Formula 1-fi (Read the First Post!)
Jul 4, 2016 at 9:42 AM Post #2,642 of 3,854
Its not for this year, they have contract till 2020. So all the talk is for beyond 2020 & it might happen things might not change but he gets good contract for himself, I see it as bullying tactics.

I thought the timeline was quicker than that. Being under scrutiny may well bring positive changes, Bernie may be looking at retirement and wishing to leave some form of positive legacy. I am wondering if the next time Hamilton runs Nico out of room they'll penalize him. Not likely, and the Hamilton nuts think this is convincing evidence that proves his ability.

To be fair, Lew has racked up more penalties this year than just about anyone else on the grid. I have to look at that incident as Rosberg being overly optimistic in a car with failing brakes. The smart move would have been to let him by and protect you championship lead.
  I am still waiting for more info on the debris picked up from Vettels car and how it was affecting the Merc in the latter laps. As a safety concern the pit wall would have been able to warn him if anything was seriously amiss.
Jul 4, 2016 at 6:38 PM Post #2,644 of 3,854

Ouch. That's going to leave a mark:) I of course, much like everyone else, eagerly await the re introduction of the AMG Hammer

 Still. I cannot help feeling pity for Nico. This is a do or die year I suspect and these antics cannot be having a favorable effect on contract negotiations.His errors are inevitably in racecraft when challenged hard. Fubarri might be a better fit for him in future.
I have to admit to being perplexed by the radio nonesense. I read that FI actually went to the FIA to ask if they could tell their guys their brakes were gone. The genii of course said no thats a penalty thing. Yer Merc could tell Lew that the suspension loading was going critical but not any warning to him or Flossy over the brakes.
 I think someone like FI should haul the FIA into court and sue for the repairs to their cars to set a precedent. This radio nonsense is looking like a repeat of knock out qualifying, yeah well review it and do nothing until a unanimous rebellion is about to start. Someone had their head firmly inserted in the wrong end when that one was though out.
Jul 4, 2016 at 6:56 PM Post #2,645 of 3,854
I have to admit to being perplexed by the radio nonesense. I read that FI actually went to the FIA to ask if they could tell their guys their brakes were gone. The genii of course said no thats a penalty thing. Yer Merc could tell Lew that the suspension loading was going critical but not any warning to him or Flossy over the brakes.
 I think someone like FI should haul the FIA into court and sue for the repairs to their cars to set a precedent. This radio nonsense is looking like a repeat of knock out qualifying, yeah well review it and do nothing until a unanimous rebellion is about to start. Someone had their head firmly inserted in the wrong end when that one was though out.

It's only a temporary armistice from Bernie on quali though isn't it? He promised to revisit the format anew in 2017, which probably means a re-run of the first couple of races of this season or some equally daft format until there's another coup and he's forced to back down again. I think most people agree on the radio deal that it's irrational the way it stands - too much of an all or nothing thing going on with the FIA.
Jul 4, 2016 at 7:15 PM Post #2,646 of 3,854
It's only a temporary armistice from Bernie on quali though isn't it? He promised to revisit the format anew in 2017, which probably means a re-run of the first couple of races of this season or some equally daft format until there's another coup and he's forced to back down again. I think most people agree on the radio deal that it's irrational the way it stands - too much of an all or nothing thing going on with the FIA.

I am not sure if that was not Bernie saving face. I think unless a real spectacular method of qualifying comes up no one will mention it again. Quite simply, it ain't broke and we have seen the grid mixed up pretty well this year without foolhardy interference from Mt Olympus.
 The radio deal just seems like everyone shies away from it. Even Wolff backpedaled when they tried to pin him down on his views after Azerbaijan. I hope it does not take some major event to get it handled.
Jul 5, 2016 at 2:36 AM Post #2,647 of 3,854
Well it makes for better racing if cars that appear to go for a win breaks down and what not. Is it impossible to feel as a driver is brakes is turning bad? In simracing I can generally feel it myself if I flat spot the tires, or get bad brakes or suspension breaks.
They are professionals but must be super nannied.
Jul 5, 2016 at 9:14 AM Post #2,648 of 3,854
  Well it makes for better racing if cars that appear to go for a win breaks down and what not. Is it impossible to feel as a driver is brakes is turning bad? In simracing I can generally feel it myself if I flat spot the tires, or get bad brakes or suspension breaks.
They are professionals but must be super nannied.

