Fostex T50RP 50th Anniversary Edition
Sep 6, 2023 at 2:27 PM Post #31 of 443
I think vanilla T50 vs T5050 comparison will be interesting.

I agree, you should make it happen :)

Are you unable to carry them? I wonder how much exactly weigh (without cable) 5050 and 60?

They are both very light by planar magnetic standards, as the RP driver itself is comparably compact. Fostex rate the T60 RP at 380g and the vanilla T50 as 315g, to my grip the 5050 is indeed just slightly lighter than the T60, I wouldn't be surprised it it was nearly the same weight as vanilla, but I don't have a proper scale to verify.

Alchemistt said:
Is the headband on the 5050 plastic or is it rubber?
(Where Fostex is written).

It's a nice thick rubber, quite pleasant to the touch. I think it is the same as the 20/40/50?

Alchemistt said:
Is it really possible to make your own cable for the 5050? This one looks very rough .. and microphone (conductive rustles and knocks).

The challenge would be the rotating connector as I think the RP series is the only headphone to use it, and they use a TRS 2.5 mm rather than balanced TRRS like the 5050. I would suggest if you try to make your own cable to cannibalize the locking connector from the stock. As far as microphonics on the stock, the cable itself isn't so bad for me, but there is some quite minor noise with movement in the lock itself, this is very much in line with what I hear on the same style connector on the blue, and is far preferable to the heavy creaking present on my T60.
Sep 6, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #34 of 443
They are both very light by planar magnetic standards, as the RP driver itself is comparably compact. Fostex rate the T60 RP at 380g and the vanilla T50 as 315g, to my grip the 5050 is indeed just slightly lighter than the T60, I wouldn't be surprised it it was nearly the same weight as vanilla, but I don't have a proper scale to verify.
I was hoping that 5050 is no more than 315 grams.
Now I think it's something like 340-350 grams.
For such speakers, this is of course not a lot of weight, but in my opinion and opts, headphones + 50% of the cord should weigh no more than 310 grams.
Sep 6, 2023 at 4:22 PM Post #36 of 443
I got a pair today. I’m new to Fostex, and planars actually so can’t offer much by way of comparisons. But they are a fun listen! Bass is a little lacking in depth and quality compared to what I am used to, but it is sufficient and can be eq’ed (a bit). The mids are lovely and smooth with a touch of a holographic quality. I was a bit worried about sibilance/sharpness in the highs (I’m very sensitive in this area) but needn’t have, I don’t find them overly bright and can listen for hours. Overall a fairly neutral but still fun presentation - I like them! Oh and I can’t detect any channel imbalance on mine.

Comfort is pretty good also. Stock pads feel a bit cheap perhaps. My little Fiio BTR7 drives them just fine (balanced, didn’t try SE), and I didn’t notice too much difference in terms of scaling/drive via my Bottlehead, although obviously the amps’ sound signatures couldn’t be more different.

I have some fenestrated pads around somewhere, I’m interested in seeing how they work, but outside of that I think I’m happy just to enjoy them as they are 🙂
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Sep 6, 2023 at 6:19 PM Post #37 of 443
As I mentioned a few post ago, here’s my mod:
First off, this is a highly tunable mod yet less invasive. It uses the stock earpads and is best with stock earpads. The best part.. it will only cost you less than $20 for materials and would only use a fraction of the materials making this a whopping $3.00 mod at best 😄
I haven’t posted this mod so I haven’t seen this type of mod done on any RP.

Cheap mod
Less invasive
Highly tunable
Uses stock earpads (sleeper look)
Zero bass bloat
Bass is well defined, highly musical
Sibilance tamed
No mid scoop
This mod just sings (to my ears)
Mod is easily reversible to stock for BUT why would you? :thinking:

Uses stock earpads??? Not a con in my book but is if you like a modded look
I don't have a measuring rig so no FR for you but that con is no me not the mod :sweat_smile:
Tuned by ear

Linear fun with very musical well defined bass. I've heard a few RP mods but this $3.00 mod might just (highly debatable) edge them out as it is non invasive, highly tunable and easily reverts to stock.

