[FiiO M11] Android 7.0, 2.5/3.5/4.4 Powerful Output, Exynos 7872, Dual AK4493 DAC chips, 3GB RAM, WiFi, Two-way LDAC
May 28, 2019 at 3:22 PM Post #1,578 of 9,303
Ibasso DX220 has this indicator and also Hiby R6 Pro afaik.

I see. (That would be nice to add)

May 28, 2019 at 4:52 PM Post #1,579 of 9,303
Yeah waiting also some info about fh7 as fh5 not so ideal for me. I like low end and bass and yesterday specially compared them in the shop with my kanas pro and fa7. So Fh5 has much low in subbass region, but it is not controlled enough and in my opinion kanas pro has better subbass control and in quantity not less or even more than fh5.
I have absolutely no issues with the FH5 bass or treble. Only the mids are sometimes a bit too forward and occasionally too thin. This can often be fixed with foam tips or a bit of EQ. I definitely wouldn’t want less bass or more treble, and to be fair I’m not expecting Andromeda resolution in a $250 IEM. Even though it’s FiiO we have to be realistic. PS. Apologies, wrong thread I know...
May 28, 2019 at 5:06 PM Post #1,585 of 9,303
DX220 + Amp8 = $1300. Not exactly a fair fight. :wink:

No not at all, but this thing really has top tier sound (listening to one of my go to albums) that's recorded very well and it sounds amazing.

You really can't get caught up in labels (such as flagship vs mid range) because it's meaningless. Like well of course it's better, it's their flagship. Meaningless.

You have to listen for yourself to really know. What I'm listening to now :)

May 28, 2019 at 5:12 PM Post #1,586 of 9,303
No not at all, but this thing really has top tier sound (listening to one of my go to albums) that's recorded very well and it sounds amazing.

You really can't get caught up in labels (such as flagship vs mid range) because it's meaningless. Like well of course it's better, it's their flagship. Meaningless.

You have to listen for yourself to really know. What I'm listening to now :)

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Even FiiO call this a ‘mid-to-high-end’ dap when it fact it matches or exceeds many of the so-called ‘high-end’ players that cost much more. And while some people may be disappointed that it doesn’t have the ‘warm, mushy’ sound of lesser players, the more neutral and resolving ‘reference’ tuning is what you want - because then you’re really left to tune the sound to your liking with IEMs or headphones, without any influence or hindrance from the player - as it should be. Great album by the way. One of my faves.
May 28, 2019 at 5:35 PM Post #1,587 of 9,303
Hi, I'm testing my wife's FiiO M11 and I remarked that it does not play all songs properly.
I actually remarked them on 2 albums, Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, 96 flac-album when it plays I do not hear any sound.

Bruce Levingston, Glass: Dreaming Awake, 192 flac, plays but the sound is not as usual, is like I would hear them underwater.

Any info, help?

Thanks Tony
May 28, 2019 at 5:36 PM Post #1,588 of 9,303
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Even FiiO call this a ‘mid-to-high-end’ dap when it fact it matches or exceeds many of the so-called ‘high-end’ players that cost much more. And while some people may be disappointed that it doesn’t have the ‘warm, mushy’ sound of lesser players, the more neutral and resolving ‘reference’ tuning is what you want - because then you’re really left to tune the sound to your liking with IEMs or headphones, without any influence or hindrance from the player - as it should be. Great album by the way. One of my faves.

That's all marketing, of course you're going to call the m11 mid. You've got 2 more $$ players coming out probably this year. :wink: hbb called it, it sounds like dx220 and wm1a - I've had both recently and he's right on the money.

His opinion gets discounted alot because he likes warmer stuff and he doesn't give a crap and says what he thinks. But that doesn't mean his ears don't work :wink:
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May 28, 2019 at 5:53 PM Post #1,589 of 9,303
Listened to this with Hidizs MS4 Mermaid, Sony XBA-N3, FiiO FH5 (gonna sell these), and the iSine 20. The last require EQ, but doing so on the @FiiO M11 doesn't yield the same results as the Sony NW-ZX300. Long shot, but anyone seeing this issue?
May 28, 2019 at 6:00 PM Post #1,590 of 9,303
Listened to this with Hidizs MS4 Mermaid, Sony XBA-N3, FiiO FH5 (gonna sell these), and the iSine 20. The last require EQ, but doing so on the @FiiO M11 doesn't yield the same results as the Sony NW-ZX300. Long shot, but anyone seeing this issue?
I'm unable to help you out there, but how did you find the FH5 compared to the N3? I take it you prefer the N3 more since you're selling the FH5

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