Focal Clear headphones
Jun 18, 2020 at 1:07 PM Post #7,279 of 12,638
Appreciate it friends. I also got another pair of 650s because I found the timbre of planars to not be natural.. intimate? How does the timbre compare to the 650s?

Also how is the subbass? That's something that pushed me towards planars since they extend so well. The ideal headphone for me would be 650 but with actual bass extension and it looks like the Clears might be the answer.
Jun 18, 2020 at 1:18 PM Post #7,280 of 12,638
Appreciate it friends. I also got another pair of 650s because I found the timbre of planars to not be natural.. intimate? How does the timbre compare to the 650s?

Also how is the subbass? That's something that pushed me towards planars since they extend so well. The ideal headphone for me would be 650 but with actual bass extension and it looks like the Clears might be the answer.

For an open back dynamic the sub-bass extension and quality are outrageous, likely the best in that category. Compared to a good closed back dynamic or a planar, well, then it's going to fall a bit short. That's just due to the limitations of that type of transducer. I am a planar guy because I love ruler flat bass out to 10hz. The Clear doesn't do that, but I still find it very satisfying and capable for sub-bass.
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Jun 18, 2020 at 2:05 PM Post #7,282 of 12,638
Hey! Got another question for you, it seems like we're getting/have similar setups haha! I've been thinking about grabbing a pair of Clears but was worried that I'd be missing the planar bass coming from the LCD. I love how extended the bass is. Not sure which planars you have, but I would love your thoughts.

I've heard the soundstage with the Clear seems claustrophobic which is something else I'm worried about, but not sure if its something that's made to be a bigger deal than it is.

Also figured maybe the comfort would be better than the LCDs.

If anyone else would like to chime in that'd be awesome as well!
I had a pair of LCD2-C until I got these. They’re simply an improvement in every aspect. They don’t have the same extension but the bass is still there and quite good. Improved bass clarity as a trade for extension. I really loved the LCD2C to be up front here, but that’s how impressed I am by the clears. They’re gone, and that makes me sad, until I put the clears on.

As for planars I main Aeon2 closed, have t50rp and he4xx. Waiting for Argons (July might happen). the detail with the clears is comparable at least and better in some scenarios to the aeons.

I wouldn’t be concerned about Sound stage, these are cans I bought primarily for gaming, and they are pinpoint accurate and generate as much space as they’re fed imo. So the modius and 789 aren’t Necessarily known for soundstage afaik. I’ll find out more when the violectric 280 and BF2 show up as those are supposed to have much wider presentation.
Jun 18, 2020 at 2:48 PM Post #7,283 of 12,638
Sub-bass on Clear is the best I've heard out of an open-back dynamic so far. The only issue is that the SPL is somewhat limited in the sub-bass and they will rattle when driven too loud. However that's usually not an issue at normal listening levels. You have to boost the bass a lot or listen to tracks with heavily boosted bass at very loud levels to get them to rattle.

Timble is pretty good, but not as good as the HD650. The 650 is simply more linear throughout the mids and highs. But it's still better than most other headphones. There are peaks at 6 and 11khz which make the sibilants jump out a little bit, a small dip 3.5-5khz and some unevenness 1-3khz. So vocals are a bit sharp and have a slightly brassy, trumpety character to them but that's still much more accurate than most headphones, which are wildly off in comparison.

Soundstage is small, but imaging is good. The HD650 is a bit fuzzy and has somewhat of a 3-blob effect, whereas the Clear has much more coherent imaging. For gaming it's fine, but then again so is the HD650. I personally prefer a bigger soundstage but it's good enough.

The biggest advantage of the Clear over the HD650 is the tactile punch and the vivid macrodynamics. It simply makes the HD650 sound sleepy and dull in comparison. There is also no grainy haze over everything like there is on the HD650, which brings an extra sense of clarity. The bass is much more linear too. So if those are issues you have with the HD650 and you are willing to take a hit in terms of treble smoothness and tone/timbre accuracy then it's worth it.

Comfort is fine. Weight is a bit on the high side but overall fit is similar to the HD650, just with less clamp. I think it's good enough to wear all day and not worry about it, but use a headband protector cause the headband gets dirty and is not user replaceable.
Jun 18, 2020 at 3:05 PM Post #7,284 of 12,638
I appreciate all of the replies! Now the only thing I'm worried about is the $200 replacement pads... will definitely get that gray headband protector that everyone seems to have.. besides that I think my next pair will be the Clear
Jun 18, 2020 at 3:19 PM Post #7,285 of 12,638
If you're worried about the grey version getting dirty. You have the option of buying the pro's(Black with red pads and band).
I appreciate all of the replies! Now the only thing I'm worried about is the $200 replacement pads... will definitely get that gray headband protector that everyone seems to have.. besides that I think my next pair will be the Clear
Jun 18, 2020 at 3:24 PM Post #7,286 of 12,638
I appreciate all of the replies! Now the only thing I'm worried about is the $200 replacement pads... will definitely get that gray headband protector that everyone seems to have.. besides that I think my next pair will be the Clear

you can buy the Pro with Extra-Pads!

Jun 18, 2020 at 3:24 PM Post #7,287 of 12,638
I appreciate all of the replies! Now the only thing I'm worried about is the $200 replacement pads... will definitely get that gray headband protector that everyone seems to have.. besides that I think my next pair will be the Clear
Idk about the regular clears but the pro comes with a spare set of pads. They’re also red and black so won’t show wear as badly
Jun 18, 2020 at 6:07 PM Post #7,289 of 12,638
Idk about the regular clears but the pro comes with a spare set of pads. They’re also red and black so won’t show wear as badly
Regular doesn't come with an extra set of pads. I really wish I considered getting a headband protector earlier because the grease is definitely starting to show on mine.

I love my Clears so much, my first pair also rattled on one side which was super disconcerting so I immediately ordered another pair before sending in the defective ones so I had 2 clears in my possession for a short period of time 😆
Jun 19, 2020 at 2:23 AM Post #7,290 of 12,638
I just picked up a set of the Clear Professional. I have the Elear as well. So I’ll be able to do a lot of comparisons, Elear with Clear Pads, Clear with Elear, I also have Dekoni Elite Fenstrated pads that i normally use on my Elear to test. I’m going to just stick with the clear pads for a week or so until they break in. I don’t want to change too much too soon.

Initial impressions... Elear with stock pads I always found very fatiguing. Dekoni pads helped that a LOT. After that I found I had to search out tracks that they sounded great with. Certain music was amazing, some was not. With the Clear right out of the box no fatigue after a night of listening and sounded great over a wide variety of music. Much more balanced. Missing a little snap compared to the Elears though. Sometime it felt like the Elear drilling those details into your brain.

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