obzilla reacted to thaddeusflowe's comment on classifieds listing Hifiman susvara headphones In Good Condition with Like.Timestamp
obzilla replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....My guy caught em all!
obzilla added classifieds listing ZMF Verite Closed Olive Wood ** TRADE PENDING** to category Full-Size.**TRADE PENDING** Looking to trade my ZMF Verite closed for a mid/high-ish end DAC, amp, or DAC/Amp combo of comparable value, or...
obzilla posted a comment on classifieds listing [Last PD] Forza AudioWorks cable Fostex Noir Hybrid.Messaged
obzilla replied to the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!.Ok Karen
obzilla replied to the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!.I doubt they have sales reps. It's a simple operation. They weren't quick to respond or ship, but I got my cable from Poland to my door...
obzilla reacted to Zeppo19's post in the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones! with Like.This was music for my eyes (that metaphor does not translate well to written word) but you get me? I like their cables (for build...
obzilla replied to the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!.mid range? music reality? much resonance? who knows
obzilla reacted to 3ggerhappy's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.Thanks☺️. Not sure what you meant but it looks like this haha Old pic and a bit stretched
obzilla reacted to MatW's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.
obzilla replied to the thread Holo Audio Bliss.My BF2 never got warm when I had it, was basically room temperature at all times. My spring 2 has a small heat signature, but nothing...
obzilla reacted to RJHD3's post in the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones! with Like.Funny enough mine as well. Lovely fit.
obzilla reacted to Kevintj604's post in the thread Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones! with Like.Got the Dekoni Diana pads today. I really like the comfort. The seal is amazing on them. I find they warm the V2 up a tad.