Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
May 4, 2018 at 9:29 AM Post #4,411 of 11,574
For awhile, I had more invested in tubes than the amp! Fondly remember this one 20160901_100517.jpg
May 4, 2018 at 9:41 AM Post #4,412 of 11,574
Now then guys, I know this subject has been covered many times before, but here's a different slant on tube pin care.

We all know about making sure any corrosion whatsoever is removed and kept at bay by judicious use of a sharp - but not too sharp - instrument...I personally also then like to make sure the surface is as smooth as possible, using fine emery paper, if necessary. The theory behind this is that the metal should then make fuller contact with the kind of socket used in Euforia, and the belief of a specialist in metallurgy that after a while, the two surfaces develop a special kind of bond that improves electron flow, which can only help in sound reproduction...but this only happens in the absence of air! You can believe this or not, depending on one's knowledge, point of view etc.!! :wink:

Anyway folks, something else I found with the NOS EL32s (CV1052) I received was that the pins were coated with a grease-like substance, that obviously protected the 80 year old pins admirably, as after cleaning this off with white spirit, they shone like new...no corrosion whatsoever. So the moral is watch out for this protective coating...which I haven't really noticed before, and which IMHO points to a very well produced tube in the first place lol!! :ksc75smile:

And second, I must just mention that the Woo Audio WA33 'Elite' mentioned a while ago - $14,999! - uses single-crystal (OCC) silver wire, which I have been advocating for a while now. For Mr Woo to do this, there must indeed be something in this wire...he does undoubtedly make exceedingly good amps, and does nothing 'just for the sake of it' lol! :L3000:...CHEERS!...
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May 4, 2018 at 11:51 AM Post #4,413 of 11,574
H1, glad to see your sense of humor has not failed you. Is there any news from FA on the new amp? Eagerly awaiting any news. One thing with the new amp, the 2A3, at least tube rolling won't be an option! Should save me some money there!

Hi cf...am gradually getting back to my old self lol...thank goodness! The neurologist yesterday confirmed that I suffered post-Chicken Pox complications - ie. brain infection, and not a stroke - which was better news, at least! And which explains my quicker recovery, and bodes well for a complete recovery. But not in time to allow my trip to see the Feliks family at the end of this month, unfortunately...:triportsad::triportsad::triportsad:...And so I repeat my warning...if one hasn't caught CP as a youngster - GET VACCINATED straight away...you do NOT want to suffer such 'complications'!!
May 4, 2018 at 1:30 PM Post #4,415 of 11,574
You won't see it on any of my amps. That was long ago and far away, before I knew what real tubes sound like!
May 4, 2018 at 5:23 PM Post #4,416 of 11,574
Now then guys, I know this subject has been covered many times before, but here's a different slant on tube pin care.

We all know about making sure any corrosion whatsoever is removed and kept at bay by judicious use of a sharp - but not too sharp - instrument...I personally also then like to make sure the surface is as smooth as possible, using fine emery paper, if necessary. The theory behind this is that the metal should then make fuller contact with the kind of socket used in Euforia, and the belief of a specialist in metallurgy that after a while, the two surfaces develop a special kind of bond that improves electron flow, which can only help in sound reproduction...but this only happens in the absence of air! You can believe this or not, depending on one's knowledge, point of view etc.!! :wink:

Anyway folks, something else I found with the NOS EL32s (CV1052) I received was that the pins were coated with a grease-like substance, that obviously protected the 80 year old pins admirably, as after cleaning this off with white spirit, they shone like new...no corrosion whatsoever. So the moral is watch out for this protective coating...which I haven't really noticed before, and which IMHO points to a very well produced tube in the first place lol!! :ksc75smile:

And second, I must just mention that the Woo Audio WA33 'Elite' mentioned a while ago - $14,999! - uses single-crystal (OCC) silver wire, which I have been advocating for a while now. For Mr Woo to do this, there must indeed be something in this wire...he does undoubtedly make exceedingly good amps, and does nothing 'just for the sake of it' lol! :L3000:...CHEERS!...

Hi H1,

Glad you’re on the mend, shame you don’t get the chance to see the guys at Feliks Audio.

I had an email conversation woth Lukasz this week about the new amp, as I’m in the market for a balanced tube amp, I’ve been looking at Woo Audio as an option, They say they use point to point wiring, but if you do a google search fo the WA22 - entry level pre & headphone, it looks like the wiring is pcb based. I like the idea of the WA22 as it uses similar tubes to the Euforia/Elise.

