For The Love of God...Do Not Buy Souls
Jun 6, 2012 at 10:57 AM Post #31 of 160
What perplexes me even more is that some people are willing to dump $900 on an phone or iPhone or iPad and then go "woah $150 for headphones, that's way too expensive". It's like they expect sound is sound and any really cheap headphone that produces sound is good enough because "it all sounds the same".

I know a clown that think his scullcandy earbuds are better than any pair of headphones you can buy, and that they sound just as good as my hd800s.

Jun 6, 2012 at 11:02 AM Post #32 of 160
I just avoid those discussions. If you have to have them, don't concentrate on the price - plug the marketing line or whatever else. It changes the tone of the discussion. It doesn't come across as a "well I'm better than you" or "you're no better than me" kind of argument, because you aren't even bringing them into it. For example if you just bought an expensive pair of Koss headphones, you could respond with something like "well they're made in the USA, they have a lifetime warranty, and the company will always support them - that adds to the price" or something similar. Give them a way to rationalize the price in more general terms, basically. "It sounds better" is really hard for people (even Head-Fi people) to wrap their heads around.

100% true
Jun 6, 2012 at 5:27 PM Post #33 of 160
What perplexes me even more is that some people are willing to dump $900 on an phone or iPhone or iPad and then go "woah $150 for headphones, that's way too expensive". It's like they expect sound is sound and any really cheap headphone that produces sound is good enough because "it all sounds the same".

It doesn't bother me. People have their preferences of what they find more important in life, and it's not my place to tell them which they should be spending their money on.
If it were up to me, I'd tell them to spend $5 on a pair of Sentry ear plugs, and give the rest of their $600 hobby budget to me. 

Jun 7, 2012 at 4:45 AM Post #35 of 160
Cuz it's all about the sound of the mutha *****in truth!
You say Beats rule all but crap you ain't got the proof
Best stay outta my way wit dat crap so jacked
that you can't even tell Dre's tappin' yo a-s-s.
Jun 9, 2012 at 12:32 AM Post #37 of 160
(Previous three comments overflowing with win)
My first experience with these mediacore "All teens wet dream" headphones was with a skullcandy over-ear set. I had no headphones on me and I wanted to listen to some music. I borrowed my friends headset.
They felt good, had a nice weight on them, but I put them on my head and it gave me a headache by how tight it was. I turned on some music. Not the best pair of headphones I have had, but not bad. Flip the song to Pax Doreum by enya; a very bass-heavy song, flip on the little bass switch. A disgustingly horrid buzzing noise vibrated my brain to the point where cells disconnected and it turned into the consistancy of sand. (Slighty over exaggerating) But it was still horrid for headphones that advertise themselves as being centered on bass.
I tried beats by dre a few months ago, only for a moment though. They are not utterly horrible. Not plesant, but not bad. But at a price that could get you a pair of Senheiser 650s? It is a gimmic. They put a huge price tag on it and to every little teenager in the world who can't take the time to research thinks they are amazing because of the tag.
Never tried a pair of souls but they look like they are just a latch on to beats because they saw how successful beats where and wanted to profit off of their style. And I can't even understand that because:
I always get the argument that "They look cool" But in my opinion, they are the most unattractive, cheap-looking headphones on the market. I look at those things and I don't even know how they fit on my head.

Jun 9, 2012 at 2:33 AM Post #38 of 160
+1 Good rhymes Dude 

  Right back atcha!
I tried beats by dre a few months ago, only for a moment though. They are not utterly horrible. Not plesant, but not bad. But at a price that could get you a pair of Senheiser 650s? It is a gimmic. They put a huge price tag on it and to every little teenager in the world who can't take the time to research thinks they are amazing because of the tag.

Maybe that's the draw.  Maybe it's not about the sound at all, but a personal status statement.  I'll bet there are more than a few people out there that walk around thinking "yeah I can afford $300+ headphones that do nothing but make me look good because I'm better than you."  If that's the mentality, then I just gotta say "if you don't think you're enough without a pair, you'll never be enough with with a pair."
Never tried a pair of souls but they look like they are just a latch on to beats because they saw how successful beats where and wanted to profit off of their style.

