Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Oct 15, 2023 at 2:24 PM Post #39,301 of 40,826
My account of Raven burn in experience, weekend reading -)

Harmonic Evolution: The Auditory Renaissance Through Raven

The realm of in-ear monitors (IEMs) is perennially abuzz with innovations, each promising a unique, immersive sound experience. Among these, the Raven emerges as a profound contender, primarily due to its incorporation of Bone Conduction Drivers (BCD) and the transformative journey it offers its users through the burn-in process. This detailed account explores the multifaceted experience of adapting to the Raven, focusing on the metamorphosis of its sound profile, the liberation of its treble, the unification of the sonic spectrum, and the integral role of BCD in this auditory revolution.

Embarking on the Raven experience, users are greeted with a soundscape that, although impressive from the outset, often presents a stage and coherence that have yet to fully materialize. This embryonic state of auditory performance is not uncommon with high-fidelity IEMs. However, the subsequent evolutionary journey is one to behold, deeply rooted in its distinctive burn-in phase. This initial period, often riddled with skepticism due to its subtle onset of change, gradually starts reshaping the very essence of the audio output, preparing the ground for a more mature, refined auditory experience.

Integral to this transformation is the liberation of the treble. In its infancy, the Raven’s treble can present as constricted, almost overshadowed by the more dominant aspects of the sound profile. However, during the burn-in process, there’s a gradual yet perceptible shift. The treble begins to unfurl, stretching its auditory tendrils into a space that was previously uncharted. This unfolding is reminiscent of an artist finding their stroke, as the once-muted highs begin to articulate themselves more clearly, adding a new dimension of clarity and spaciousness to the overall sound.

Parallel to the treble’s ascent, the entire sonic spectrum within the Raven begins to demonstrate a remarkable coherence. This newfound harmony is far from a mere ceasefire between competing frequencies. Instead, it represents a symbiotic concord, wherein the lows, mids, and highs don’t just coexist but converge to create a holistic sound mosaic. The bass lines become more defined yet grounded, the mids embrace warmth and character, and the highs achieve a crystalline finesse without veering into abrasive territories. This orchestration of elements contributes to a panoramic soundstage, inviting the listener into an expansive auditory realm.

Amidst this symphony, the role of the Bone Conduction Drivers (BCD) comes to the forefront. The incorporation of BCD technology in Raven transcends the traditional paradigms of sound reception. Instead of solely relying on air conduction, the Raven engages the cranial bones as conduits for sound waves, adding a tangible dimension to the listening experience. This method not only enhances the physical sensation of sound, bridging the external with the internal, but also maintains a clarity of ambient sound, fostering an inclusive listening environment.

The BCD’s influence is particularly noteworthy as the IEMs mature through the burn-in period. They provide a consistent, tactile resonance that grounds the sound experience, preventing the lows and mids from becoming dislodged as the treble finds its eloquence. This balancing act is crucial, ensuring that the sonic evolution doesn’t isolate but integrates each aspect of the sound profile. The result is an auditory experience that is as immersive internally as it is aware externally.

In conclusion, the journey with the Raven is not just an exploration of sound but a redefinition of the listening experience. The burn-in phase serves as a gateway, transitioning the user from a mere listener to an immersive participant in the audio realm. The emancipation of the treble, the harmonization of the sound spectrum, and the pivotal role of bone conduction technology converge to craft an experience that’s both intimate and expansive. The Raven, therefore, stands as a testament to the evolution of sound, inviting its users to not just hear, but to listen, feel, and live the music in its resplendent totality.
While it's awesome to read about users' impressions of the sound quality journey as Raven breaks in... it's also maddening that EE @Jack Vang is basically holding back preordered perfectly functioning units because they haven't figured out what they want to do about a problem that's shown up only intermittently with initial units. On top of that, there's been very little to zero communication about what's going on with the problem nor when they might release more preordered units. Despite being an EE fan, their process of dealing with the issue and customers' expectations during this time is a complete turn off for me.
Oct 15, 2023 at 2:33 PM Post #39,302 of 40,826
While it's awesome to read about users' impressions of the sound quality journey as Raven breaks in... it's also maddening that EE @Jack Vang is basically holding back preordered perfectly functioning units because they haven't figured out what they want to do about a problem that's shown up only intermittently with initial units. On top of that, there's been very little to zero communication about what's going on with the problem nor when they might release more preordered units. Despite being an EE fan, their process of dealing with the issue and customers' expectations during this time is a complete turn off for me.
He’s holding back because it is a very obvious problem. He himself made a video saying that you have to pinch the shell in order to prevent breaking it. He doesn’t want people like me having almost $4000 product breaking in their hands just from pulling out a 2 pin lol it’s not that hard to get your head around let the man do what he’s gotta do there is 1 million other sets to enjoy in the meantime
Oct 15, 2023 at 3:36 PM Post #39,303 of 40,826
He’s holding back because it is a very obvious problem. He himself made a video saying that you have to pinch the shell in order to prevent breaking it. He doesn’t want people like me having almost $4000 product breaking in their hands just from pulling out a 2 pin lol it’s not that hard to get your head around let the man do what he’s gotta do there is 1 million other sets to enjoy in the meantime
All well & good... except there's apparently quite a few launch editions in customers' hands that have had no problems.
Oct 16, 2023 at 12:19 AM Post #39,305 of 40,826
No one knows what they are doing because Jack hasn't announced anything officially yet. Some dealers are saying things, but until Jack announces something, don't take it as official.

