Effect Audio cables thread
May 25, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #6,961 of 8,152
Not a fan of the upgraded Chiron. So those of use who bought it in the last year now have a "lesser" version?

If it was a whole new cable I wouldn't be upset but now to downgrade the cables we bought isn't right. Don't think I'll ever pay full price for an EA cable again now
I agree with you. I received my Chiron 8w a week ago. But as I understand it, the upgrade is only design, but not technical, do I see that right?
May 25, 2023 at 10:30 AM Post #6,963 of 8,152
Yeah appears to be only in design, new splitter and case and connectors. Still not a good move.
Yep, very bad. I am quite disappointed. I just hope the dealer didn't know about it when I ordered Chiron. The new Chiron is available for the same price.

On the other hand, I understand that they wanted to update Chiron. Still, I would have liked to see a different way of dealing with those who only bought the old Chiron now.

Not good, dear Effect Audio. It was the first time and next time I will think better.
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May 25, 2023 at 10:38 AM Post #6,964 of 8,152
Yep, very bad. I am quite disappointed. I just hope the dealer didn't know about it when I ordered Chiron. The new Chiron is available for the same price.

On the other hand, I understand that they wanted to update Chiron. Still, I would have liked to see a different way of dealing with those who only bought the old Chiron now.

Not good, dear Effect Audio. It was the first time and next time I will think better.

Can you contact EA and asked if you can upgrade the design to a new hw? It is feasible.
May 25, 2023 at 10:39 AM Post #6,965 of 8,152
Can you contact EA and asked if you can upgrade the design to a new hw? It is feasible.
That is a very good idea, I had not thought of it. You are absolutely right. Thanks for the tip!

But now that I think about it, if it's just design, it wouldn't be worth it for me. It would involve cost and time, of course.

Anyway, Chiron rocks!
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May 25, 2023 at 10:42 AM Post #6,966 of 8,152
I just bought an EA Ares S (8 wire) for my beloved Mest MKII, does anyone have this pairing? What should I expect from this cable and how does the sound change from the original PWaudio Copper M2? Thank you.

Scroll down my Signature Series review here, I have Mest MKII with all 3 cables and individual sound analysis and my preference, which end up being Ares S. Keep in mind, that was original 4W version. I also just got 8 wire Ares S and Cadmus, and will do comparison in a week or so, just focusing on a sound difference between 4W and 8W versions. In theory, that should be pair up dependent because doubling the wire means cutting the resistance, and that can affect the sound depending on driver config/selection and crossover design of IEMs.
May 25, 2023 at 12:03 PM Post #6,967 of 8,152
That is a very good idea, I had not thought of it. You are absolutely right. Thanks for the tip!

But now that I think about it, if it's just design, it wouldn't be worth it for me. It would involve cost and time, of course.

Anyway, Chiron rocks!
You should go for the upgrade, I remember PW Audio did similar when they changed out the sliders for what they have now. They even offer the upgrade for Trailii owners.
May 25, 2023 at 12:24 PM Post #6,969 of 8,152
Look what the mailman brought today!!!




Listening impressions will follow, I've only had a first quick listen. Initial impression was promising. I'll give it a bit of time to burn in and I'll give me a bit of time to listen more carefully. Then I will report back here.

I'm so thrilled! :)
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May 25, 2023 at 12:54 PM Post #6,971 of 8,152
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May 25, 2023 at 2:23 PM Post #6,972 of 8,152
May 26, 2023 at 5:17 PM Post #6,973 of 8,152
I'm currently on honeymoon with Cleopatra. Live is beautiful.

Quick question: Is TermX designed to be swapped regularly or is it the intention to choose your MAIN termination once but not to swap it out all the time?

Background: I need 2.5 TRRS for my SPKM and 3.5 TRS for my Hugo 2. I'm tempted to leave the 2.5 TermX on and use a 3.5 adapter so as not to wear out TermX.

Are there any views on that?
May 26, 2023 at 8:40 PM Post #6,974 of 8,152
I'm currently on honeymoon with Cleopatra. Live is beautiful.

Quick question: Is TermX designed to be swapped regularly or is it the intention to choose your MAIN termination once but not to swap it out all the time?

Background: I need 2.5 TRRS for my SPKM and 3.5 TRS for my Hugo 2. I'm tempted to leave the 2.5 TermX on and use a 3.5 adapter so as not to wear out TermX.

Are there any views on that?
I think the point of TermX is that you don’t need to have an adapter. Actually, I think of the terminations themselves as being the ‘adapter’. I’ve swapped out the 3.5 and 4.4 on my Code 23 quite a few times and feel quite confident in doing so. However, I do see the point you are making and the concern with say making a constant change. What I like about TermX is that it has two parts to the connection. The first is the marrying up of the pins into the holes. If it stopped there then I would have some concern, but it then has the screw element that locks the connection between the termination and the cable in place. Once it’s screwed in place I feel happy that there is a nice snug fit. When it comes to changing the termination I’m really careful and take it nice and slow to ensure everything connects up perfectly. i think the only time I would use a separate adapter would be for speed. If I needed to move from one source to another a few times in the same timeframe then it would be easier to use an adapter. However, if I was having a few days session with a particular source and iem, then I would be happy to use TermX and do the change each time.
May 27, 2023 at 12:31 AM Post #6,975 of 8,152
Anyone have experience with cable cyro treatment? Will it make the system sound cold?
So, more seriously, yes,

With a bunch of XLR cables for my "sedentary" main system (see my signature 😜). Only one XLR pair for all my system, so it is perfect to make a comparison, all things being equal. 🥳

Theses were all "standard" (and "high end" : results) cables, cryogenised by my demand, on demand, and in accordance with the best rules and standard's out there available (by my friend Jean Jacques Bacquet at Klinger Favre, to name him : is a true specialist of the process).

Cryogenisation is a long and very delicate process.

And don't emerge the cables directly in liquid hydrogen for instance.... This is need to be done in a cryogenised atmosphere only. 😪

Lowering and then raising the temperature must be done with the greatest care (controlled progressivity), so as not to damage the molecular structure of the materials. 🧐

Cables :

- Sommer Epilogue (silver plated copper as I remember, multistanded)
- Vovox Sonorus (pure copper solid core)
- Oyaide Ar-910 (pure silver 5n, solid core)

For the 3 cables listed above :

- Better overall perceived resolution and definition (very tiny)
- Better overall perceived smoothness (same)
- Better overall ouverture and perceived dynamics (same)

No cool or warm coloration(s) perceived.

The sound and technical characteristics of these 3 cables treated in this way were therefore very slightly bettered. By a (very) slight margin.

These are my subjective perceptions, with a very resolving and transparent system, in a very controlled and dedicated listening room. Mid field listening sessions.

Not at all day and night differences, but to the direction of slight improvements, yes. 👍

All my current cables and plugs are now cryogenised.

To quickly summarise. 😉
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