Fostex T50RP 50th Anniversary Edition
Aug 29, 2023 at 12:42 PM Post #16 of 443
So it was a silent release. Would appreciate much if you can post measurements and see what Fostex has done with this t50rp with t60rp driver.


Sep 1, 2023 at 5:30 PM Post #19 of 443
#089 Reporting In :) Pifferia came through with with the T50rp 50th right in time for Fostex Friday

Gonna give them some ear time over the weekend and will hopefully be able to post some comparison to my T60RP and Dekoni Blues
Sweet! Shipped super fast right?
I do have mine modded too but using the stock pads. I’ll post the mod details soon. It’s something new, haven’t seen done like this and is what I call a tunable mod.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 6:16 AM Post #20 of 443
Awesome! Just ordered from avshop in Canada @ converted $221 USD + free shipping. So thankful I found this thread!

Question please. Will the ET-RP4.4BL work with these?


Sept 7’th: Shipped today, should arrive Monday.
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Sep 2, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #21 of 443
Awesome! Just ordered from avshop in Canada @ converted $221 USD + free shipping. So thankful I found this thread!

Question please. Will the ET-RP4.4BL work with these?


Unfortunately, the T50 Anni uses the same rotating style barrel lock as stock T50, not the straight entry the T60 uses.

That said, the Anni's barrel is balanced out of the box :) and it ships with a balanced 2.5 mm terminated cable option. I use a 2.5->XLR converter, since the T50 likes desktop grade power.
Sep 2, 2023 at 10:11 AM Post #22 of 443

Unfortunately, the T50 Anni uses the same rotating style barrel lock as stock T50, not the straight entry the T60 uses.

That said, the Anni's barrel is balanced out of the box :) and it ships with a balanced 2.5 mm terminated cable option. I use a 2.5->XLR converter, since the T50 likes desktop grade power.
I’m weighing between getting a balance termination converter or go Hart cable.
Sep 2, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #23 of 443
Thank you both. Ordered the ddHiFi DJ44AR. Will be using with the Fii0 K7. Will also try with my SONY DAP.

Also order the TC44Pro to see if my iPhone can drive the 5050s. If not, at least it’s an upgrade to my TC44A, to use with my IEMs.
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Sep 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM Post #25 of 443
0) I wonder if anyone tried to put ear pads from T60RP on T50RP? Always interested in the result
1) An interesting specimen, but for some reason there is no information at all on the official website, only T60 is sold there.
2) The price is slightly lower than on the T60RP, the main thing is that the weight has become less, 330 grams versus 395 grams.
3) Doesn't it bother anyone that there is an imbalance of channels on the measured graph? The old T60 and cheaper versions had complaints in this matter, from measurements on the Internet it can be seen that even expensive Fostex has frequency response imbalance problems.
(There is such a site DIY, there are a lot of things measured).
The manufacturer does not match the speakers to each other (information from technical support).
I took the T60RP apart and the mini jack on the left side of the jar has a bigger hole. There is a board in the left cup. Another imbalance depends on how much you twist the cups) Letting go of the left one gets more bass, etc.
Sep 5, 2023 at 12:52 PM Post #26 of 443
I had some time this past long weekend to enjoy my new T50 50th and also take some time to get reacquainted with my other RP variants to compare. There seems like a lot of interest in how these compare to the T60 particularly, which I can offer an impression point to help.

For context, I am an avid Fostex collector, but most of my ear time (and collection) are focused on their TH Biodyna models. (I have a TRx Ebony SN#12, TH900 Pearl White SN#26, TH 900 Red and TH 909 Red). Of course, I did not neglect the classic RP lineup, but my interest in them has and is primarily that of a collector/listener rather than a modder where their most avid enthusiasm lies... with that in mind, I don't own a vanilla T50 for modding, I went straight to Fostex own take on the mods and their licensed mod from Dekoni. I am stoked I found out about the T5050 before the limited run sold out, it's great to add #89/600 to my collection :)


Meet the Mags: L to R, T60RP, T50 50th Anni, Dekoni Blue T50

MSRP wise, the T50 50th (5050) is available as low as $200 from BHPhoto, whereas the Blue typically goes for ~$225 and the T60 is up on Amazon for $300 (all USD).