My guess is they are still trying to figure out why those two units broke. And if more units "might" break. There have been no more posts here from users who have broken units (that I've seen), though I have seen posts from users whose units haven't broken.

And as I posted a while back, if they have to start changing the shell thickness (which apparently is the "standard" thickness), sound sig may be affected.

So EE is being very careful.

Patience is difficult, especially when you want what you want ASAP. And it seems some people overseas bought from retailers that won't refund prepayments and cancel the purchase.

But patience is what is called for now.
Oct 16, 2023 at 11:56 AM Post #39,308 of 40,826
All well & good... except there's apparently quite a few launch editions in customers' hands that have had no problems.
I'd venture some people never remove the cable. Possible?
Oct 16, 2023 at 12:56 PM Post #39,310 of 40,826
Raven v2 is gonna take awhile.

Received this from EE support this morning. Closest thing to "official" I know of to this point. Quoting it here as pre-order customers deserve to know as soon as possible what's going on with their pre-order.

"We can assure we have marked this New Raven unit as a priority. Our immediate course of action is to go back to the drawing board, you will receive products that epitomize our renewed dedication to extraordinary things. To ensure consistency in quality and performance, we'll be requiring all our dealers to send back their current RAVEN units for the necessary V2 revisions. Our reflection has cemented a decision: a meticulous reconfiguration of over 550 pre-assembled RAVENs to ensure they meet and exceed industry standards. This arduous task will involve the destruction of all existing units, but it's the only way we can guarantee that these problems will no longer exist. This step underscores our unwavering commitment to both our customers and to you, our extended family. Our priority now is collaborating with our engineering and manufacturing team to present our customers/ dealers with a refined RAVEN experience that stands tall with our brand promise. I can assure Dean and Jack have been working very hard to resolve this matter and push out a better improved version two model of the Raven, we will be releasing a statement soon."

I still wanna know what kinda time frame they're talking about. $4K tied up for months longer in an open ended pre-order time period is a little too much to ask.
Oct 16, 2023 at 1:16 PM Post #39,311 of 40,826
Wow. Hopefully it still sounds the same when they are done with it...This was a sure buy for me and now I might need to get ears on them again after the redesign before dropping that money.

I still wanna know what kinda time frame they're talking about. $4K tied up for months longer in an open ended pre-order time period is a little too much to ask.

Especially with rates the way they are right now on savings accounts. Letting your dealer keep that cash for months on end is just loaning them the money you could be making on it.
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Oct 16, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #39,313 of 40,826
Raven v2 is gonna take awhile.

Received this from EE support this morning. Closest thing to "official" I know of to this point. Quoting it here as pre-order customers deserve to know as soon as possible what's going on with their pre-order.

"We can assure we have marked this New Raven unit as a priority. Our immediate course of action is to go back to the drawing board, you will receive products that epitomize our renewed dedication to extraordinary things. To ensure consistency in quality and performance, we'll be requiring all our dealers to send back their current RAVEN units for the necessary V2 revisions. Our reflection has cemented a decision: a meticulous reconfiguration of over 550 pre-assembled RAVENs to ensure they meet and exceed industry standards. This arduous task will involve the destruction of all existing units, but it's the only way we can guarantee that these problems will no longer exist. This step underscores our unwavering commitment to both our customers and to you, our extended family. Our priority now is collaborating with our engineering and manufacturing team to present our customers/ dealers with a refined RAVEN experience that stands tall with our brand promise. I can assure Dean and Jack have been working very hard to resolve this matter and push out a better improved version two model of the Raven, we will be releasing a statement soon."

I still wanna know what kinda time frame they're talking about. $4K tied up for months longer in an open ended pre-order time period is a little too much to ask.
Believe that’s an old message.

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