Apparently not if Perez's excursion into the wall is anything to judge by:)  Carbon Carbon brakes are notorious for going very quickly when they have reached their limit. The thing of it is the racing would be the same if the driver was informed and had to back off to manage the brakes to the end of the race.
  Two minds again here. The FIA is right on the curbing call. Keep off it or build your car to withstand it, no big mystery there. With brakes, fuel system's and a few other things I can think of it is a point of safety for the driver in the car and the drivers around him. Of course, if that info is available at the pit wall there is no reason it cannot be displayed in car as well. A little more data saturation might lead to a few helmet fires, which of course would impact the race as well.
Nannied:)  I keep thinking of the scene in "The Right Stuff" where the Mercury Capsule is shown to the original 7 and von Braun keeps referring to the pilot as "The Occupant"
  To me, the race to manage the technology is at least as interesting as the track antics. Merc having come in with Brawn has and does do it better than anyone else on track. Mac had it down, then lost it. The SCUD, well, they are and always will be the SCUD. FI seems to have grappled it down to the point where they have made it an asset that puts them about 3 spots up from where they were.
Speaking of needing nannies.....
  No shocker there as everyone on earth knows there is no love lost between the two. Lewis claiming otherwise I suspect has more to do with the PR staff than anything else.
 What surprises me somewhat is Lauda going public with that little dressing room bombshell when Wolff is trying desperately to keep it all within the team. Doubly surprised when you find out Niki chose to do it on Dieter Redbulls own failing TV channel.  Merc Almighty is showing some wear and tear these days
Jul 7, 2016 at 5:56 AM Post #2,649 of 3,854
  No shocker there as everyone on earth knows there is no love lost between the two. Lewis claiming otherwise I suspect has more to do with the PR staff than anything else.
 What surprises me somewhat is Lauda going public with that little dressing room bombshell when Wolff is trying desperately to keep it all within the team. Doubly surprised when you find out Niki chose to do it on Dieter Redbulls own failing TV channel.  Merc Almighty is showing some wear and tear these days

Yeah, surprising Lauda would "break the silence" like that. How long before Hamilton comes to blows with Rosberg on live TV, like he did with Maldonando a few years ago? I bet Bernie is rubbing his hands - all this tension and drama is great for publicity!
Jul 7, 2016 at 9:34 AM Post #2,650 of 3,854
Yeah, surprising Lauda would "break the silence" like that. How long before Hamilton comes to blows with Rosberg on live TV, like he did with Maldonando a few years ago? I bet Bernie is rubbing his hands - all this tension and drama is great for publicity!

Absolutely. Now that Merc has issued a recant on the Lauda interview, it gets more interesting. Lets face it Merc was whining galore last year as their cars got no coverage during the races when they were running away. Now they get all they can handle. They are pretty much guaranteed the constructors title and the drivers title so all the apoplexy seems a little contrived at the moment.
 Toto is supposed to make some decision today. I am sure that Bernie has had a word or two for him in the last week. Most likely suggested Niki Laudanum get back on his meds too

  As it stands. An "In Car" camera sitting right on top of the merc Pit Wall would probably be at least as interesting this weekend as the race will be.
 The Brit GP is always one of my favourites. There is always some form of pure madness that happens there. Hoping this year is a prime example. We really need Ricciardo to get on his race game again to get a little more heat up in the front ranks.
Jul 7, 2016 at 9:40 AM Post #2,651 of 3,854
Difference is Hamilton wouldn't be crying about the steward's decision afterwards.

Say wat? I've never heard a driver in the current lineup whine as much as Lewis or Lewis fans do.
I'm not saying Rosberg's trick was sporting (although what was it the team said about a brake by wire failure on the last lap?), I'm just saying Lewis has done the same thing and then says "that's racing if you can't handle it you're not a good enough driver" and his dumb fans go "Ooooh my man Hammertime knows how to drive. If Rosberg can't take the Shack get off his road."
It goes both ways. The whole "Rosberg is whining, poor Lewis" makes zero sense, and when push comes to shove Lewis has gotten away with it more often; I assume due to his pull with fans ready to open their wallets.
Jul 7, 2016 at 9:49 AM Post #2,652 of 3,854
Say wat? I've never heard a driver in the current lineup whine as much as Lewis or Lewis fans do.
I'm not saying Rosberg's trick sporting (although what was it the team said about a brake by wire failure on the last lap?), I'm just saying Lewis has done the same thing and then says "that's racing if you can't handle it you're not a good enough driver" and his dumb fans go "Ooooh my man Hammertime knows how to drive. If Rosberg can't take the Shack get off his road."
It goes both ways. The whole "Rosberg is whining, poor Lewis" makes zero sense, and when push comes to shove Lewis has gotten away with it more often; I assume due to his pull with fans ready to open their wallets.

