Fiio X5 3rd gen || 2x AKM 4490 || Balanced Out || DSD || DXD | DTS | Android || Dual Card Slot
Feb 28, 2017 at 1:00 PM Post #3,501 of 15,899
Be cautious with I've ordered two X5ii in the past at different times. Both went missing and even though they admitted the items were lost, would not refund me until they found out what had happened. The second time, after the X5ii being lost for over two weeks, I had to post on FiiO's official forum and get them involved to eventually get refunded.
Feb 28, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #3,503 of 15,899
  I have dealt with amp 3 for many years without a hiccup

I've also used them 3 times before and not had issues, but seeing as EA Audio actually had in stock, I didn't want to take a chance as many will have ordered from AMP3 due to the 10% discount so may have more pre-orders than devices delivered.  EA Audio are already now showing no further stock until 20th March !!
Plus, always normally have black devices so fancied a change with Titanium and can't wait another month for the Red.
People must prefer a discounted price though as still the one in stock on Amazon UK via EA Audio @18:50pm.
Feb 28, 2017 at 2:17 PM Post #3,504 of 15,899
I've also used them 3 times before and not had issues, but seeing as EA Audio actually had in stock, I didn't want to take a chance as many will have ordered from AMP3 due to the 10% discount so may have more pre-orders than devices delivered.  EA Audio are already now showing no further stock until 20th March !!
Plus, always normally have black devices so fancied a change with Titanium and can't wait another month for the Red.
People must prefer a discounted price though as still the one in stock on Amazon UK via EA Audio @18:50pm.

Well that £40 or so does go a long way to a 128 gig card to be fair.  Tempted but think I'll wait for real world use reviews to come in.
Feb 28, 2017 at 2:31 PM Post #3,505 of 15,899
Welp...that stack did not last long.
Was gonna do bass tests for fun between the 2 and neither one was giving me much. The EQ on both devices is not great. The FiiO one is better right now. The X5iii actually drives the SZ (which can eat a iDSD in Turbo mode with ease......) just fine. If you got IEM you absolutely do not need an amp with the X5iii or DX. If your a basshead BOTH items will need one...with over ears

C'mon, you know some of us want to see some paper waving  

Feb 28, 2017 at 5:17 PM Post #3,508 of 15,899
  Be cautious with I've ordered two X5ii in the past at different times. Both went missing and even though they admitted the items were lost, would not refund me until they found out what had happened. The second time, after the X5ii being lost for over two weeks, I had to post on FiiO's official forum and get them involved to eventually get refunded.

I have had similar issues with Best Buy and Apple under different circumstances.  I think some companies label some people as bad customers in their systems and then intentionally screw them every chance they get.  I no longer shop at Apple or buy their products same with Best Buy.
Good Luck
Feb 28, 2017 at 6:02 PM Post #3,510 of 15,899
  I can't understand your statement. I spent about 2k with AMP3 before the two FiiO incidents. 

I spend over a grand on a few earphones from Best Buy.  I had to exchange one of them a few times due to problems.  I ordered a different pair later and kept the ones I exchanged figuring it was a lost cause.  The next earphones I ordered they sent me a different item that was much cheaper and not at all the earphones I ordered then they said too bad you are on our problem customer list and are not allowed to return them by sending them in or in store.  Their answer was screw you when I inquired the final time.  I paid with a Best buy gift card because I have no credit or debit cards.
I had several Ipods at one time.  I sent one in for warranty that was covered under warranty.  They receive the Ipod and then they say they test it and then tell me it was not covered under warranty.  I call Apple when I get the email about not being covered under warranty.  I asked why it wasn't covered.  The Apple person said that I have been labeled a problem customer and that the technician who worked on my Ipod intentionally spilled liquid on it to void the warranty.  They Apple person said they keep a bottle of liquid around the technicians to spill on prudcts that are sent in for warranty if they don't want to warranty it.  They put me on a bad customer list.
Some companies just label people as bad customers because they don't want to sell to them or something.  There really is no reasoning for it.  It is just because they can.
Good Luck

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