flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Oct 14, 2017 at 4:09 PM Post #5,311 of 39,431
are you thinking of selling any more ciems beside the 8.2 ?

i have 2 ciems and have problem dividing my time - although i mostly use zeus XR at home and take NT6 outside/at work - i can not imagine how you guys do it with 4 or 5 (or in @flinkenick case , with 32 :jecklinsmile: )
Location, location. :D Also source, and playlist. In my case, the Prelude sounds best with my laptop, and intimate acoustic tracks. And the Dream with my portable players, and EDM. They kind of complement each other's weakness. Having 32 is quite a lot! Even for a serious audiophile, or collector. :)
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Oct 14, 2017 at 5:03 PM Post #5,312 of 39,431
I have to make a dog recommendation... Have a labradoodle (and my daughter has a mini labradoodle puppy ). Mine is the sweetest, best dispositioned pooch I've ever had (grew up with dogs), attractive to boot (I like the cream /tan versions).
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:07 PM Post #5,313 of 39,431
He's also a great DJ!

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Oct 14, 2017 at 5:09 PM Post #5,314 of 39,431
I have to make a dog recommendation... Have a labradoodle (and my daughter has a mini labradoodle puppy ). Mine is the sweetest, best dispositioned pooch I've ever had (grew up with dogs), attractive to boot (I like the cream /tan versions).

Dude, my wife has been obsessing over medium sized labradoodles and maltipoos lately..
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:27 PM Post #5,315 of 39,431
found a presentation done by Sean Olive himself on 5 of his research questions (see pic) in the AES papers, recommended by @bartzky :

note: as clarified in different thread,
the target curve based on the how a speakers sounds in a room (flat in that room), with preference adjustment from surveys

**anticipating comments on this doesnt apply to IEMs:
it should apply to IEMs, as the measurements are taken at ear drum, and the preferences are represented in the form of ear drum measurements as well, as is Harman Target itself, in Tylls articles, you can find comments on how an IEM fits the Harman, notable performers according to Tyll incl. Titan1, GR07

table of contents from Dr.Olives presentation:
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:28 PM Post #5,316 of 39,431
Get one of each color!
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:35 PM Post #5,318 of 39,431

Get one of each color!

I think I'm coming on these forums too much lately, at a quick first glance I thought these were custom ear molds.

Cute dogs!
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:35 PM Post #5,319 of 39,431
If everything goes well I will be making an appointment with my audiologist next week, the entire Vision Ears line will arrive then! Looking forward to that! :D

Ha! Curious to hear your impressions on VE8 vs UE18+ :wink:
Oct 14, 2017 at 5:50 PM Post #5,320 of 39,431
Ha! Curious to hear your impressions on VE8 vs UE18+ :wink:
"VE8 vs UE18+"

especially custom version

any maybe UE18+ vs SE5U, i know both have attenuated treble. but which one is brighter?

short comparison by Nic from THL:
"UE18+ and 5-Way fall in the same category of smooth, natural tunings, centred on the midrange. In both cases the signature is very coherent, and warm in tone. Similarly, they both have an audiophile bass with excellent bottom-end extension, and a tight but controlled mid-bass. 5-Way’s mid-bass resolution however is higher. While they both create excellent vocals with excellent balance from the lower to upper midrange, there is an essential difference between them: 5-Way’s vocals are denser, meatier, so to speak, while the UE18+’ vocals are more nuanced and detailed. Both again have a warm and smooth treble. Finally 5-Way’s stage is more three-dimensional, while the UE18+’ is mostly wide. In addition 5-Way’s transparency is a bit better."
Oct 14, 2017 at 6:56 PM Post #5,321 of 39,431
Ha! Curious to hear your impressions on VE8 vs UE18+ :wink:

my first review/comparison woooo~~~

i am curious to hear the custom version comparison tho,
but i dont think many own both, mb wait till Nic comes back

i can give you a casual noob 1 week side-by-side demo version UE18+ VE8 impression:
driven from PC to Jotunheim /w DAC, through externally power USB hub

*ive read impressions and reviews and have seen measurements prior to demo


ve8 largely neutral, sorta u shape, with the more bass than treble, u within 20Hz-10kHz
ue18+, similar, less bass, less lower mid treble, kinda feels like L shape within 20Hz-10kHz

is famouly low noise with sensitive IEMs and low distortion, half the reason why i bought it
externally power USB hub is used

ue18+ silent on Jotunheim
VE8 has sorta low frequency hum, but not sharp, slight, but discernible, can identify during really quiet sections of songs if you really look for it, which i do -_-
exists even just plugged in

bass kinda feels puffier on the UE18+, while the VE8 has more quantity (semi significant, id guess 3,4,5 dB?), and more compact solid punches
this is immediately noticeable, not that subtle
ve8s bass is to my liking depending on mood and genre and both, sometimes i like it, but sometimes its bass is just no chill, pounding in the BG while a sweet female vocalist is singing love ballad
really no chill, always look at me

on the other hand, ue18+ has just enough quantity, enough for me to engage in the beat, but chill

didnt really hear much of difference in mids, where they differ is more as a result of lows and highs
the mids and vocals felt cleaner in the ue18+ than but if i play just pure acoustic or piano ballads, this effect isnt there,

i think the ve8s prominent bass makes me have to dig through the thick bass and kind the mids

