement. Initial impression without break-in is it's definitely more balanced than my Denon D600 and more laid back than my Denon MM400. I was originally planning on selling my D600, but it's very different from the Ebony though I probably won't be using it much anymore. The D600 still has some fun factor in it when listening to certain genres. Only downside is I find it a lot fatiguing compared to the Ebony. Talk about getting spoiled. 
Will the Ebony get a bit more bass with break-in? I find myself wanting a little bit more bass. Everything else sounds perfect. My Denons were both purchased used, so I'm not familiar with break-in period and whether it really improves sound quality.
Mar 6, 2017 at 10:08 PM Post #9,877 of 12,089
I just picked up a pair of these, and and I can't decide if I should just shorten the cable, or let it be.

What's the consensus here?

Also, I have a fresh pair of ZMF Ori and a pair of Brainwavz flat sheepskin pads. Sounds like both are good options. The Alpha Pads are always good, it seems.

Is one of these pads a consensus favorite?
Mar 7, 2017 at 4:31 AM Post #9,878 of 12,089
I just picked up a pair of these, and and I can't decide if I should just shorten the cable, or let it be.

What's the consensus here?

Also, I have a fresh pair of ZMF Ori and a pair of Brainwavz flat sheepskin pads. Sounds like both are good options. The Alpha Pads are always good, it seems.

Is one of these pads a consensus favorite?

Some of us had PETEREK do a detachable cable mod for easy cable swapping. I have 2.5mm connectors on mine (same as HD700 and newer Hifiman).

As for pads, preference is pretty varied here. Many like the Alpha pads, others like the ZMFs. I'm content with the stock pads because I really like the way these are tuned.
Mar 7, 2017 at 5:38 AM Post #9,879 of 12,089
I just picked up a pair of these, and and I can't decide if I should just shorten the cable, or let it be.

What's the consensus here?

Also, I have a fresh pair of ZMF Ori and a pair of Brainwavz flat sheepskin pads. Sounds like both are good options. The Alpha Pads are always good, it seems.

Is one of these pads a consensus favorite?

For removable cables there are 2 main jacks: SMC or 2.5mm and I think a few have use MMCX.
the SMC does not require any cutting of the cups or frame while the 2.5mm connector will require some cutting.  Haven't tried the MMCX connector so I don't know if cutting is required.
As for pads, it depends on the individual, for me the stock pads are terrible, the opening is too small and the pad does not provide a good seal so there is some distortion at times, I tried my TH600 pads and its a whole better experience but it made the TH-X00 into a very close sound to the TH600 and to me the TH600 is a better sounding headphone.
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:09 AM Post #9,880 of 12,089
I just picked up a pair of these, and and I can't decide if I should just shorten the cable, or let it be.

What's the consensus here?

Also, I have a fresh pair of ZMF Ori and a pair of Brainwavz flat sheepskin pads. Sounds like both are good options. The Alpha Pads are always good, it seems.

Is one of these pads a consensus favorite?

For removable cables there are 2 main jacks: SMC or 2.5mm and I think a few have use MMCX.
the SMC does not require any cutting of the cups or frame while the 2.5mm connector will require some cutting.  Haven't tried the MMCX connector so I don't know if cutting is required.
As for pads, it depends on the individual, for me the stock pads are terrible, the opening is too small and the pad does not provide a good seal so there is some distortion at times, I tried my TH600 pads and its a whole better experience but it made the TH-X00 into a very close sound to the TH600 and to me the TH600 is a better sounding headphone.

mmcx is 100% reversible and makes no permanent changes. I guess Monoprice Monolith are using this connection too when they looked at my mod lol. Just kidding (though the ego drive helps).
I think the 2.5mm may also not require cutting. I saw 2.5mm female jacks with cylinders which may kind of, screw on or something, though I'm much more happier with my mmcx so didnt try.

But again, the problem is this female jack will protrude so much outside... almost the whole jack will stick outside and that's gonna be much vulnerable to breakage.
Furthermore, it's very, VERY hard to accommodate any jacks inside the can frame... it was hard enough for me to get the female mmcx in. There is hardly any margin in there to accommodate any larger connections, and even the above 2.5mm connectors will have to rest outside the cups (evident from TH610 or EMU detach-ables), and your standard female 2.5mm ones will simply not fit in anyways... To me, mmcx seems to be the only viable solution with the smallest footprint.
About the pads what I can say is, avoid these: HM5 Hybrid, HM5 Angled Sheepskin.
Won't comment on the rest. Stock is still the way-to-go for me.
Mar 7, 2017 at 6:18 AM Post #9,882 of 12,089
  @AT Khan, do you have a picture of the MMCX on a Fostex?  I was looking in to using them on some other headphones where I didn't think the SMC would fit and if you did work with them are they hard to work with

Sure. Here it goes - my cans (it's already in this thread or maybe the EMU thread or my review of it):





This is not hard to work with... there are much more demanding components out there lol/
This female socket is simply ideal for Fostex. It screws into the frame and stays put. You can see how acceptable looking it is... there's like... less than 1% chance of stapping it off. I love the footprint. I only had problems soldering (somehow, I have this tissue-rejection that I have to face when soldering, otherwise, good components used and I don't think you'll have problems).
Another very logical reason to choose the mmcx is the fail-safe. The smc screws on, and in worst case scenarios, the cable will take the cans with it when pulled by accident.
The beauty of the mmcx is that beyond a pull-force, the cable will simply click off. This won't damage the frame or the cans or anything. Click-snap on/off is very satisfying and re-assuring.
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:19 AM Post #9,885 of 12,089
Some of us had PETEREK do a detachable cable mod for easy cable swapping. I have 2.5mm connectors on mine (same as HD700 and newer Hifiman).

As for pads, preference is pretty varied here. Many like the Alpha pads, others like the ZMFs. I'm content with the stock pads because I really like the way these are tuned.

I already reached out to PETEREK. I wanted to do the replaceable cable mod, but I didn't want to spend an extra $80 to do that because I change headphones so frequently, lol. I think I'll just get the cable shortened. I briefly owned the THX00, and the cable and ear pads were deal-breakers for me. I'm hoping it goes better this time. :)

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