flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Nov 27, 2016 at 1:55 PM Post #77 of 39,431
This will be a great read! Looking forward to it @flinkenick

Nov 27, 2016 at 3:59 PM Post #78 of 39,431
The Mellianus and PP8 are both intruiging iems. But I can't even find an email address for Oriolus, and Inear replied they were too busy to consider reviews or something last time. I might consider giving them another try later on as a lot of people seem to be interested. 
I got the same kind of response from Marco at inear as they were rushing to get units out on time and they were working all hours of the day. You may have more success if you ask again now, seeing as the Prophile-8 is now out in the wild.

I too think that now would be a good time to knock on Marco's door again. Mailed with him two days ago and he responded very quickly. So I'n looking forward to your shootout and hope you manage to add the Prophile 8 to your list. Mellianus would be cool too, you should talk to Dimitri from musicaacoustics who is the international distributor.
Nov 27, 2016 at 7:49 PM Post #79 of 39,431
BTW will all IEM be tested with stock tips or will something like spin fit be used to keep a common baseline.

He should use whatever best works for him as as a proper seal is needed for best SQ. In the end tip A could work for you and not somebody else. Therefore recommending tips is somewhat folly in the long run.
Edit: I also believe the Prophile 8 should be added to the list.


Nov 28, 2016 at 7:48 AM Post #80 of 39,431

BTW will all IEM be tested with stock tips or will something like spin fit be used to keep a common baseline.

Hi there, the way it's looking now there will be 5 universal iems in the shootout. I have pretty average ears, so I can usually make do with stock tips. This would theoretically be 'more true' to the original product. However, I'll prob play around a little bit with tips as it can make a big difference on occasion. I'll always write which ones I used!
Nov 28, 2016 at 10:11 AM Post #81 of 39,431
Thanks it would be great if you can first test the IEM's as out of the box (tips and cables) and grade them and then of course find the right combination that fits your personal taste.
It's sometimes confusing how some of these Universal IEM's over $800 come with less than optimal cables and/or tips
Is great to have the opportunity to read your reviews
Nov 28, 2016 at 10:16 AM Post #82 of 39,431
Thanks it would be great if you can first test the IEM's as out of the box (tips and cables) and grade them and then of course find the right combination that fits your personal taste.
It's sometimes confusing how some of these Universal IEM's over $800 come with less than optimal cables and/or tips
Is great to have the opportunity to read your reviews

Thanks :)
Yes, it is pretty surprising that flagship iems don't generally come with a rich selection of tips since they can be essential for SQ. I'm getting the feeling it's becoming better, like the Campfire's come with spinfits/silicone/comply, but it still isn't the standard. 
When it comes to cables, most manufacturers still choose to include a rather cheap cable which is unfortunate since I think the improvement is worth it. But this also seems to be slowly changing, at least there are some examples where a nice cable is included.
Nov 28, 2016 at 11:33 AM Post #83 of 39,431
I miss the average joe days too. :) people were so passionate about discussing about different CIEMs, really digging into it. nowadays it's all about fast sales..driver stacking... Good thread nic 
Nov 28, 2016 at 11:38 AM Post #84 of 39,431
  I miss the average joe days too. :) people were so passionate about discussing about different CIEMs, really digging into it. nowadays it's all about fast sales..driver stacking... Good thread nic 

Thanks buddy. Not many people will know it, but this guy is probably a better reviewer then I am!
Nov 28, 2016 at 3:44 PM Post #85 of 39,431
Kind of interested how Solar stacks up in this shootout. In your review of the ES9 you seemed to think it compared quite evenly with Solar. Still feel that way?
Nov 29, 2016 at 9:59 AM Post #86 of 39,431
Kind of interested how Solar stacks up in this shootout. In your review of the ES9 you seemed to think it compared quite evenly with Solar. Still feel that way?

Ah yes the Solar, I would have included it but dynamic drivers are severely underrepresented as it is so I went with the Galaxy. The Solar has a unique sound due its enhanced bass presentation, which gives it a lot of power and thick notes. Compared to the S-EM9, it has a warmer and fuller sound, and really shines with rock music. The S-EM9 has more delicate notes, but a cleaner and more refined sound due to an airier stage and greater resolution. Still one of my go-to iems for electronic music for instance. 
Nov 29, 2016 at 12:57 PM Post #87 of 39,431
I would love to see Spiral Ears SE5 Ult , definitely belongs in this impressive gathering 

i think that Nic has it so maybe it's one of the surprise final picks ? 
ps : is it my idea or the number has been raised +1, to 16 (c)iems ? 
Nov 29, 2016 at 1:06 PM Post #88 of 39,431
  I would love to see Spiral Ears SE5 Ult , definitely belongs in this impressive gathering 

i think that Nic has it so maybe it's one of the surprise final picks ? 
ps : is it my idea or the number has been raised +1, to 16 (c)iems ? 

Well, @proedros:

It's only your idea...
It's only your idea...
It's only your idea

Nov 29, 2016 at 3:00 PM Post #90 of 39,431
ps : is it my idea or the number has been raised +1, to 16 (c)iems ? 

Yes something came up, I will announce the next in 1-2 days :)
I wonder if someone wants to take the leap of wait to include the OBravo IEM'S on this comparison. Pretty pricey and could be unfair due to the technology difference. Just a thought

Are those the one that cost 3700 pounds? There are a few iems with breaking tech like the Audeze, Shure KSE1500, and these OBravo's. I have no doubt they are very interesting, but there's no way I'll be buying them due to their price tag :wink:

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