Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:33 AM Post #9,827 of 12,089
Would you say it's like comparing the hd600 to the 650 with more Soundstage, with hd800 being the hd600 and t1 as the hd650.

Personally I find the HD800 and T1 to be completely different sound signatures.  I agree with @DavidA, the T1 are a more "fun" sounding.  They are also less demanding as far as amping...
Feb 23, 2017 at 2:42 AM Post #9,828 of 12,089
  to me no, but if its a sound that you like it doesn't matter, I'd take the T1 over the TH-X00 any day since the TH-X00 is not my sound preference and the pads are the problem for me.

Different here, I owned T1 G1 for two month, sold them, they are not very engaging to ME, I was using WA22 at the time. Between T1 and TH-X00 ebony, I chose ebony for the sealed (good enough seal) and their bass. 
Feb 23, 2017 at 2:46 AM Post #9,829 of 12,089
Personally I find the HD800 and T1 to be completely different sound signatures.  I agree with @DavidA, the T1 are a more "fun" sounding.  They are also less demanding as far as amping...

Agree, they sound way different. I found HD800 too dry, and T1 G1 sound quite thin and lack bass. I feel T1 G1 is easy to drive on paper, but not in real world, I had my WA22 at 15:00 volume position. 
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:14 AM Post #9,830 of 12,089
My Lawton-modded TH-X00 have burned in now and I have finally joined the party after an anxious couple of weeks wondering what all the fuss was about.
I was beginning to question my sanity - I know these bio drivers are well known to take a while to get going but I had clocked up plenty of hours, or so I thought, and was still getting the enamel stripped off my teeth by the treble and very little else to recommend them by. Tough times. Emotional times. Sad times.
And then... the bass arrived. All of it, more or less at once.
Now I don't want to take them off. Sure the upper mids and lower treble is maybe a touch on the shonky side here and there, IMHO, and they sure won't win prizes for accuracy but as long as the bass keeps bump bump bumping the way it does then who cares?
Feels like my head is in a speaker stack.
Fun times. Bass-tastic times. Happy times.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:58 AM Post #9,831 of 12,089
My Lawton-modded TH-X00 have burned in now and I have finally joined the party after an anxious couple of weeks wondering what all the fuss was about.
I was beginning to question my sanity - I know these bio drivers are well known to take a while to get going but I had clocked up plenty of hours, or so I thought, and was still getting the enamel stripped off my teeth by the treble and very little else to recommend them by. Tough times. Emotional times. Sad times.
And then... the bass arrived. All of it, more or less at once.
Now I don't want to take them off. Sure the upper mids and lower treble is maybe a touch on the shonky side here and there, IMHO, and they sure won't win prizes for accuracy but as long as the bass keeps bump bump bumping the way it does then who cares?
Feels like my head is in a speaker stack.
Fun times. Bass-tastic times. Happy times.

How long did you have to burn them in?

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Feb 23, 2017 at 12:57 PM Post #9,832 of 12,089
How long did you have to burn them in?

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

I reckon it was >100 hours. There's a new Lawton cable replacing the stock one, not sure if that was a factor.

You'll know when you get there - it wasn't a subtle change, for me at least. They went from "these are unlistenable, how could anyone enjoy these" to "fun times ahead" over a period of maybe a few hours, but it took forever to get there.
I had nearly given up hope and was planning to sell them - now you'll have to pry them off my cold, bald, lifeless loaf of bread.

Persevere, if you are in any doubt, would be my advice.
Feb 25, 2017 at 1:14 AM Post #9,834 of 12,089
How do the Ebonys compare to the PHs? I loved my PHs but it gave me treble fatigue. Been searching for a bass closed can ever since and thinking about trying the Ebony.


Well, unless you really like the TH-X00 sounds (like me), I don't think it worths upgrading to Ebony. The differences is subtle. Might be better to go to the other closed back to get different sound signature, like Nighthawk or Meze 99, just to name a few.
Feb 25, 2017 at 1:19 PM Post #9,835 of 12,089
Well, unless you really like the TH-X00 sounds (like me), I don't think it worths upgrading to Ebony. The differences is subtle. Might be better to go to the other closed back to get different sound signature, like Nighthawk or Meze 99, just to name a few.

I want the thump lol. I sold my PHs shortly after getting them. Couldn't listen to them for more than 2 minutes without my ears hurting. Loved the bass. Looking for something similar without the ear pain ya know? I'll look into the others as well.
Feb 25, 2017 at 2:38 PM Post #9,836 of 12,089
I want the thump lol. I sold my PHs shortly after getting them. Couldn't listen to them for more than 2 minutes without my ears hurting. Loved the bass. Looking for something similar without the ear pain ya know? I'll look into the others as well.

Well, I thought you still have the Purpleheart. :D If you want to re-explore, I guess you can try. But I don't know how the treble will affect you, it is still there (after all, it's still TH-X00). The Ebony did sounds a bit smoother and more balanced, with big bass that I'm sure you will like. I never heard anything with better bass in this price range to be honest, so can't recommend anything with thump better than this.
Feb 25, 2017 at 2:46 PM Post #9,837 of 12,089
If you want the thump I can recommend the new Denon AH-D7200's. I have the purplehearts but I'm not using them at all since I got the D7200
Feb 25, 2017 at 4:29 PM Post #9,838 of 12,089
I'm one of those guys who thinks the extra cost/weight of the TH-X00 ebony is so worth it. I had to sell my purplehearts because that sharp V-curve was too aggressive for my ears. Not only was the boosted bass too much for most of the music I like, but that treble peak was more than I could handle. Turns out I love my ebony cans like no other headphone. The bass response is near perfect and the smoother mid and treble response make a world of difference to my ears. That won't be everyone's reaction but it was most definitely mine.
Feb 26, 2017 at 7:37 AM Post #9,839 of 12,089
Hi All,
Just want to give some update. Changed the pads on Purpleheart to HM5 Angled sheep skin.
Soundstage widen, lost a bit of bass. Lost the TH-X00 Signature of tight and compact sound.
Switch back to original pads after 1 hours of listening. Feel much better with original.
Feb 26, 2017 at 7:39 AM Post #9,840 of 12,089
  Hi All,
Just want to give some update. Changed the pads on Purpleheart to HM5 Angled sheep skin.
Soundstage widen, lost a bit of bass. Lost the TH-X00 Signature of tight and compact sound.
Switch back to original pads after 1 hours of listening. Feel much better with original.

Been there. Done that. And I have the exact same views.
Now there's two of us.

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