VE8 brighter, not drastic, but immediately noticeable, string instruments, female vocals and synthetic sounds, sound more sculpted,
not the best analogy, but kinda like touching the same sculpture made of foam or glass, the same sharp edges are there
i like this better
separation is more obvious in ve8 due to the brighter nature,

sound stage
as for sound stage, since ive only tried VE568, and UERR, UE18+, which are all pretty high end, there isnt one thats noticeably smaller or larger stage
but id say VE8 is slightly bigger, i hesitate using the word bigger in this case tho, maybe its rather VE8 has a bit less of an effect, where all the sounds are crowing up next to my ear, less congested? but ue18+ is not congested, i guess less of an IEM characteristic, that sound is in your head
this actually kinda makes the ve8 feel like fatiguing to me somehow, even tho brighter, its just less in my face

-i suspect its because that the bass is quite a bit more prominent than mids and treble, a observations made by several other source, thus masking and make other regions appear more distant

side note
dont expect anything close to a full sized space tho, but maybe you could have that effect, maybe its because im hyper aware where the sound is coming from, thus cannot immerse in the spatial illusion



ve8 is crystal clear, ue18+ is not bad, but u can totally tell the air-plastic-air interfaces
not a downside, just a intrinsic characteristic of hollow shell vs filled
ve8 has has nice smooth shiny lacquer, somewhat better than 18+

ve8 much thinner (flush to ear), and smaller, but heavier, the driver arrangement is really compact,
while ue18+ is larger, thicker, but lighter, the True Tone driver does not allow the drivers to be dispersed like ve8, this driver housing/tube structure is just a long rectangular shaped thing, it limits the size, and flushness, the cross-over component is also larger
ve8s surface

ve8 much prettier in face plate department, with more complex and embedded 3D metal flake designs

my personal conclusion
I couldnt really identify aspects where ue18+ did better, its just even in many areas, which is remarkable given its "affordable price" of 1500 USD
but not to say VE8 has clearly better attributes either, most of it is just preference imo
but would feel nice to own the ve8, hailed as co-kings alongside SE5U, A18

if ue18+ is priced at 1500 USD like in USA, i would choose it in a heart beat, but its 1785 Euro in europe, 40% higher than US.
that kinda makes me think why not spend more to get VE8, whose only downside is situationally too much bass, or potentially fatiguing from treble lift,
both of which are easily solved with EQ, especially this is EQ down, which is much less problematic than adding energy

another concern:
UE's last flagship was 7 years ago, i kinda wanna sit on a flagship for the next 2-3 years, or until a breakthrough takes place, hahahha or until
someone writes an enticing review again hehehehehe

side note on UE18+ Togo:
im assuming is identical to demo, i really dont recommend it unless u want it for resale value, it really sticks out far from your ear, the housing wall facing your face does not touch your ear at all, and 95% the weight of the whole structure relies on tip and ear hook

where as VE demo fit is freakin amazing
Oct 14, 2017 at 7:23 PM Post #5,322 of 39,431
my first review/comparison woooo~~~

i am curious to hear the custom version comparison tho,
but i dont think many own both, mb wait till Nic comes back

i can give you a casual noob 1 week side-by-side demo version UE18+ VE8 impression:
driven from PC to Jotunheim /w DAC, through externally power USB hub

*ive read impressions and reviews and have seen measurements prior to demo


ve8 largely neutral, sorta u shape, with the more bass than treble, u within 20Hz-10kHz
ue18+, similar, less bass, less lower mid treble, kinda feels like L shape within 20Hz-10kHz

is famouly low noise with sensitive IEMs and low distortion, half the reason why i bought it
externally power USB hub is used

ue18+ silent on Jotunheim
VE8 has sorta low frequency hum, but not sharp, slight, but discernible, can identify during really quiet sections of songs if you really look for it, which i do -_-
exists even just plugged in

bass kinda feels puffier on the UE18+, while the VE8 has more quantity (semi significant, id guess 3,4,5 dB?), and more compact solid punches
this is immediately noticeable, not that subtle
ve8s bass is to my liking depending on mood and genre and both, sometimes i like it, but sometimes its bass is just no chill, pounding in the BG while a sweet female vocalist is singing love ballad
really no chill, always look at me

on the other hand, ue18+ has just enough quantity, enough for me to engage in the beat, but chill

didnt really hear much of difference in mids, where they differ is more as a result of lows and highs
the mids and vocals felt cleaner in the ue18+ than but if i play just pure acoustic or piano ballads, this effect isnt there,

i think the ve8s prominent bass makes me have to dig through the thick bass and kind the mids