Physically, the Blue and 5050 have plastic housing (although the 5050 feels much more substantial and is heavier) whereas the T60 has a premium African Mahogany enclosure (there's a Walnut variation out there I wish I had been able to pickup, but Fostex just doesn't advertise these things much!). While absolutely stunning, the T60's wooden enclosure creaks something fierce on my unit (I've heard varying reports newer units are better). Visually the anniversary T50 is beautifully subdued, featuring gold anniversary font and metal highlights on a classic black backing.

The 5050 comes wired for balanced connections stock, just like the T60, whereas the Blue is single ended like the stock T20/40/50. Unfortunately, as noted in the thread previously, the 5050 uses the same right angled, locking barrel style connector as the blue/stock rather than the (nicer imo) vertical straight connector in the T60. Similarly, they have switched from a 3.5 TRRS to a slightly less robust 2.5 mm TRRS, but this is unlikely to be much issue with the locking port reducing strain. Fostex nicely includes a balanced 2.5 mm to 2.5 mm cable with the 5050, but I definitely prefer the 1st party XLR cable available for the T60... it's not a big deal to add a 4.4mm or XLR converter, but given 2.5mm seems to be going extinct it would have been nicer to have 4.4 mm or XLR termination.

For pads, the 5050 uses the same premium synthetic leather pads that the T60 uses. As far as non-hybrid pads go, I've always found Fostex premium pads to be quite good and are necessary to perfectly retain stock tuning. It's nice to have the upgraded pads included with the 5050 even at the reduced price. Padwise, the Blue really is the most comfortable of the bunch, Dekoni's hybrid pads really are nice for lengthy listening, but again for me it's not worth it at the expense of the purity of stock tuning (collector not modder!).

Finally, to my touch and brief inspection, the 5050 also reuses the T60's "leather" suspension band. The Blue has a small amount of padding on the frame, but lacks a strap.


Soundoff T50 50th vs. T60:

I'll start with the closer pairing. It's quite evident immediately that Fostex have reused the same damping changes made to the T60 here. Contrary to the marketing, I don't think the T60 uses a different driver vs. the 20/40/50, the modification was to the damping (and IIRC, driver pairing spec). Given that they also share pads and have similar headband structure, it's unsurprising there's a lot in common for sound.

In my particular case, the T60 pads are several years old and as a result I would give a slight edge to the T5050 in bass, but I do think this is just down to the pad age difference.

Mids are nice and linear on both, a very nice clean and flat transition from bass to lower mids speak to this design's success as a reference monitor and mastering tool.

Treble wise, the T60 has a very unique tuning, perhaps due to intereference with the housing. Whereas the 5050 has a very neutral to bright treble (peak magnitude is a little higher frequency than in most western tunings, but I don't find it unpleasant), the T60 has an odd dip of sorts separating a bit of extra lower treble push and the same higher frequency max. This combines in the T60's case to quite a unique textural presentation of vocals particularly. It's an odd distinction, but of all my headphones I would say the T60 is the most effective at helping me to identify voice actors in animated productions, it's quite supernaturally revealing for vocal granularity.

Overall, I would say the 5050 is a markedly more neutral tuning as a result, but it lacks the unique qualities that make the T60 quite special.


Soundoff: T50 50th vs. Dekoni Blue

Much more radical differences in tuning compared to the T60. The Blue is the only "Fostex Approved" and licensed 3rd party modification for the T50. Compared to the 5050, it is a notably more V shaped tuning, although also with less treble energy. The bass is higher in the tuning on the blue, although I find its texture a bit whooly and distorted at times. Lower mids particularly are quite recessed compared to the 5050, but this is helped a bit by a more forward lower treble presence, which adds some needed intimacy.

I have to admit, in coming back to the Blues they sounded much better than I remembered them... perhaps their time in the drawer has helped age them like a fine planar magnetic wine lol? Or maybe I'm just getting more tolerant for tuning variation in my old age. They lack the clarity and detail of the other variants, but as a nice laid back experience (particularly with their comfort factor) I could see myself sneaking in some time with them here and there for comfy fun.