I own a Cyrus Stereo 200 which is a balanced class D power amp. clever design & balanced.
I’m therefore looking for a headphone/preamp tube based that would be balanced, then add a balanced phono stage and dac, to complete.

I’ve done this before (not balanced) I have my Elise connected to a Cyrus XPower plus PSX-R2, power supply, fed out to a pair of Dynaudio Emit 20’s the combo of valve pre, with SS power really works for my ear. The sound out of this combo with the EL tubes is a fabulous sound.

This time the idea is to feed the Stereo 200 through my LS 50’s for overall sound and then close it down for intimate listening with either MrSpeakers Aeons or Beyer T1 gen 2’s both of which I own.

Coming back to the conversation with Lukasz,
The resut being:-
On the new balanced amp - indeed, we are working hard on a brand new design, 2a3 based, with a lot of power, fully balanced in/out... It will be a big milestone for us, both in sound quality as well as design. I expect it to be ready by end of 2018. He also went on to say that the amp would be competitive price point wise with the competition.

I seriously do love the Feliks Audio sound, and would prefer to buy my third amp from Lukasz.
So I’m keen to wait fro them to see what they come up with. We are all aware of what they are capable of the difference between Elise and Euforia..... enough said.

Interesting times and I’m really looking forward to what they come up with.

I’m positive it’ll sound great...!!!
May 4, 2018 at 7:27 PM Post #4,418 of 11,574
While waiting for EL32's decided to try the Foton's that I got last year. Not bad, but not stellar. So I decided to try for cheap good tubes! Found a pair of Ken-Rad VT96 6N7 tube, one was $5 and the other was $4.99 figured that was cheap enough. Both were made in the 1940's and metal tube besides. Paired them with my 5998A's and was I surprised. Outstanding, and these tubes are new. Not burned in and they sound really great. Great clarity and and instrument separation. Plenty of bass, mid range is very mellow and the treble is all there. I was not expecting this to be this good. I have a pair of Visseaux 6N7's and a pair of RCA 6N7's as well. And while I really liked the Visseaux's the RCA's left something to be desired. But these Ken-Rad's are superb. Under $20 for both tubes with shipping. Now that is cheap.
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May 4, 2018 at 7:48 PM Post #4,419 of 11,574
Liked these so much, just bought 3 more for $21 with shipping, NOS original sleeves. Quite a bargain.
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May 4, 2018 at 9:19 PM Post #4,421 of 11,574
The gold Aero 5998A tubes have enough glow for everyone!
May 5, 2018 at 6:27 AM Post #4,423 of 11,574
Liked these so much, just bought another pair for $21 with shipping, NOS original sleeves. Quite a bargain.

Sounds like a real bargain cf...well done! And KenRad sure do have a good reputation lol!

Lovely! How's the glow on these? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not much to speak of alas, O...:triportsad:...but the quality of construction is faultless! All I need now is to see how 2 perform together...such a shame the lower output isn't quite a match for the EL11 - went together marvellously otherwise...(this is where dual mono can be worth its weight in gold...when there's a slight imbalance in volume output between channels!).
May 5, 2018 at 6:43 AM Post #4,424 of 11,574
oops sorry for the three typos, typing a long message on a phone..... you get the gist...

Thanks SMF...soon (hopefully) be near 100% lol!... And long(ish) posts can indeed sometimes prove 'tricky'!!

Looks like a very nice system you have there...and it would be interesting to see how F-A's new flagship amp sounded as power amp, compared to your other SS amp(s).

With equal attention to the headphone out, I'm sure it will indeed sound fantastic, and at a very competitive price...fingers crossed! And thanks for the info you got from Lukasz...was hoping for a sooner date than 'end of year', but perhaps 'by the' might just mean it shows itself a bit sooner lol!! :L3000:...

ps. Glad you mentioned Euforia being a good bit better than Elise...was beginning to have slight doubts as to my own impressions!! I truly believe F-A's products to sometimes be under-rated...
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May 5, 2018 at 8:57 AM Post #4,425 of 11,574
I always thought Euforia sounded better than my Elise. That is why I sold the Elise. If they would have been closer in I might have kept it as a spare. The Euforia is a more open and resolving amp. That is why I am wondering if the new amp will be a large step up or not. I am hoping it will be, as I would like to have a 2A3 amp. But even if I do get the new amp, I will be keeping the Euforia, I like it that much. The more I listen to these Ken-Rad vt-96 the better they sound.

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