ThEvil0nE’s T50RP 50th Anni Tunable (sleeper) Mod

Materials: Link provided
MUJI unbleached cotton pads 60x50mm
Pure solid natural latex rubber tubing 6mm diameter.
Tape measure, scissors or knife and tape
Step 1: Remove earpads and do measurements of the square that is to be filled with cotton.
Step 2: Cut cotton pads to measured size, taper cut corners and fill the cutout to cover the driver and then re-install earpad. Repeat process for the other driver.
Step 3: Measure and cut the solid latex tubing 23cm, you need two. You can play around with lengths between 22-25cm, this is where the tuning happens.
Step 4: Tape to join both ends of the latex tubing with tape, any tape will do and make your tuning ring inserts.
Step 5: insert latex ring and keep the taped end on the rear of the earpad hole. Shallow insert for the rear just enough for the earpad to hold it in place, do not insert deeper (latex tubing is between the earpad and the earpad filter)
Step 6: slowly insert the top/bottom side of the latex tubing and work your way to the front. Top/bottom/front side will be inserted deeper to create an equal cavity space. Note: the rear will remain a shallow insert to create a wall.
Step 7: Double check your work. Do a listening test with your favorite tracks and be amazed!!
Give Terence F Clark & Art Edmaiston a listen with this mod 😎
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Sep 7, 2023 at 2:37 AM Post #38 of 443
I sold T60RP due to channel imbalance (frequency response).
Although the manufacturer says that they have never heard of any imbalance in their headphones) And there is no such problem.
I tried to love my T50MK2 many times, but they was deaf and muddy. One competent moder said that MK2 model has significant variation in quality (with pics of displaced magnets) from one copy to another. I also bought T50MK3 two times and they are identical. Hope LIMITED ANNIES have better quality control.
Sep 7, 2023 at 2:55 AM Post #39 of 443
I tried to love my T50MK2 many times, but they was deaf and muddy. One competent moder said that MK2 model has significant variation in quality (with pics of displaced magnets) from one copy to another. I also bought T50MK3 two times and they are identical. Hope LIMITED ANNIES have better quality control.
I have two 5050 accessibly to me, mine and my friend's and they are pretty well match sound wise.
Sep 7, 2023 at 10:28 AM Post #40 of 443
How to look for imbalance:
Get a tone generator.
like this one

we put on the ears (as usual, the left channel in the left ear ... etc.), turn on the tone generator, draw it from left to right, then from right to left, it should ring equally loudly in both ears.
We change the headphones (left channel to the right ear ... etc.) and repeat the procedure.

In the case of Fostex, the holes can be plugged with rubber bands and a second test can be carried out according to the principle described above, when everything is tight, it will be clear whether the connector and speakers make a difference (channels and frequency response).
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Sep 7, 2023 at 4:32 PM Post #42 of 443
The subj is limited edition but in stock everywhere. Looks strange?
I didn't even know it existed until I just stumbled upon it when I had an inkling of acquiring a T60RP. Dug deeper on the 50th Anni as I can't find anything about it and realized it was released sometime in June and some foreign article on Fostex 50th anniversary releases. Before this thread started not a single mention of the 50th existed, only one YT video of it in language foreign to me, one pair on eBay and Pifferia where I got mine. Now B&H just got theirs, Audio64 on pre-order.
Sep 8, 2023 at 12:32 AM Post #43 of 443
MSRP wise, the T50 50th (5050) is available as low as $200 from BHPhoto, whereas the Blue typically goes for ~$225 and the T60 is up on Amazon for $300 (all USD).
Was going to get another pair but it looks like B&H ran out and is waiting for a restock which might not happen. Would have gone with Audio64 as they are expecting stock tomorrow 9/8 but a quick search on Amazon yield result, seller AltoMusic, and went ahead to order a pair.

I can't seem to put the modded 5050 down since it came in and now will have a pair at home and a pair at work. It's a fun mid-centric presentation with just the right amount of unforced bass.
Sep 9, 2023 at 12:09 PM Post #44 of 443
Check-in #0366

I was lucky to grab one from B&H. It has been a while since I had the T-X0 from Massdrop, damp this T5050 is amazing, fun although the pads are crap. Beside HD800s, LCD's or Beyerdynamic's Tesla, this still makes me smile.

Now I need to change the pads and cable, any ideas dudes? Comparing ZMF Oval, Ori and Universal

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