Rosberg was at fault in Spain as well IMO, even though it was chalked up as a racing incident. I'm not sure if there was any implication in what you said there, but I can assure you I'm not a fan of Hamilton's, I just happen to think he has a cutting edge, or extra 10% or whatever, that Rosberg lacks. 3 WDC would tend to back that up. Nico on the other hand seems destined to be a perennial second driver, whether at Merc or some other team.
Jul 7, 2016 at 10:35 AM Post #2,653 of 3,854
Rosberg was at fault in Spain as well IMO, even though it was chalked up as a racing incident. I'm not sure if there was any implication in what you said there, but I can assure you I'm not a fan of Hamilton's, I just happen to think he has a cutting edge, or extra 10% or whatever, that Rosberg lacks. 3 WDC would tend to back that up. Nico on the other hand seems destined to be a perennial second driver, whether at Merc or some other team.

I tend to think Lewis is the marginally better driver of the two as well, but the thing is that accepting that opinion, Rosberg doesn't whine or have tantrums like Lewis and Lewis has pulled dirty moves before and it's all good with the stewards.
For all the whoopdeedoo about Lewis getting penalties this year, we all know dang well he won't have a third penalization this year, regardless of his driving antics, because it would anger too many people and have an influence on the DC... 'third penalization' or whatever the cutoff is before incurring harsh grid penalties. They love to show favoritism to crowd favorites that make the sport lots of money; in 2014 Kevin was pulling moves similar to Alonso and got nailed a lot on it - the commentators even called attention to the fact he was being singled out.
I guess I don't expect 100% fairness in a sport governed more by The Dollar than by sporting chance, but it is aggravating to see and especially to listen to the same pundits cry foul only when their man is on the crappy end of the situation.
Jul 7, 2016 at 10:38 AM Post #2,654 of 3,854
Rosberg was at fault in Spain as well IMO, even though it was chalked up as a racing incident. I'm not sure if there was any implication in what you said there, but I can assure you I'm not a fan of Hamilton's, I just happen to think he has a cutting edge, or extra 10% or whatever, that Rosberg lacks. 3 WDC would tend to back that up. Nico on the other hand seems destined to be a perennial second driver, whether at Merc or some other team.

I think that sums it up fairly well.  Even Verstappen had the measure of Rosberg this time round.  The diff was that Hamilton got his first WDC in a not so great and dominant car where Rosberg has failed to gain one in a vehicle that is a half minute faster than anything on the field. When it goes rim to rim Lewis can push back, and hard, Rosberg tends to get the worst of it and appears easily goaded into brain fade.
  I am not a particular fan of any driver on the grid at this point. Possibly Kimi or DanRic excepted, but I can certainly appreciate ability and cunning when I see it. I also remember well all the jokes about Lewis at Maclaren not being able to mange tires and eating rubber like a maniac. Times have changed.
 I still think Flossy winds up at the SCUD, if for no other reason than he fills the Barrichelo/Massa role to a tee.
Somewhere along the line Merc is going to have to wake up and smell the fact that they created the situation they are in and for good or bad will have to make some drastic alteration in the organizational structure.  While I am certain they have been hoping for a German Driver/German Title combo for years, it just has not materialized. Now in the midst of a contract negotiation it looks like their hope there has been derailed once again.  They are in the mirror opposite scenario of the SCUD, fragmented by their own success where Ferrari is shattered by their lack of it.
Jul 7, 2016 at 11:12 AM Post #2,655 of 3,854
  I am not a particular fan of any driver on the grid at this point. Possibly Kimi or DanRic excepted, but I can certainly appreciate ability and cunning when I see it.

Danny Ric comes across as a genuinely likeable guy, unlike most of the grid. Kimi not so much, but he'll always be admired by many for his refusal to engage in BS and the hilarity of his laconic radio comms. I'd also add Jenson to that list - just a pity we don't often get to see him compete at the thin end of the wedge any more. In terms of Brits, it's much easier to be a fan of Button's than it is Hamilton's. You can admire the latter's race-craft, but it's difficult to warm to his poser-ish, arrogant personality.

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