FiiO E11 & E11K & A3 Information + Support
May 29, 2011 at 7:02 AM Post #556 of 1,271

I have been using the E11 with the L9 LOD to my iPad and iPhone. However, I decided to try my other LOD from Head-Fi member "compicat" which is sells on his ebay store
Let me just say the dark sound, or slightly heaviness in the bass is gone. It's an OMG, OMG, OMG difference. I was so excited I plugged in and tried the following headphones -
Sennheiser HD-415 - these are really old now, but this combination blew these to levels I have never heard. Superb attach, openess and bass. 
Sony MDR EX-91 - old in ear canal headphones. Explosive sound, deep bass, very lively
Fischer Audio FA-003 - very dynamic sounding, punchy bass, not too heavy now. Really really lovely to listen too.
REOs - Again, more bass present and more energetic. 
The most significant difference of changing the LOD was that the bass boost function was now not needed on the E11. Even the REOs didnt benefit that much from moving bass boost to 1. The FA-003 didn't need any bass enhancement. The sound stage was now opened out and was not as heavy any more. 
Once very happy person.

That link does not work, could you post the link to his store / user profile on eBay? Thanks!
May 29, 2011 at 9:30 AM Post #557 of 1,271
Thanks to previous help. One more question to someone who knows a bit more then I do. Will the e11s or any other amp have an effect on a pair of in-ear earphones that i have? (I have MEElectronics M9s) Thanks in advance.
May 29, 2011 at 11:48 AM Post #559 of 1,271

Thanks to previous help. One more question to someone who knows a bit more then I do. Will the e11s or any other amp have an effect on a pair of in-ear earphones that i have? (I have MEElectronics M9s) Thanks in advance.

A simple rule of thumb is that you should always consider upgrading your headphone first before the amp. Adding an $60 amp to a $20 IEM doesn't make them sounds like $80.
Read this.
May 29, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #561 of 1,271

Anyway, I just unboxed it and let it charge for about half an hour. Plugged the K701's into it. I'm running it on high power/high gain. I turn the knob to 3/9 and it gets as loud as my iPod Classic on max volume. I can easily blow my ears out with this thing. 
I'm hesitant to give impressions on the sound compared to the E9 because I listen to FLAC at home and most of the music on my iPod are mp3s ranging from 192 - 320. I fired up Miles Davis's "So What" first (320 mp3), and noticed that the hissing is pretty loud. It's a bit better on low-gain, but still present. You don't notice it once the music starts though. The high's are noticeably harsher compared to my home setup, but I'd like to compare the same source file so I can rule out as simply a matter of compression differences. Compared to plugging the K701 directly into my iPod, the sound is not only much louder, but much fuller and richer. 
All in all, I'm a happy camper right now. I've would never even consider bringing these headphones into work unless I'd also want to lug my bigger amp. Now I can plug these headphones into something into as small as a cigarette box (iPod+E11). 

So I went home to compare with the same files with both setups(Computer--> E7/E9 --> K701 and iPod--> L3 LOD --> E11 --> K701). While the E11 sufficiently powered the K701, which are notoriously hard-to-drive cans, to deafening volumes, there was a marked downgrade in sound quality. The highs were shrill and harsh, and the mids were thin, and overall sound lacked body and lushness. Basically, all of the reasons people don't like the K701 really showed when powered through the E11, while I don't find it to be true with a full desktop amp like the E9. Still amazing what the E11 can do considering it wasn't designed to power headphones like that in the first place.
May 29, 2011 at 1:50 PM Post #562 of 1,271
These are not the best headphones for Your music. I'll recommend 595's rather for acoustic, not overly- complex pieces. If You like electronic sounds and want to hear and feel the bass try ATH-M50 - I'm in love with them 

To ClieOS and anyone who can answer. I just got a pair of Sennheiser HD595s and love them except for the lack of strong bass. I am an avid techno listener and am looking for stronger bass. I heard about amps and am unsure whether or not to purchase any. I was curious if anyone knew if amps would solve my lack of bass problem on my 595s. Do you think Fiios e11 would do the trick? How about their cheaper e5 model? I am not very experienced with this new area and would love some feedback/help. Thank you!

May 29, 2011 at 9:59 PM Post #564 of 1,271
Man, I'm really looking at getting the E11 after reading all the comments.
It will be my first portable amp and will be used at work with my Fuze --> L6 --> Klipsch Custom 3's.
I was reading another thread and seen a post that Micca Store might be running out soon so I ordered one last night along with the L6.
May 30, 2011 at 2:54 AM Post #566 of 1,271

Do you guys think this would be able to power some HD650s?  I know its not ideal and there are better choices, but I figure I'm going to be picking up a better amp down the road. 

My advice is that you take the pain now, or sell the 650s and buy something easier to drive. This forum is littered with the dashed hopes of HeadFiers who found an amp which 'almost' drove their headphones - in many cases, they paid a lot more than the purchase price of the E11.
For those who have access to a wallwart, the E9 will smoke 95% of the amps discussed on this forum. Bang for buck, you wont do better.
May 30, 2011 at 3:03 AM Post #567 of 1,271
I think perhaps I'm going to lean towards the Denon D2000 then.  I believe they are easier to drive, and I want to be able to have cans I can power on the go without a dedicated desktop rig at the moment. 
May 30, 2011 at 4:05 AM Post #568 of 1,271
I tried to power the HD650s with my E11 out of curiosity and it just couldn't cut it.  I would also not recommend picking a headphone just cause the E11 can't drive them. Neither the Denon D2000 and HD650 are portable, so you should not decide between them based on which one is easier to drive by any portable amp.  I love my HD650s and it is painful to think you would choose the Denon's just because a portable amp couldn't drive the HD650. Also, even if it could power the HD650s, they would make a bad pairing since they are both relatively dark.
Do you guys think this would be able to power some HD650s?  I know its not ideal and there are better choices, but I figure I'm going to be picking up a better amp down the road. 

May 30, 2011 at 4:12 AM Post #569 of 1,271

I tried to power the HD650s with my E11 out of curiosity and it just couldn't cut it.  I would also not recommend picking a headphone just cause the E11 can't drive them. Neither the Denon D2000 and HD650 are portable, so you should not decide between them based on which one is easier to drive by any portable amp.  I love my HD650s and it is painful to think you would choose the Denon's just because a portable amp couldn't drive the HD650. Also, even if it could power the HD650s, they would make a bad pairing since they are both relatively dark.


he is very right. you shouldn't pick headphones at this price level over how cheaply you can power them. I'd save up if you really think you want the 650's. find yourself a used deal on them and a good amp. Patience. Also, if you don't like em.. you can always sell teh 650's and keep the amp which will be able to drive anything you throw at it.

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