Fiio X5 - Custom/Modded firmwares
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:00 AM Post #1,966 of 2,614
It was fast because you didn't have to mess with coordinates like the original modder.
That is a unique interface created by Theo.
Me and him have no love loss but he did spend hours on his ass making a unique  launcher U.I.
It should be noted in the library that this is a version of simplicity or "based on"

I think he means the GUI is fast and responsive, rather than it was quick to build, but I fully agree with what you say.
Worthy to mention, that due to the way i tried to make everything, as simple as possible, this theme is also one of the fastest ever done. It is not the fastest, but it is extremely light and fast.

Worthy to mention that it was @TheoS53 and @AsianInvasion who made everything simple, light and fast or has something got lost in the translation?
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:10 AM Post #1,967 of 2,614
Worthy to mention that it was @TheoS53 and @AsianInvasion who made everything simple, light and fast or has something got lost in the translation?

I mentioned this before, the UI is a rip-off of them, and so all of my work will be. i have not enough talent re-drawing from zero all the graphics.
Agree. While I encourage new modders to open existing themes to see how things are done compared to the stock FW it's only fair to credit the original for the groundwork of new themes, or if using elements of an existing custom theme.

I've been spending in the ballpark of 30-40 hours getting the elements for HUD just right and figuring out the EQ alignment, etc. It takes a lot of time to think things through, line things up, create graphics, flash FW, test, repeat. For new modders it doesn't have to take anywhere near that long but I'm doing fairly complex graphics and endless tweaking. I share for the benefit of the community but I'm not getting that time back. All I ask is credit when it's due.

The take away.................

Credit should ALWAYS be given where credit is due.

That's good advice.
I already said this, my work will always be a rip-off, i did not thought that it was needed to keep repeating this, because it is a continuation of my already started rip-off.

It was fast because you didn't have to mess with coordinates like the original modder.
That is a unique interface created by Theo.
Me and him have no love loss but he did spend hours on his ass making a unique  launcher U.I.
It should be noted in the library that this is a version of simplicity or "based on"

My work is not based on or a tweak, it is more of a rip-off with minor modifications
, or major modifications, depends on what you name a minor or a major modifications.
I had actually copied most of ideeas from everybody, and i am happy that i got to make it very fast. Making buttons simple, every graphic part simple, and the ideea to not include some fonts actually makes the firmware very lightweight. The coordinates of the launcher were copied from the original modern simplicity.
Sorry if this is a bad thing, but all of my work is and will be rip-offs, because i got not enough talent drawing buttons myself, and i basically am trying to create it as lightweight but elegand as possible. @AsianInvasion already did this, so i am just tweaking what he had done to my tastes

If the community does not need my work, i will stop posting them...
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:15 AM Post #1,968 of 2,614
I think you should just be clear on what you are using from previous creations and give the modder direct recognition. It's the respectful thing to do instead of just saying its a rip off of others.

Edit: I see you've edited your post to reflect this.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:21 AM Post #1,969 of 2,614
I actually like what you've done George - but I agree with Relic and HBB - just give a rundown of who's elements you've used.
Relic - is there anyway to change just the EQ text colour (frequency range text) without altering the rest of the text in other lists? 
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:22 AM Post #1,970 of 2,614
  I mentioned this before, the UI is a rip-off of them, and so all of my work will be. i have not enough talent re-drawing from zero all the graphics.

Just because you mentioned in a previous post that it was a "rip-off" does not mean that you can later make this claim. "Worthy to mention, that due to the way i tried to make everything, as simple as possible, this theme is also one of the fastest ever done."
They should both be fully credited in your submission of the theme.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:25 AM Post #1,971 of 2,614
I actually like what you've done Grant - but I agree with Relic and HBB - just give a rundown of who's elements you've used.

Relic - is there anyway to change just the EQ text (frequency rage text) without altering the rest of the text in other lists? 