Final Thoughts:

It's probably clear in terms of sound, I much prefer the leaner reference tuning of the Fostex versions. Particularly the 50th Anni presents a very nice take on Fostex reference signature, whereas the T60 manages to bring a supernatural illumination to vocal recordings, albeit at the expense of its overall natural quality however. I would rank them:

Sound: T50 50th > T60 >> Dekoni Blue

Comfort: Dekoni Blue>T50 50th>T60

Aesthetics: T60>T50 50th>Dekoni Blue
Sep 5, 2023 at 2:03 PM Post #27 of 443
I had some time this past long weekend to enjoy my new T50 50th and also take some time to get reacquainted with my other RP variants to compare. There seems like a lot of interest in how these compare to the T60 particularly, which I can offer an impression point to help.

For context, I am an avid Fostex collector, but most of my ear time (and collection) are focused on their TH Biodyna models. (I have a TRx Ebony SN#12, TH900 Pearl White SN#26, TH 900 Red and TH 909 Red). Of course, I did not neglect the classic RP lineup, but my interest in them has and is primarily that of a collector/listener rather than a modder where their most avid enthusiasm lies... with that in mind, I don't own a vanilla T50 for modding, I went straight to Fostex own take on the mods and their licensed mod from Dekoni. I am stoked I found out about the T5050 before the limited run sold out, it's great to add #89/600 to my collection :)

Meet the Mags: L to R, T60RP, T50 50th Anni, Dekoni Blue T50

MSRP wise, the T50 50th (5050) is available as low as $200 from BHPhoto, whereas the Blue typically goes for ~$225 and the T60 is up on Amazon for $300 (all USD).

Physically, the Blue and 5050 have plastic housing (although the 5050 feels much more substantial and is heavier) whereas the T60 has a premium African Mahogany enclosure (there's a Walnut variation out there I wish I had been able to pickup, but Fostex just doesn't advertise these things much!). While absolutely stunning, the T60's wooden enclosure creaks something fierce on my unit (I've heard varying reports newer units are better). Visually the anniversary T50 is beautifully subdued, featuring gold anniversary font and metal highlights on a classic black backing.

The 5050 comes wired for balanced connections stock, just like the T60, whereas the Blue is single ended like the stock T20/40/50. Unfortunately, as noted in the thread previously, the 5050 uses the same right angled, locking barrel style connector as the blue/stock rather than the (nicer imo) vertical straight connector in the T60. Similarly, they have switched from a 3.5 TRRS to a slightly less robust 2.5 mm TRRS, but this is unlikely to be much issue with the locking port reducing strain. Fostex nicely includes a balanced 2.5 mm to 2.5 mm cable with the 5050, but I definitely prefer the 1st party XLR cable available for the T60... it's not a big deal to add a 4.4mm or XLR converter, but given 2.5mm seems to be going extinct it would have been nicer to have 4.4 mm or XLR termination.

For pads, the 5050 uses the same premium synthetic leather pads that the T60 uses. As far as non-hybrid pads go, I've always found Fostex premium pads to be quite good and are necessary to perfectly retain stock tuning. It's nice to have the upgraded pads included with the 5050 even at the reduced price. Padwise, the Blue really is the most comfortable of the bunch, Dekoni's hybrid pads really are nice for lengthy listening, but again for me it's not worth it at the expense of the purity of stock tuning (collector not modder!).

Finally, to my touch and brief inspection, the 5050 also reuses the T60's "leather" suspension band. The Blue has a small amount of padding on the frame, but lacks a strap.


Soundoff T50 50th vs. T60:

I'll start with the closer pairing. It's quite evident immediately that Fostex have reused the same damping changes made to the T60 here. Contrary to the marketing, I don't think the T60 uses a different driver vs. the 20/40/50, the modification was to the damping (and IIRC, driver pairing spec). Given that they also share pads and have similar headband structure, it's unsurprising there's a lot in common for sound.

In my particular case, the T60 pads are several years old and as a result I would give a slight edge to the T5050 in bass, but I do think this is just down to the pad age difference.

Mids are nice and linear on both, a very nice clean and flat transition from bass to lower mids speak to this design's success as a reference monitor and mastering tool.

