Formula 1-fi (Read the First Post!)
Aug 29, 2016 at 10:04 AM Post #2,821 of 3,854
Alonso/Honda was also surprise given that this track was not one suited for them.

Yes. Any question as to his driving ability fading have been answered in spades. That an Button's run up to the points before the almost inevitable ill luck struck has me gasping in horror that Denis might actually be proven right with his prediction that it will be Mac who dethrones Merc in the end. Easily gets the award for "Most Improved" for this season.
Aug 29, 2016 at 10:18 AM Post #2,823 of 3,854
  But they have some trouble in house,108036.html

The trouble there will be Ronbo. His urge to micromanage may well make him hesitant to discharge the duties he has. I think the Capito/Boulier  thing is being over emphasized by the Spanish press.
 Anyone else notice Lauda has been conspicuously unquoted since the infamous dressing room destruction comments?

PS  I am really hoping to see FI take another podium and I think Italy could well be the place.  "Wave nicely to the Williams, when you pass them boys" :)
Aug 29, 2016 at 10:33 AM Post #2,825 of 3,854
Monza should suit williams though so it will be tough.
But Force India is surely the most impressive team considering the resources available. However Hulken can´t block faster cars well here. As for HAAS to bad they couldn´t follow up their flying start but that was a bit much to be expected. 
Aug 29, 2016 at 10:57 AM Post #2,826 of 3,854
  Is Perez staying or going(Williams / Renault) ?

I don't think anyone really knows but the rumour mill is in full swing. Williams would be the end of his career while Renault may show some promise.
  Monza should suit williams though so it will be tough.
But Force India is surely the most impressive team considering the resources available. However Hulken can´t block faster cars well here. As for HAAS to bad they couldn´t follow up their flying start but that was a bit much to be expected. 

I really think Williams is struggling all through the envelope. If they go for speed they will be making 8 stops for tyres and if they dont, well exiting duels with Manor await:)
Aug 29, 2016 at 11:15 AM Post #2,827 of 3,854
Williams can only go for speed. Their car is made for low downforce. Monza is not heavy at tires either but we will see. Can always rain.
Aug 29, 2016 at 11:29 AM Post #2,828 of 3,854
  Williams can only go for speed. Their car is made for low downforce. Monza is not heavy at tires either but we will see. Can always rain.

I'm sure Pirelli will just mandate 200 psi and everything will be just fine:)
Aug 29, 2016 at 9:59 PM Post #2,829 of 3,854
  Yes, being in the back of the bus takes a lot of pressure of Lew. 

   Yes Rosa Parks would be proud... from the back of the bus to the front!

  I dont think they have that much margin left as seen in qualy.

  That maybe true but remember: Lewis wasn't a factor in Qualy - he was concentrating on long runs - which meant Rosberg had to setup his car without,
  (possibly for the 1st time in years) peeking at the data on the other side of the garage... Kimi should have had pole - Rosberg was extremely lucky... 
Aug 29, 2016 at 10:56 PM Post #2,830 of 3,854
   Yes Rosa Parks would be proud... from the back of the bus to the front!

  That maybe true but remember: Lewis wasn't a factor in Qualy - he was concentrating on long runs - which meant Rosberg had to setup his car without,
  (possibly for the 1st time in years) peeking at the data on the other side of the garage... Kimi should have had pole - Rosberg was extremely lucky... 

Ha. The Rosa Parks ref didn't occur to me. It was a Riddick quote:)
What seems to be telling here with the Merc is it took Ham only 18 laps to move up to 3rd while Rosberg had only pulled 5 seconds out of Ric up at the front.
Aug 30, 2016 at 5:36 AM Post #2,831 of 3,854
Ha. The Rosa Parks ref didn't occur to me. It was a Riddick quote:)
What seems to be telling here with the Merc is it took Ham only 18 laps to move up to 3rd while Rosberg had only pulled 5 seconds out of Ric up at the front.

It sure is a Riddick Quote... but it's true meaning might get lost if one isn't aware of
the African-American experience during the Civil Rights Era...

Dig a little deeper (esoteric) and you realize what Tombs has just said to Riddick is
No joke!!! Who says Vin Diesel is not Black?