VE8 brighter, not drastic, but immediately noticeable, string instruments, female vocals and synthetic sounds, sound more sculpted,
not the best analogy, but kinda like touching the same sculpture made of foam or glass, the same sharp edges are there
i like this better
separation is more obvious in ve8 due to the brighter nature,

sound stage
as for sound stage, since ive only tried VE568, and UERR, UE18+, which are all pretty high end, there isnt one thats noticeably smaller or larger stage
but id say VE8 is slightly bigger, i hesitate using the word bigger in this case tho, maybe its rather VE8 has a bit less of an effect, where all the sounds are crowing up next to my ear, less congested? but ue18+ is not congested, i guess less of an IEM characteristic, that sound is in your head
this actually kinda makes the ve8 feel like fatiguing to me somehow, even tho brighter, its just less in my face

-i suspect its because that the bass is quite a bit more prominent than mids and treble, a observations made by several other source, thus masking and make other regions appear more distant

side note
dont expect anything close to a full sized space tho, but maybe you could have that effect, maybe its because im hyper aware where the sound is coming from, thus cannot immerse in the spatial illusion



ve8 is crystal clear, ue18+ is not bad, but u can totally tell the air-plastic-air interfaces
not a downside, just a intrinsic characteristic of hollow shell vs filled
ve8 has has nice smooth shiny lacquer, somewhat better than 18+

ve8 much thinner (flush to ear), and smaller, but heavier, the driver arrangement is really compact,
while ue18+ is larger, thicker, but lighter, the True Tone driver does not allow the drivers to be dispersed like ve8, this driver housing/tube structure is just a long rectangular shaped thing, it limits the size, and flushness, the cross-over component is also larger
ve8s surface

ve8 much prettier in face plate department, with more complex and embedded 3D metal flake designs

my personal conclusion
I couldnt really identify aspects where ue18+ did better, its just even in many areas, which is remarkable given its "affordable price" of 1500 USD
but not to say VE8 has clearly better attributes either, most of it is just preference imo
but would feel nice to own the ve8, hailed as co-kings alongside SE5U, A18

if ue18+ is priced at 1500 USD like in USA, i would choose it in a heart beat, but its 1785 Euro in europe, 40% higher than US.
that kinda makes me think why not spend more to get VE8, whose only downside is situationally too much bass, or potentially fatiguing from treble lift,
both of which are easily solved with EQ, especially this is EQ down, which is much less problematic than adding energy

another concern:
UE's last flagship was 7 years ago, i kinda wanna sit on a flagship for the next 2-3 years, or until a breakthrough takes place, hahahha or until
someone writes an enticing review again hehehehehe

side note on UE18+ Togo:
im assuming is identical to demo, i really dont recommend it unless u want it for resale value, it really sticks out far from your ear, the housing wall facing your face does not touch your ear at all, and 95% the weight of the whole structure relies on tip and ear hook

where as VE demo fit is freakin amazing

Great comparison! Thanks a lot!

Sounds like price/performance ratio would give UE18+ an edge over VE8. Ideally it’d be great to also hear the custom version comparison. My previous experiences with demo vs custom versions did result in quite different signatures (demo versions tend to be brighter, perhaps due to better seal on customs).
Oct 14, 2017 at 7:25 PM Post #5,323 of 39,431
Great comparison! Thanks a lot!

Sounds like price/performance ratio would give UE18+ an edge over VE8. Ideally it’d be great to also hear the custom version comparison. My previous experiences with demo vs custom versions did result in quite different signatures (demo versions tend to be brighter, perhaps due to better seal on customs).
i think its because of your cannal shape rather than seal, i saw Paul Barton talk about how cannal bends affect treble
seak us more for base, although i know from 2-3 sources, saying VE8 custom less bassy than demo, some say its the tip they give
Oct 14, 2017 at 7:29 PM Post #5,324 of 39,431
my first review/comparison woooo~~~

i am curious to hear the custom version comparison tho,
but i dont think many own both, mb wait till Nic comes back

i can give you a casual noob 1 week side-by-side demo version UE18+ VE8 impression:
driven from PC to Jotunheim /w DAC, through externally power USB hub