Treble wise, the T60 has a very unique tuning, perhaps due to intereference with the housing. Whereas the 5050 has a very neutral to bright treble (peak magnitude is a little higher frequency than in most western tunings, but I don't find it unpleasant), the T60 has an odd dip of sorts separating a bit of extra lower treble push and the same higher frequency max. This combines in the T60's case to quite a unique textural presentation of vocals particularly. It's an odd distinction, but of all my headphones I would say the T60 is the most effective at helping me to identify voice actors in animated productions, it's quite supernaturally revealing for vocal granularity.

Overall, I would say the 5050 is a markedly more neutral tuning as a result, but it lacks the unique qualities that make the T60 quite special.


Soundoff: T50 50th vs. Dekoni Blue

Much more radical differences in tuning compared to the T60. The Blue is the only "Fostex Approved" and licensed 3rd party modification for the T50. Compared to the 5050, it is a notably more V shaped tuning, although also with less treble energy. The bass is higher in the tuning on the blue, although I find its texture a bit whooly and distorted at times. Lower mids particularly are quite recessed compared to the 5050, but this is helped a bit by a more forward lower treble presence, which adds some needed intimacy.

I have to admit, in coming back to the Blues they sounded much better than I remembered them... perhaps their time in the drawer has helped age them like a fine planar magnetic wine lol? Or maybe I'm just getting more tolerant for tuning variation in my old age. They lack the clarity and detail of the other variants, but as a nice laid back experience (particularly with their comfort factor) I could see myself sneaking in some time with them here and there for comfy fun.


Final Thoughts:

It's probably clear in terms of sound, I much prefer the leaner reference tuning of the Fostex versions. Particularly the 50th Anni presents a very nice take on Fostex reference signature, whereas the T60 manages to bring a supernatural illumination to vocal recordings, albeit at the expense of its overall natural quality however. I would rank them:

Sound: T50 50th > T60 >> Dekoni Blue

Comfort: Dekoni Blue>T50 50th>T60

Aesthetics: T60>T50 50th>Dekoni Blue
That was a really good read and indeed B&H just got them listed for $199.99

I did have a brief listen to the Blue at AXPONA years ago and it was it’s bass behavior that stuck out for me, even today from recollection alone. I ended up bring home a 99 Neo instead which the wife took ownership very quickly lol.
Sep 6, 2023 at 11:05 AM Post #30 of 443
I had some time this past long weekend to enjoy my new T50 50th and also take some time to get reacquainted with my other RP variants to compare. There seems like a lot of interest in how these compare to the T60 particularly, which I can offer an impression point to help.

For context, I am an avid Fostex collector, but most of my ear time (and collection) are focused on their TH Biodyna models. (I have a TRx Ebony SN#12, TH900 Pearl White SN#26, TH 900 Red and TH 909 Red). Of course, I did not neglect the classic RP lineup, but my interest in them has and is primarily that of a collector/listener rather than a modder where their most avid enthusiasm lies... with that in mind, I don't own a vanilla T50 for modding, I went straight to Fostex own take on the mods and their licensed mod from Dekoni. I am stoked I found out about the T5050 before the limited run sold out, it's great to add #89/600 to my collection :)

Meet the Mags: L to R, T60RP, T50 50th Anni, Dekoni Blue T50

MSRP wise, the T50 50th (5050) is available as low as $200 from BHPhoto, whereas the Blue typically goes for ~$225 and the T60 is up on Amazon for $300 (all USD).

Physically, the Blue and 5050 have plastic housing (although the 5050 feels much more substantial and is heavier) whereas the T60 has a premium African Mahogany enclosure (there's a Walnut variation out there I wish I had been able to pickup, but Fostex just doesn't advertise these things much!). While absolutely stunning, the T60's wooden enclosure creaks something fierce on my unit (I've heard varying reports newer units are better). Visually the anniversary T50 is beautifully subdued, featuring gold anniversary font and metal highlights on a classic black backing.