That text is shared with all the unselected text in the theme so the bar behind the text in the EQ needs to change colour to not conflict with the grey or all the unselected text needs to be brighter - but then this will conflict with the other backgrounds. Probably best to brighten the bar in the EQ behind the text.

Edit: I didn't read your post directly. The frequency range text is more challenging. This would require a custom fast picking bg and a full screen arc image to cover up the original fast picking bg. I know it sounds confusing but it's pretty easy to do. Want me to take a look at it tomorrow?
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:26 AM Post #1,972 of 2,614
  I mentioned this before, the UI is a rip-off of them, and so all of my work will be. i have not enough talent re-drawing from zero all the graphics.
My work is not based on or a tweak, it is more of a rip-off with minor modifications
, or major modifications, depends on what you name a minor or a major modifications.
I had actually copied most of ideeas from everybody, and i am happy that i got to make it very fast. Making buttons simple, every graphic part simple, and the ideea to not include some fonts actually makes the firmware very lightweight. The coordinates of the launcher were copied from the original modern simplicity.
Sorry if this is a bad thing, but all of my work is and will be rip-offs, because i got not enough talent drawing buttons myself, and i basically am trying to create it as lightweight but elegand as possible. @AsianInvasion already did this, so i am just tweaking what he had done to my tastes

If the community does not need my work, i will stop posting them...

Don't ever underestimate your own abilities. 

We all had to start somewhere. Look back at all of our first mods...they weren't that great (save for a few who have a bit more experience in UI design). But as you start using your ideas and figuring out how to implement them, you'll see that you get more ideas based on those...more effective, or perhaps more visually appealing ideas..ideas which you wouldn't have gotten to if you didn't explore your initial ideas......if that makes sense. 
Keep at it until you have a good understanding of what goes where, and soon enough you'll be able to do a full reskin.

On the topic of giving credit...personally I don't care too much if someone doesn't credit me for my work...I created mods for the fun of, and in all honesty I mod for changes that I want to see, not what others want. I won't lose sleep because of a missed thank you. If you do give credit though, great job, it shows you have some common decency. But if someone improves on my work, and as such creates a better version, good job to them. 
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:30 AM Post #1,973 of 2,614
Well said TheoS53. We all start somewhere and tweaking is a part of this.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:40 AM Post #1,974 of 2,614
That text is shared with all the unselected text in the theme so the bar behind the text in the EQ needs to change colour to not conflict with the grey or all the unselected text needs to be brighter - but then this will conflict with the other backgrounds. Probably best to brighten the bar in the EQ behind the text.

Edit: I didn't read your post directly. The frequency range text is more challenging. This would require a custom fast picking bg and a full screen arc image to cover up the original fast picking bg. I know it sounds confusing but it's pretty easy to do. Want me to take a look at it tomorrow?

Thanks Relic - even if you could explain which images need to change, and how you do it, it would be a start.  If I get a break from reviewing, I'd love to have a crack at a simple theme myself at some stage.  The good thing is that I've had the chance to write some simple HTML over the years (notepad was my editor), and I'm handy enough with a graphics editor.  It's just understanding all the elements at this stage.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:54 AM Post #1,975 of 2,614
Thanks Relic - even if you could explain which images need to change, and how you do it, it would be a start.  If I get a break from reviewing, I'd love to have a crack at a simple theme myself at some stage.  The good thing is that I've had the chance to write some simple HTML over the years (notepad was my editor), and I'm handy enough with a graphics editor.  It's just understanding all the elements at this stage.

It's quite simple actually. The fast picking bg is used for both the fast picking screen and the EQ bg. What I've found is you can take an image that's full screen (400x328) with no transparancy and overwrite the arc image and this will cover up the original bg and become the new fast picking bg. The arc image is the only one that works for this because the coordinates define the upper left corner of an image and the arc is the only one that starts in the upper left below the top bar.

