Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Sep 27, 2020 at 3:01 AM Post #25,411 of 40,724
I have had positive experiences dealing with EE this year since the Covid 19 impacts started. Maybe I'm lucky but I sent an IEM set for diagnosis/repair as well as order a new IEM set and in both instances had quick turnaround. I received status updates for every step and every email I sent was answered the same day. Happy customer here.
My wife doesn't like you guys tho because I don't hear her when she's yapping from the other room 😎

Hey everyone! I just wanted to take the time today to keep you all in the loop. First and foremost, i'd like to apologize for all of the recent product delays. As you all know we ambitiously launched several new products during a very questionable period and with your support we’ve had tremendous, record-breaking success. While that's all extraordinary news it also came with several unexpected issues on our end.

Supplies/Suppliers – From cables to drivers we’ve faced an astonishing number of delays from just about every supplier leading to extended ETAs. We're ordering everything in far more excess than usual to avoid anymore potential delays in the future.

Employees - Perhaps the most difficult subject for me to discuss but I truly feel it's best to be transparent. Several of our employees have been affected by COVID-19 and it's really strained our lab. While no staff member of Empire Ears is directly infected with COVID-19 it has affected the lifestyles of our employees, primarily childcare. Schools are back in session now (virtually) and children are legally required to have adult supervision while assisting with online classes. Because of this we've lost nearly half of our manufacturing staff and have since hired several more but our rigorous training program requires a minimum of 6 months before we consider anyone proficient.

So needless to say Dean, myself and the remaining staff have been working tirelessly at all hours to try and fulfill every order to the best of our abilities. We can't apologize enough for the delays and we know how much this affects both you and our dealers but we are persevering and doing everything that we can. We wholeheartedly appreciate all of the overwhelming support with the launch. Thank you all for your patience, understanding and support.

On an entirely different note we've officially broken into the 4 digit mark for the number of Odin and Hero units sold! Now we just need to focus on handcrafting and delivering them :sweat_smile:. If you plan on ordering please check with our dealers for availability as several of them have already presold future batches and it's currently an 8+ week lead time before the next batch is shipped. If you've already ordered hang tight! We're working on it!

Dealers: https://empireears.com/pages/dealers
Sep 27, 2020 at 3:08 AM Post #25,412 of 40,724
You have to be kidding me. Greatest prog rock peak? I am sorry, but the that belongs to almost a full decade, the 1970’s. There was Pink Floyd’s Dark Side and Wish You Were Here. YES with Fragile and Close To The Edge, ELP with Brain Salad Surgery, Genesis with Selling England By The Pound and The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Kansas with Left Overture, Rush with Permanent Waves ( this was 1980), Tull had Thick As A Brick. There was also King Crimson, Frank Zappa and Supertramp with Crime of the Century. This was when Prog Rock Started and hit its peak. Tks.

prog house
Sep 27, 2020 at 9:36 AM Post #25,414 of 40,724

Still enjoying the Zeus-XR nowadays. Empire's build quality for customs are at high standard. They are still so shiny and like new after years of usage. Literally build like a tank
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Sep 27, 2020 at 11:24 AM Post #25,416 of 40,724
Still enjoying the Zeus-XR nowadays. Empire's build quality for customs are at high standard. They are still so shiny and like new after years of usage. Literally build like a tank

yeah EE is quality , i have clocked more than 5,000 hours with mine - talk about something built to last :)

btw, I love the transparent shell , which cable are you pairing them with ?
Sep 27, 2020 at 9:41 PM Post #25,418 of 40,724
It's literally the only IEM I have any interest in trying now that I've settled on my perfect combination sound-wise. I only wish it had some sort of pressure relief system for that bass, which will inevitably trigger my tinnitus if I listen for too long or too loud. Still the thought of those subwoofers is so tempting...never has an IEM been more appropriately named.
I second Wyville & other's comment about not having to listen loudly to get a great dynamic range and enjoyment from the LX. I also have moderate tinnitus and although 64 Audio's modules do not benefit me for whatever reason, the LX's darker signature has been a godsend. It has never triggered or flared my tinnitus (as long as I'm not going overboard on the volume). I know you're loving the Nio & (I think Trio right?), would be really curious about your take on LX compared to those as some of the top-bass monitors if you ever get a listen in (although agreed with others that it is not a first listen type of IEM).