*ive read impressions and reviews and have seen measurements prior to demo


ve8 largely neutral, sorta u shape, with the more bass than treble, u within 20Hz-10kHz
ue18+, similar, less bass, less lower mid treble, kinda feels like L shape within 20Hz-10kHz

is famouly low noise with sensitive IEMs and low distortion, half the reason why i bought it
externally power USB hub is used

ue18+ silent on Jotunheim
VE8 has sorta low frequency hum, but not sharp, slight, but discernible, can identify during really quiet sections of songs if you really look for it, which i do -_-
exists even just plugged in

bass kinda feels puffier on the UE18+, while the VE8 has more quantity (semi significant, id guess 3,4,5 dB?), and more compact solid punches
this is immediately noticeable, not that subtle
ve8s bass is to my liking depending on mood and genre and both, sometimes i like it, but sometimes its bass is just no chill, pounding in the BG while a sweet female vocalist is singing love ballad
really no chill, always look at me

on the other hand, ue18+ has just enough quantity, enough for me to engage in the beat, but chill

didnt really hear much of difference in mids, where they differ is more as a result of lows and highs
the mids and vocals felt cleaner in the ue18+ than but if i play just pure acoustic or piano ballads, this effect isnt there,

i think the ve8s prominent bass makes me have to dig through the thick bass and kind the mids

VE8 brighter, not drastic, but immediately noticeable, string instruments, female vocals and synthetic sounds, sound more sculpted,
not the best analogy, but kinda like touching the same sculpture made of foam or glass, the same sharp edges are there
i like this better
separation is more obvious in ve8 due to the brighter nature,

sound stage
as for sound stage, since ive only tried VE568, and UERR, UE18+, which are all pretty high end, there isnt one thats noticeably smaller or larger stage
but id say VE8 is slightly bigger, i hesitate using the word bigger in this case tho, maybe its rather VE8 has a bit less of an effect, where all the sounds are crowing up next to my ear, less congested? but ue18+ is not congested, i guess less of an IEM characteristic, that sound is in your head
this actually kinda makes the ve8 feel like fatiguing to me somehow, even tho brighter, its just less in my face

-i suspect its because that the bass is quite a bit more prominent than mids and treble, a observations made by several other source, thus masking and make other regions appear more distant

side note
dont expect anything close to a full sized space tho, but maybe you could have that effect, maybe its because im hyper aware where the sound is coming from, thus cannot immerse in the spatial illusion



ve8 is crystal clear, ue18+ is not bad, but u can totally tell the air-plastic-air interfaces
not a downside, just a intrinsic characteristic of hollow shell vs filled
ve8 has has nice smooth shiny lacquer, somewhat better than 18+

ve8 much thinner (flush to ear), and smaller, but heavier, the driver arrangement is really compact,
while ue18+ is larger, thicker, but lighter, the True Tone driver does not allow the drivers to be dispersed like ve8, this driver housing/tube structure is just a long rectangular shaped thing, it limits the size, and flushness, the cross-over component is also larger
ve8s surface

ve8 much prettier in face plate department, with more complex and embedded 3D metal flake designs

my personal conclusion
I couldnt really identify aspects where ue18+ did better, its just even in many areas, which is remarkable given its "affordable price" of 1500 USD
but not to say VE8 has clearly better attributes either, most of it is just preference imo
but would feel nice to own the ve8, hailed as co-kings alongside SE5U, A18

if ue18+ is priced at 1500 USD like in USA, i would choose it in a heart beat, but its 1785 Euro in europe, 40% higher than US.
that kinda makes me think why not spend more to get VE8, whose only downside is situationally too much bass, or potentially fatiguing from treble lift,
both of which are easily solved with EQ, especially this is EQ down, which is much less problematic than adding energy

another concern:
UE's last flagship was 7 years ago, i kinda wanna sit on a flagship for the next 2-3 years, or until a breakthrough takes place, hahahha or until
someone writes an enticing review again hehehehehe

side note on UE18+ Togo:
im assuming is identical to demo, i really dont recommend it unless u want it for resale value, it really sticks out far from your ear, the housing wall facing your face does not touch your ear at all, and 95% the weight of the whole structure relies on tip and ear hook

where as VE demo fit is freakin amazing
In my review of the VE8 I was equally impressed with the demo fit, it felt like it was made for me. Most have given it a glowing review and I was left feeling it didn't really excel at anything compared to the IEMs I already had. It didn't make me feel that I needed to own it, but if I didn't own any other TOTL IEM's it would be a perfect one to buy as a CIEM. I think I was the only person that mentioned a slight incoherent soundstage until I grew accustomed to how it revealed the stage.
Oct 14, 2017 at 7:49 PM Post #5,325 of 39,431
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