Focal Clear headphones
Aug 22, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #12,016 of 12,651
You should use analog bell instead of digital one. Graphic EQ is far inferior than parametric EQ. You can't judge based on a profile. You can use those profiles to have a reference and adjust it to your liking because not all people like the EQ adjusted to full Harman.
It takes some dedication to get the hang of PEQ to use it properly.

Feel free to message me if you have any doubts.
Thanks it's too complicated I don't know how to act individually to adjust the values and individual filters, I don't understand.
Aug 22, 2023 at 7:33 PM Post #12,017 of 12,651
Thanks it's too complicated I don't know how to act individually to adjust the values and individual filters, I don't understand.
Send me a pm and tell me what are your preferences overall and what you would like to change on the Clear MG.
I will send you a parametric EQ tomorrow to see if you like It.
Aug 22, 2023 at 7:59 PM Post #12,018 of 12,651
Send me a pm and tell me what are your preferences overall and what you would like to change on the Clear MG.
I will send you a parametric EQ tomorrow to see if you like It.
I would like more definition and instrumental separation and speed for rock metal, the bass doesn't interest me much because I always have the impression that they cover the mids
Aug 23, 2023 at 9:31 PM Post #12,020 of 12,651
Talkin about pad rolling for the Clears, I find the Utopia pads to be the best if you want an airier presentantion with improved imaging. You loose some bass and warmth, but that's not a problem if you EQ.

I've been comparing for a couple of weeks and it's surprising how close the Clears with Utopia pads gets to the Utopias. Id be hard pressed to recognise which one is which in a blind test.
Have you tried putting Clear pads in Utopia? I have guilty pleasure using Elex pads with Utopia at times because they "thump" more than OG leather pads and are less hot in summer.
Aug 23, 2023 at 9:43 PM Post #12,021 of 12,651
Have you tried putting Clear pads in Utopia? I have guilty pleasure using Elex pads with Utopia at times because they "thump" more than OG leather pads and are less hot in summer.
I did. It gets warmer and bassier and Id say it mostly turns the Utopia into a Clear. I totall agree with being less hot. I've been using the Utopia pads lately and had to come back to the Clear ones because I was sweating a lot.

Overall I prefer the sound of the Utopia pads cause in my opinion it takes the Clears a step further in terms of technicalities, but the OG Clear pads are more comfortable, more breathable and they also got a really pleasing sound. It's good to being able to switch between them easily.
Aug 25, 2023 at 3:33 AM Post #12,023 of 12,651
the clear mg if I use it with ibasso dx220 has a very low sound, is it better to use it with amplifiers?
To my ears Lyr 2 really great, class A audio-gd amps also great, Lyr 3 also... Asgard 3 really nice...

... yes Focal Clear needs an amplifier to sound as it should...

... my favourite is Mjolnir Mk1... for now...
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Aug 26, 2023 at 5:34 PM Post #12,026 of 12,651
Has anyone tried the ZMF suede earpads for Focal series? Supposed to be quite linear to the Elex pads that Zach has tested with in-house.
So I googled 'ZMF Focal earpad' to see what people were saying about them... and I got linked to my own post, lol.

I have owned the ZMF Perforated 'Suede' Focal earpads for a few months but never got around to trying them - these are early impressions but I believe they surpass the stock pads and even the Dekoni Stellia earpad (which is all leather + a diffusion fabric on the inside, like the stock earpads).

The suede material seems really breathable and works just as well as the stock earpad's diffusion fabric in regards to keeping up with the speed and dynamics of the drivers.
The tonality is just right for me; I think in retrospect that the 1-2khz area is a little honky on the Focal Clear and the ZMF earpads cut that down; vocals sound less muffled and boomy. The low end no longer bleeds into that lower midrange and is more pronounced. A tiny touch in the sub-bass helps but it doesn't overpower anything else.

The actual earpads are much larger than either stock or Dekoni's premium offerings; and the soundstage is larger than I've ever experienced from the Clear (I have the OG Professional version).

My only concern is keeping these earpads clean over the long-term!
I think these are *the* earpads to use with the Focal Clear. Period.
I have long been disappointed with the overall tonality of the Focal Clear but I think these earpads have fixed that, while preserving the driver's speed and transients capabilities.
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Aug 26, 2023 at 6:23 PM Post #12,027 of 12,651
the clear mg if I use it with ibasso dx220 has a very low sound, is it better to use it with amplifiers?
Remember having a big preference for the Amp9 module with the MG, out of DX200...
Having said that desktop gear is really the way to go for the OG so no reason to think different of the MG.
I have owned the ZMF Perforated 'Suede' Focal earpads for a few months but never got around to trying them - these are early impressions but I believe they surpass the stock pads and even the Dekoni Stellia earpad (which is all leather + a diffusion fabric on the inside, like the stock earpads).
I wasn`t aware of these, interesting!
Aug 29, 2023 at 6:18 AM Post #12,028 of 12,651
I've personally always been a stock pads + no EQ type of person. If my first impressions are (I like these headphones, both feel and sound wise, then they are keepers), if not, I don't try to fix them in other ways and just not purchase them or recommend them personally.

However, with these headphones, I will keep the ZMF Perforated 'Suede' Focal earpads added to my favourites for when I plan to replace my pads in the future, I will test them as they do look promising and do not seem to impact the sound signature much compared to the stock pads. More importantly a local store sells them in Australia (not often the case).
Aug 31, 2023 at 7:36 AM Post #12,030 of 12,651
I purchased one last week in 2023! Got it with a very good price and paired it with hip dac 2 and toppling dx3 pro+ for desk setup. Also bought the dacs last week too. I have never did purchase any dac in the past :) anyone has the same setup? :)

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