Admittedly, I do find Souls noticeably cleaner than Beats.  Not nearly enough that I'd consider owning a pair mind you.  But I can definitely tell that some attention was paid to the bigger picture.  And Ludacris has got to make the paper too so I'll cut him a little slack,
Let's all be honest here, there's a little basshead in all of us.  It's fun and there's nothing wrong with that.  There's an older track (before the compression wars started getting WAY out of control) that I like by Aphex Twin called Ageispolis, and I often use it to test LF response.  I'm not talking about the obvious bass hits in the beginning, but rather the ambient melodic bass line that drifts in around 1:20 or so.  Heck, a lot of people can't tell, but even the bass drum starts pitching around - with notes drifting as much as half an octave or more - prominently around 2:50.  Anyway, my point is that Ageispolis can be very revealing of a cans' ability to properly handle LF (imho).  When I listen to that track through Beats (and their ilk), they blend it all up into a distorted soup and vomit it back at me, seemingly with some inner-city angst.  I mean damn, u mad Beats?
And for anyone that thinks Beats is good for Dubstep, here's a thought for you... you could very well be missing out on a subtle but big part of the art there.  Yes, I know the beat brings the energy and drives it forward, but the highs are there to punctuate and accentuate it all.  And the mids (including vocals if/when there are any) are the lifeforce that binds the two, keeping everything beautifully paired . . . like gravity . . . like the invisible shoestring in cwalk.  If you think it's all about bass, you're depriving yourself of some incredible sounding s***.
Beats lovers, let's be real here.  Beats are all about hip hop and rap - the lazy, continuous (and sometimes contiguous) bass.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and more power to you if that's what you're all about.  But let's not pretend they're great cans (or even good cans) for other genres . . . because it just ain't true.
Jun 9, 2012 at 4:22 AM Post #39 of 160
Always find the hypocritical evidence. I get into these arguments with my mom all the time; all I do is point out the fact that she spends more money on shoes and handbags than me on headphones and amplifiers. Everyone dedicates that extra slice of the monetary pie to something they love.

Jun 9, 2012 at 5:59 AM Post #40 of 160
Always find the hypocritical evidence. I get into these arguments with my mom all the time; all I do is point out the fact that she spends more money on shoes and handbags than me on headphones and amplifiers. Everyone dedicates that extra slice of the monetary pie to something they love.

Wait a tick, that's not really a good analogy.  Outside of being material possessions, ladies' footwear and audio hardware don't have enough in common to form a meaningful basis for comparison.  What we're talking about here are two items with a similar function/purpose, such that a qualitative comparison can be drawn between the two.
For example, let's say that you listen to Radiohead while your kid sister spoodges on Justin Bieber.  Yes, you two are different people with different tastes.  But I wouldn't be entirely out of line in saying that - compared to you - she listens to some stoopid crap right?
Jun 9, 2012 at 7:04 AM Post #41 of 160
Always find the hypocritical evidence. I get into these arguments with my mom all the time; all I do is point out the fact that she spends more money on shoes and handbags than me on headphones and amplifiers. Everyone dedicates that extra slice of the monetary pie to something they love.

Wait a tick, that's not really a good analogy.  Outside of being material possessions, ladies' footwear and audio hardware don't have enough in common to form a meaningful basis for comparison.  What we're talking about here are two items with a similar function/purpose, such that a qualitative comparison can be drawn between the two.
For example, let's say that you listen to Radiohead while your kid sister spoodges on Justin Bieber.  Yes, you two are different people with different tastes.  But I wouldn't be entirely out of line in saying that - compared to you - she listens to some stoopid crap right?

Let's face it, even in music (no matter how horrible) it is still purely subjective. You can't just claim that one type of music is better than the other, it's just not a reasonable argument. Right now I'm saying that, though those two "hobbies" are very far apart, they are still hobbies. People spend money on the things they love, whether it is on cars, stamps, speakers, headphones, antiques, everything under the sun. Thus, you can't say that one "hobby" is worse than the other.
Jun 9, 2012 at 7:28 AM Post #42 of 160
The old 'I just happened to be in Best Buy' defence is starting to sound a lot like 'honest, I was vacuuming naked and ....'. Cause and effect, OP, cause and effect. 
I wonder how many of our Best Buy victims are the same folk who loudly proclaim that they wouldnt be seen dead in public wearing Grados ? 

Jun 9, 2012 at 3:33 PM Post #43 of 160
Let's face it, even in music (no matter how horrible) it is still purely subjective. You can't just claim that one type of music is better than the other, it's just not a reasonable argument. Right now I'm saying that, though those two "hobbies" are very far apart, they are still hobbies. People spend money on the things they love, whether it is on cars, stamps, speakers, headphones, antiques, everything under the sun. Thus, you can't say that one "hobby" is worse than the other.

Right of course, I was saying the same thing in a way.  I was simply pointing out that Justin Bieber and Radiohead are both still forms of music.  As a result they are not different hobbies at all, but two different ways to approach the same hobby.  And within the same hobby, it would be possible to draw comparisons.
In the case of the subject at hand, the hobby we're talking about is listening to and collecting cans.  And because I dont' see Beats lovers as being a different breed of people or engaging in a different hobby, I think its perfectly fine to critique their choice of hardware - at least as much as they seem to want to pimp their choice of hardware.

Jun 9, 2012 at 5:04 PM Post #44 of 160
The old 'I just happened to be in Best Buy' defence is starting to sound a lot like 'honest, I was vacuuming naked and ....'. Cause and effect, OP, cause and effect. 
I wonder how many of our Best Buy victims are the same folk who loudly proclaim that they wouldnt be seen dead in public wearing Grados ? 

I use grados in public....
Jun 9, 2012 at 5:34 PM Post #45 of 160
I use grados in public....

 Yep - RS1i's on my head every day on Melbourne public transport over here - it does scare school children every now and then though
 'Why is that man wearing wooden headphones Mummy?'

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