The 5050 comes wired for balanced connections stock, just like the T60, whereas the Blue is single ended like the stock T20/40/50. Unfortunately, as noted in the thread previously, the 5050 uses the same right angled, locking barrel style connector as the blue/stock rather than the (nicer imo) vertical straight connector in the T60. Similarly, they have switched from a 3.5 TRRS to a slightly less robust 2.5 mm TRRS, but this is unlikely to be much issue with the locking port reducing strain. Fostex nicely includes a balanced 2.5 mm to 2.5 mm cable with the 5050, but I definitely prefer the 1st party XLR cable available for the T60... it's not a big deal to add a 4.4mm or XLR converter, but given 2.5mm seems to be going extinct it would have been nicer to have 4.4 mm or XLR termination.

For pads, the 5050 uses the same premium synthetic leather pads that the T60 uses. As far as non-hybrid pads go, I've always found Fostex premium pads to be quite good and are necessary to perfectly retain stock tuning. It's nice to have the upgraded pads included with the 5050 even at the reduced price. Padwise, the Blue really is the most comfortable of the bunch, Dekoni's hybrid pads really are nice for lengthy listening, but again for me it's not worth it at the expense of the purity of stock tuning (collector not modder!).

Finally, to my touch and brief inspection, the 5050 also reuses the T60's "leather" suspension band. The Blue has a small amount of padding on the frame, but lacks a strap.


Soundoff T50 50th vs. T60:

I'll start with the closer pairing. It's quite evident immediately that Fostex have reused the same damping changes made to the T60 here. Contrary to the marketing, I don't think the T60 uses a different driver vs. the 20/40/50, the modification was to the damping (and IIRC, driver pairing spec). Given that they also share pads and have similar headband structure, it's unsurprising there's a lot in common for sound.

In my particular case, the T60 pads are several years old and as a result I would give a slight edge to the T5050 in bass, but I do think this is just down to the pad age difference.

Mids are nice and linear on both, a very nice clean and flat transition from bass to lower mids speak to this design's success as a reference monitor and mastering tool.

Treble wise, the T60 has a very unique tuning, perhaps due to intereference with the housing. Whereas the 5050 has a very neutral to bright treble (peak magnitude is a little higher frequency than in most western tunings, but I don't find it unpleasant), the T60 has an odd dip of sorts separating a bit of extra lower treble push and the same higher frequency max. This combines in the T60's case to quite a unique textural presentation of vocals particularly. It's an odd distinction, but of all my headphones I would say the T60 is the most effective at helping me to identify voice actors in animated productions, it's quite supernaturally revealing for vocal granularity.

Overall, I would say the 5050 is a markedly more neutral tuning as a result, but it lacks the unique qualities that make the T60 quite special.


Soundoff: T50 50th vs. Dekoni Blue

Much more radical differences in tuning compared to the T60. The Blue is the only "Fostex Approved" and licensed 3rd party modification for the T50. Compared to the 5050, it is a notably more V shaped tuning, although also with less treble energy. The bass is higher in the tuning on the blue, although I find its texture a bit whooly and distorted at times. Lower mids particularly are quite recessed compared to the 5050, but this is helped a bit by a more forward lower treble presence, which adds some needed intimacy.

I have to admit, in coming back to the Blues they sounded much better than I remembered them... perhaps their time in the drawer has helped age them like a fine planar magnetic wine lol? Or maybe I'm just getting more tolerant for tuning variation in my old age. They lack the clarity and detail of the other variants, but as a nice laid back experience (particularly with their comfort factor) I could see myself sneaking in some time with them here and there for comfy fun.


Final Thoughts:

It's probably clear in terms of sound, I much prefer the leaner reference tuning of the Fostex versions. Particularly the 50th Anni presents a very nice take on Fostex reference signature, whereas the T60 manages to bring a supernatural illumination to vocal recordings, albeit at the expense of its overall natural quality however. I would rank them:

Sound: T50 50th > T60 >> Dekoni Blue

Comfort: Dekoni Blue>T50 50th>T60

Aesthetics: T60>T50 50th>Dekoni Blue
Are you unable to carry them? I wonder how much exactly weigh (without cable) 5050 and 60?

Is the headband on the 5050 plastic or is it rubber?
(Where Fostex is written).

Is it really possible to make your own cable for the 5050? This one looks very rough .. and microphone (conductive rustles and knocks).

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