We can't change coordinates for the fast picking screen as far as I know. I pasted the original arc from the default theme back on top of the new bg because we can't change the layout of the text so it kind of needed to be there to make sense. Now you have an EQ bg (the original fast picking bg image) and a fast picking bg (the original arc image that is now full screen).
Apr 16, 2015 at 6:33 AM Post #1,976 of 2,614
I am also working at a way of re-creating EQ and other stuff for better visibility, with still some elegance. i might have a few new ideeas, i could want to implement.
Thanks for all the help, and sorry for not paying my respects. most of what i had done until now is based off modern simplicity from @TheoS53 and elegance, and vortex from @AsianInvasion . I also took some off original.
I am working right now at tweaking the original UI into something new, if i can do that and keep it lightning fast.
Apr 16, 2015 at 7:28 AM Post #1,977 of 2,614
[@]skerry2006aj[/@], I thought you blended them together well with a few minor adjustments needed to read the text in the equalizer. It is a very snappy theme and I'm glad you're taking it further toward what you like. You seem to be picking it up quickly. Looking forward to seeing what you do, and nice to know what elements you've used as a base.
Apr 16, 2015 at 7:59 AM Post #1,978 of 2,614
 I made that mod and I sent you a PM and got no response.
It's been downloaded 600 times. Is a twin of Hi-Fidelity which has been downloaded almost 4x as much 2080 and climbing.
I get lots of user feedback and do customs for the twin. If it was doing something it shouldn't I'd know
Never has a single person report playback issues.
Hi-Fi is huge and has very heavy files and it has no issue so 3 large fw with no issue on playback and snappy snappy.
Anyway...thanks for trying it and good luck with your issue.

Watch for 15 seconds and you get the point.
BTW.....where are you downloading the fw from??
My host bandwidth is maxed. You cannot DL Hi-Vinyl without the alternate DL spot

Have sent a PM to Mr Debug himself @Romani
If there is an issue he will lay it out without hesitation.  @uzi2 is quite good with de bug as well

Mr Debug's take on the issue reported by @michael2. I have tried every music format known to man and the modded firmware did not skip a beat. Been testing Vinyl for a couple of hours to draw this conclusion. I would say a fresh download post a full reset should do the trick.
Apr 16, 2015 at 8:59 AM Post #1,979 of 2,614
  Mr Debug's take on the issue reported by @michael2. I have tried every music format known to man and the modded firmware did not skip a beat. Been testing Vinyl for a couple of hours to draw this conclusion. I would say a fresh download post a full reset should do the trick.

Its always encouraging to know something works for someone else, but I don't think it proves anything - even if you were using michael2's files.
However I agree that a "full reset" will probably turn out to be the solution.
Having been in this situation myself I thought I'd chime in because achieving a "full reset" is not as easy as it might sound. The "pin-hole" reset and the hold-the-power-button-for-30-seconds restart, and the "reset factory defaults" may all fail after a failed fw flash. And you may not realize that the flash failed. There are little clues though. For example when I had problems updating the media library after flashing to a 2.4 mod, I noticed that "about X5" showed the wrong fw version and the wrong size of the TF cards. I went back to various 2.3b mods, then 2.2 factory issue - still problems. The themes were changing as expected, but not the "about x5" details. Finally I went to 2.0 and everything came back to normal. After that, upgrading to my favrorite 2.4 mod (the one where all the problems started) worked perfectly.
So with that in mind I agree that "a full reset should do the trick".
Apr 16, 2015 at 9:35 AM Post #1,980 of 2,614
  Mr Debug's take on the issue reported by @michael2. I have tried every music format known to man and the modded firmware did not skip a beat. Been testing Vinyl for a couple of hours to draw this conclusion. I would say a fresh download post a full reset should do the trick.

Thank you!!!
I asked because you and Uzi2 seem to have no qualms about pointing out issues and sharing them in a very cold matter of fact way. Some folks...most I'd say...come across as patronizing or something bad including me.  It is absolutely necessary to have that kind of feedback and in this case it was the most valuable ever.
Bro fist....Thanks!


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