FitEar TO GO! & Universal Series --- Suyama's custom IEM, made universal!
Jun 23, 2012 at 9:59 PM Post #316 of 4,914
Just checked out Suyama-san's Twitter pictures and came across these gems of their experimenting with titanium sound tubes in their prototype CIEMs as well...

That is innovation that we need unless well.  I'm not sure if it has been proven yet whether or not the titanium sound tubes are actually a significant improvement or an improvement at all over standard sound tubes that are drilled through the acrylic.
Jun 23, 2012 at 10:36 PM Post #317 of 4,914
Curious to hear further impressions of the 334 vs. the ES5. Got my eye on the 334 and the AS2 at the moment as complements to the ES5
Jun 24, 2012 at 4:45 AM Post #319 of 4,914
Does this work with the T500 Comply? I'm thinking it should unless it's bore is larger than the IE8? Wanna get a pack of those before it comes.

According to the guys at Fujiya AVIC in Japan where I bought mine from, the T400 and T500 should fit. I myself got the T400 and have no issues. The T500 may have a bigger opening but should still work as per the shop guys.
Jun 24, 2012 at 7:00 AM Post #321 of 4,914
Can anyone tell me how deep is the fit with Comply tips?
Jun 24, 2012 at 7:24 AM Post #323 of 4,914
I assume you mean a tight fight onto the TG334s, if so then yes they are a really tight fit. I have taken them on and off a couple of times to for my normal maintenance but have had no issues putting them back on.

Correction it is a simply a "tight fit" not a "really tight fit" onto the TG334s. Easy to take on and off.
In regards to the fit in the actual ear yes they are a tight fit, nothing bad. A good seal and since they are so soft I have been able to enjoy my music for my daily 1.5 hour commute into the city.
Jun 24, 2012 at 8:57 AM Post #325 of 4,914
Read this whole thread. Great posts, impressions and discussions.
I just had to chime in as I attended an informal Tokyo head fi'er gathering this weekend at ExpatinJapan's house, photos here -
where a number of head fi'ers (7 or 8 of us) brought all of our portable gear. A ton o gear by the way! I had the chance to try my CIEMs (Rooth LS8s) with a number of combinations of amps including the 71-B, CLAS and MK III, Go Vibe DAC/Amp to name drop a few. But the point I wanted to make was that Anakchan and Shigzeo, graciously let us try their 334s, and I found that no matter what combination I tried with my customs, nothing compared to what I heard (short period of time) with the 334s. 3-dimensional comes to mind. My LS8s sound so 2-D when compared. And they are customs and I like custom fits, but the 334 universals fit great!. I was really blown away by my first impression. And I really wanted to find the ultimate combo with my LS8s, and the recently purchased ALO National. Not to say it's a bad combo I currently have, but I will be pulling the trigger on the 334s.
The only dilemma I have is universals or customs. Anakchan said the build is slightly different with the customs.
Anyway for what it's worth.
Jun 24, 2012 at 9:06 AM Post #326 of 4,914
Whoops...did I :D? Lol!! I'm desperately trying to recollect that conversation :wink:.
The FitEar CIEMs are solid acrylic as far as I know. I'm not certain about the TG334's. But I do know with Unique Melody (and as such Rooths too??) they're more a hollow shell - there's been talk in the UM threads of being able to see the bond holding the BAs with transparent shells.
Jun 24, 2012 at 9:07 AM Post #327 of 4,914
Whoops...did I :D? Lol!! I'm desperately trying to recollect that conversation :wink:.
The FitEar CIEMs are solid acrylic as far as I know. I'm not certain about the TG334's. But I do know with Unique Melody (and as such Rooths too??) they're more a hollow shell - there's been talk in the UM threads of being able to see the bond holding the BAs with transparent shells.

Well.  The sound bores in the CIEM's are not titanium in the Fit Ear MH334s edit: yet.
Jun 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #328 of 4,914
Whoops...did I :D? Lol!! I'm desperately trying to recollect that conversation :wink:.
The FitEar CIEMs are solid acrylic as far as I know. I'm not certain about the TG334's. But I do know with Unique Melody (and as such Rooths too??) they're more a hollow shell - there's been talk in the UM threads of being able to see the bond holding the BAs with transparent shells.

@ Anakchan - Yes you did ... but I did not record it.
Anyway, I have a pair of customs, so may go for the universals just to have something different.
Jun 24, 2012 at 9:31 AM Post #329 of 4,914
@ Anakchan - Yes you did ... but I did not record it.
Anyway, I have a pair of customs, so may go for the universals just to have something different.

Lol! I'm obviously getting old. You'll have to PM me and remind me what I said. I can't even remember what I did this morning!
Jun 24, 2012 at 9:31 AM Post #330 of 4,914
By the way, anyone living in and around the Tokyo area and interested in buying Fitear products and will be attending the July 7th show, looks like Fujiya Avic is offering discounted prices on the Fitear lineup including the 222s, 333s, 334s and MH335DWs and free impressions the day of the show (but you have to reserve a spot in advance)
That is where I may be pulling the trigger.

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