[easy mod] a shiny red PX100
Sep 19, 2010 at 5:06 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 44


Modern Modder Man of Manitoba
HTML... uphill, both ways!
Oct 18, 2009
Well we all know what the Sennheiser PX100 looks like...

I tentatively had it up on the forums for trade until I decided that it would make a good birthday gift for the gf. She's always teased me that they never make red headphones, so therefore...
This was the easy part. Just some paint and a steady hand.

Next up was masking off the foam because I couldn't figure out if the cups could come off (I think they're glued down). I cut pieces of paper just slightly larger than the openings and pushed them in with a tweezer. I made sure to leave a bit of space or add a wrinkle so I'd be able to pull them out later.

Gotta mask the outer edge too.

And now for some more paint and a slightly less steady hand.

The finished product.

I used some red acrylic paint that I got from the dollar store. In retrospect, this was a really bad choice. I should have used modeling paint (which is enamel I think?). The acrylic was all splotchy and uneven, even after two coats, and had a very rough feel to it that would scratch off easily. My solution to this was to coat it with clear nail polish. Why nail polish? Because I didn't want to head back out to the store and buy a whole bottle of varnish for such a small project.
So anyhow, three coats of nail polish later (with at least a day or two to properly dry between coats) and it actually turned out really well. It smoothed out the splotchy colour and made it all smooth and shiny. I unfortunately goofed on a couple spots and you can see red on the foam. Amusingly, it's the same red splotch on both sides, so at least I'm consistent.
Project time: about a week. Actual work time (painting and paper cutting): maybe 3 hours.
The only downside is that now I won't have a PX100 anymore. Hmm, maybe I should get the 100ii...
Sep 19, 2010 at 11:07 AM Post #8 of 44
I briefly considered using her own nail polish. Then for sure it'd be a colour she'd like and it would match. On the other hand, she might be mad at me for using up all her nail polish...
Sep 19, 2010 at 9:27 PM Post #9 of 44
Awesome.. I want a pair of blue px100's myself!

Sep 19, 2010 at 11:47 PM Post #12 of 44
Well if someone would be so kind as to send me another one, I'll gladly make one and post pics


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