As for the Odin, as I spend more and more time with them, the memes about layering are no joke. I thought I knew what a "3D stage" felt like from an IEM, but Odin just took it to a whole new level. I would say these are slightly more detailed than the 18s with a very smooth, coherent balanced signature. All in all, I think if Odin could have Ely's sweet, slightly more forward mids, with a touch more warmth in the mid-bass (maybe Thummim mid-bass texture without the bleeding), that might be my dream IEM. But in the meantime, it's really an ideal complement to the LX :)
Sep 27, 2020 at 9:59 PM Post #25,419 of 40,724
I second Wyville & other's comment about not having to listen loudly to get a great dynamic range and enjoyment from the LX. I also have moderate tinnitus and although 64 Audio's modules do not benefit me for whatever reason, the LX's darker signature has been a godsend. It has never triggered or flared my tinnitus (as long as I'm not going overboard on the volume). I know you're loving the Nio & (I think Trio right?), would be really curious about your take on LX compared to those as some of the top-bass monitors if you ever get a listen in (although agreed with others that it is not a first listen type of IEM).

As for the Odin, as I spend more and more time with them, the memes about layering are no joke. I thought I knew what a "3D stage" felt like from an IEM, but Odin just took it to a whole new level. I would say these are slightly more detailed than the 18s with a very smooth, coherent balanced signature. All in all, I think if Odin could have Ely's sweet, slightly more forward mids, with a touch more warmth in the mid-bass (maybe Thummim mid-bass texture without the bleeding), that might be my dream IEM. But in the meantime, it's really an ideal complement to the LX :)
You are the first I have heard mention Thummim bleed into other frequencies, hmm. I like your post, the Apex or any modules I have tried have not helped prevent flaring my tinnitus.
Sep 27, 2020 at 10:04 PM Post #25,421 of 40,724
You are the first I have heard mention Thummim bleed into other frequencies, hmm. I like your post, the Apex or any modules I have tried have not helped prevent flaring my tinnitus.
It's not excessive bleeding but out of my R8 pairing, the mids were def a tad recessed, coming more across as a v-signature rather than W to my ears. For EDM...there is nothing like it. But that's for another thread lol.
Sep 27, 2020 at 11:05 PM Post #25,422 of 40,724
Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin ...........

I ordered it and cancelled the order when it first was coming out. The hype train pushed me off the back of the wagon. I then double balked and purchased the last or one of the last ones of this batch.

I have spent 5 intense days with him. What do I know about the Odin so far: A lot but very little. It does fall within the Markie Mark and My Audio bunch basket! I need my IEMs to be musical, engaging, detailed and they must have mids. The Odin fits all of that. I can tell that the creator of these spent time trying to tune it in a very specific way. I can tell time went into it. Over time I hope to know Odin better. This IEM is not simple. It will take time. The bass of course is not the LX bass. IMHO nothing will match the LX bass. The bass though is the first thing that provided pleasure to me. The bass has a unique timbre. A tiny rumble. Really pleasant. I also notice the vocals are a little forward which I like a lot. I need to spend more time to find out if other upper mid range instruments are more forward.

The Odin IMHO competes very well with the Sultan and the Erlkonig. The Odin is different than those two and the three of them each provide their own pleasures. The Sultan is out of the head god, the Odin is the cool in the corner guy and the Erlkonig is the one that seems above everyone until you get to know him and then realize how highly skilled he is in many ways.

I will be getting the MMR Thummim soon as part of a tour. I hope then to put out an "Ode to Erlk, Thumm, Sultan and Odin" review. I am due for the joy ride! I just need to get the Thumm in my ears so I can hyper focus on it :)
Sep 28, 2020 at 2:22 AM Post #25,423 of 40,724
I know you're loving the Nio & (I think Trio right?), would be really curious about your take on LX compared to those as some of the top-bass monitors if you ever get a listen in (although agreed with others that it is not a first listen type of IEM).
Indeed I am, and since those two are unlikely to be dislodged (because they complement each other so well), a third IEM would have to offer something very special to sit alongside. I think the LX has that 'X' factor (excuse the pun). I've only ever heard respect for that IEM, even from those that don't particularly like it but can appreciate its qualities. And since I'll likely never drop $3k plus on a single IEM, there's really not much else out there that piques my interest and can hold a candle to the 64 Audio duo (for my tastes and preferences).

@Jack Vang, if you're listening, I'd be honoured to review your 'baby' for the food folks in my little corner of the planet, most of whom have never seen the likes of the LX in their lifetime.
Sep 28, 2020 at 8:26 AM Post #25,425 of 40,724
A few hours of fantastic listening on Saturday at Harrods and Audio Sanctury in London.

Well done @Jack Vang at Empire Ears team, fantastic IEM’s the Odin is amazing, listened using my AK380 Copper and Amp plus Hugo 2.


That display case's got style! :D

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