Rosberg & Ricciardo got lucky with that red flag... if there wasn't a red flag then Ham & Alonso
would have been at the front when Rosberg & Ricciardo would've had to pit for tires & work their
way through traffic... Ham would have won the race most likely... But all is good - 3rd place,
Fastest lap & not having to drink out of Ricciardo's shoe (not to mention spare engines & parts
to last till the end of the season) ain't bad for a Black Formula One Driver working his way up...
from the back of the bus... 
n' Schiit...
Aug 30, 2016 at 8:18 AM Post #2,832 of 3,854
I see a lot of complaining about Max again. His moves may have been aggressive but they were also not against the rules. He did not push Raikkonen off the track as he blocked before Raikkonen had any part of his car along side and Raikkonen was able to slow down enough. This is almost identical to Schumacher defending against Hakkinen on the same straight in 2000. If the FIA want this type of aggressive racing to stop then they need to make explicit rules against it.
Max also did not move twice illegally; you are allowed to move once off the racing line to defend your position and then move back towards the racing line leaving a cars width of space and then follow your racing line into the corner. One of the Force Indias did move more than that on the Kemmel straight, weaving, possibly trying to break the tow. Hamilton did this in Malaysia in 2010 and only received a warning for it, but nothing at Spa.
Aug 30, 2016 at 8:22 AM Post #2,833 of 3,854
Apparently JB has been told that Vandoorne will replace him in 2017:
Sad, but then again I am sceptical that McLaren will have a car capable of winning the WDC before 2018.
Aug 30, 2016 at 8:27 AM Post #2,834 of 3,854
I had always wondered if the directors intent on that was somewhat historical.
Fortunes of racing.  Circumstances conspired to assist the "Champions Luck" syndrome, but not totally as you mention the possibilities for Alonso and Ham. The red flag completely unhinged the complexion of that race. I think Hulkenberg hurt the most there after the SCUD pilots of course but that was largely Vettel induced.
  Mad Max showing immaturity while having to thread through the pack was nice to see. He doesn't have all the skills needed for a WDC right out of the cradle it appears. What intrigued me here was just how Vettel got by him. Seb really managed to create a solution there and has figured out early on that the sneak attack dive bomb is the way to go. Kimi's error is telegraphing his intentions to the kid which allows him to use the "lower formulae" defensive strat. Oddly, that strat was en vogue in the big leagues up until aero became king.
 Not sure that I agree with Martin Bumbledoor saying that the grid will have to get used to Max's technique. It's fairly easy to put a wing into the tyre of a guy doing that and make it all his fault so a few race ending spins may sort him out. Then again, I don't expect much from the Sky crew. If they have such difficulty identifying Botas/Massa and Kimi/Vettel we should not expect much in the form of concise analysis. De Resta seems to be coming up to speed though.
 Post race drivers room encounters are really starting to become obvious. Shake Nicos hand and go over and talk to Hamilton seems to be more and more common. I cannot tell if Nico just has no friends on the grid of if Ham has them all in thrall. I mean, if he can dig some personality out of Vettel, thats an achievement in itself. The boos on the podium must really be getting to Nico by now. Then again German win in Belgium is not a popular one so it may not be personally directed. Weber really looked taken aback by it.
I'm hoping for more mayhem in Italy, this time favouring Force India. Love to see them on more podiums while Williams works there way back to Sauber (who may in fact actually have money next year to build a decent car)
Aug 30, 2016 at 8:59 AM Post #2,835 of 3,854
  What seems to be telling here with the Merc is it took Ham only 18 laps to move up to 3rd while Rosberg had only pulled 5 seconds out of Ric up at the front.

Helped by the safety car when many people in front pitted moving Hamilton from 11th to 5th at which point the red flag came out giving him a free tyre change. If the first lap collisions hadn't happened at the front, I doubt that Hamilton would have got higher than 5th. Rosberg did all he needed to; he pulled out a 4 second lead on the first lap and managed the gap till the end of the race. I'm not his biggest fan, but he can lead a race well when not under pressure. He also has less power unit components than Hamilton now so will want to drive conservatively whenever possible to extend their life.

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