Fostex TH909 Announcement
May 26, 2022 at 12:35 PM Post #136 of 220
I’ve been on just a mid-fi modest setup of a gen 2 T1 with a 789 for over a year now, just about ready to jump back into a more serious rig now that WFH seems reasonably permanent. Definitely been missing the fostex sound lately.

I haven’t heard any of the anniversary tuning models, how did you find the pearl white 900 vs the 909?
If you like the Beyer mid warmth (not as present on T1.2 as T1.3 but still there, perhaps better so), I would definitely suggest the 909 over the Anni tuning. If you want something cooler and analytical the Anni is the better option imo.

The 909 shifts the 900's 500 hz dip upwards into the upper mid scoop (~1 kHz), whereas to my ear the anni shifts it down towards bass. This extends the bass emphasis way out into the lower mids on the 909 and backwards on the Anni. Basically the 909 retains the OG 900's warmth while increasing neutrality, whereas the anni tuning decreases the 900's warmth producing more analytical effect.
May 26, 2022 at 10:59 PM Post #137 of 220
I have the PW900mk2 as well as the Red900mk2 and the 909. The 909 would be the last one I parted with if I had to.
I think I’m leaning that way as well, I love them all but the 909 is near perfect to my ears, I got the IE600 delivered at the same time as the 909 this week and it’s been a 95:5 split to the 909 (which isn’t saying the 600’s are bad, far from it!)
May 28, 2022 at 9:55 PM Post #138 of 220
Still day 2, only some hours testing this beauty out. This song just now stands out to me so emotive than I've heard it before

Generally speaking, loving the sound across many different genres and bring a very different experience to my other cans, only cons is the harsh treble that I'm looking into taming it down with as little extra cha ching as possible :D

Adding one more song, the soundstage and imaging of the 909 is superb, really brings out the sense of space, airiness, ethereality of this song, albeit, the peakiness soils the experience a bit for me
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May 28, 2022 at 10:58 PM Post #139 of 220
Still day 2, only some hours testing this beauty out. This song just now stands out to me so emotive than I've heard it before

Generally speaking, loving the sound across many different genres and bring a very different experience to my other cans, only cons is the harsh treble that I'm looking into taming it down with as little extra cha ching as possible :D

Adding one more song, the soundstage and imaging of the 909 is superb, really brings out the sense of space, airiness, ethereality of this song, albeit, the peakiness soils the experience a bit for me

Biodyna's across the board, including the 909, have vanishing low distortion, making them great candidates for EQ if such things are an option. It's pretty easy to lower the 6K secondary peak to taste with a highshelf.

Alternatively, there are also a lot of great 3rd party pad options available for the 90x, I know there are a few options that folks generally find lower some of the highs.

Good luck!
May 30, 2022 at 7:37 PM Post #140 of 220
Damn, this song made me think
F*ck the peakiness, I'm so keeping these

How dynamic this song sounds really shows case the strength of the 909. Tons of energy, rumbling bass, quick decay, powerful, crispy, haunting vocal dancing with layers of strings, drums and wind instruments while keeping everything so well separated and placed.
May 30, 2022 at 9:07 PM Post #141 of 220
If you like the Beyer mid warmth (not as present on T1.2 as T1.3 but still there, perhaps better so), I would definitely suggest the 909 over the Anni tuning. If you want something cooler and analytical the Anni is the better option imo.

The 909 shifts the 900's 500 hz dip upwards into the upper mid scoop (~1 kHz), whereas to my ear the anni shifts it down towards bass. This extends the bass emphasis way out into the lower mids on the 909 and backwards on the Anni. Basically the 909 retains the OG 900's warmth while increasing neutrality, whereas the anni tuning decreases the 900's warmth producing more analytical effect.
Yeah, having lived with the T1.2 and 909 concurrently, they are remarkable in their similarities. Not the same, but some things really mirrored each other, good and bad.
I actually went wildly the other way and got something far and away different from the T1.2 and 909 for a second can in my return to the land beyond midfi, will definitely circle back for the 909s though.
Jun 2, 2022 at 5:18 PM Post #142 of 220
Goodbye thunderous bass, sparkle treble is my new best friend :L3000:

Honestly, I never got a bright hp due to being sensitive to it. But I'm getting used to the high freq of TH909 now... I'm getting it and enjoying it very much. More would frankly be too much, this is quite manageable, only piercing on certain songs.

Add one more song. Rocking my head so hard. Yes TH909 is very comfortable and holds well despite my headbanging. Feel so good when the music is so alive :darthsmile:
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Jun 11, 2022 at 6:03 PM Post #143 of 220
Has anyone tried 909 with tubes? How is the experience? Thanks! I'm interested in the Feliks Echo MKII atm.
Jun 19, 2022 at 9:57 AM Post #145 of 220
Has anyone tried 909 with tubes? How is the experience? Thanks! I'm interested in the Feliks Echo MKII atm.

i haven’t, but the 909 is really a drama queen with amps, some are amazing and some are hot garbage. I’d recommend buying used so you can audition it in the comfort of your home with all your gear, and if they don’t pair well, you can resell the amp at no-to-minimal loss. Just the mild inconvenience of shopping, selling and shipping.
Definitely report back any findings!
Jun 19, 2022 at 1:04 PM Post #146 of 220
i haven’t, but the 909 is really a drama queen with amps, some are amazing and some are hot garbage. I’d recommend buying used so you can audition it in the comfort of your home with all your gear, and if they don’t pair well, you can resell the amp at no-to-minimal loss. Just the mild inconvenience of shopping, selling and shipping.
Definitely report back any findings!
I think I am spoiled living in Europe. I can buy new and return within 14 days. Only cost the shipping fee but I can see myself keeping things after buying regardless so I'd like to looking for opinions before actually commit to buying them.
To be honest 909 out of my DX160 is such a joy to listen to, I'm just treble sensitive so on certain tracks it can be too much and that's why I'm thinking of buying some dac/amp. Most of the time it's really great though.
Now it makes me thinking what a bad pairing with the 909 would sound like, can you give me some idea?
Jul 5, 2022 at 3:57 PM Post #147 of 220
Now it makes me thinking what a bad pairing with the 909 would sound like, can you give me some idea?
Mostly high impedance output amplifiers from what I can gather.
Jul 5, 2022 at 11:18 PM Post #148 of 220
Not just high impedance (but that too), I find the Fostex (900 and 909) very easy to overpower and produce audible oversaturation distortion. Opt for lower power rating if possible.
Jul 5, 2022 at 11:21 PM Post #149 of 220
Well I finally took the leap and reordered a pair. Will see how they fair with my current crop of amps (gs-x mini / Deckard/ mdac mini). I’m thinking it’ll play nice with all of them on the lowest gains, but will see as I didn’t have the same amps when I first owned them 🤞
Jul 12, 2022 at 3:00 PM Post #150 of 220
finally after a 2 year absence team red is back


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