EarSonics SM3 Appreciation, Discussion, & Review Thread - Technically Best Universal? (see first post for reviews and info)
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:04 PM Post #2,522 of 2,831
Yes I wasn't a fan. I really wanted to but they did not like my ears very much flip mod or not and their signature wasn't for me. Unfortunately I can't compare it with the e-Q7 since my memory of the TF10 isn't that good especially since it's been close to half a year since I listened to the TF10. I do notice a slight rolloff at the treble of the e-Q7 however but other than that I can't give you much specifics.
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:28 PM Post #2,523 of 2,831
Ok so I am in a dilemma right now. My SM3 is the best 'phone I currently own regardless of type. It handily outperforms my HD555, FA-003 and SRH840 which are all very solid mid-fi full sized cans. But now, the the thing is that I mostly find myself using the SM3 at home or in quiet public places, like libraries. The SRH840 and FA-003 on the other hand, seem to cover all of my portable needs perfectly. The thing is that in noisy environments the significant difference between SM3 and mid-fi cans that is audible in quiet environments is inaudible to almost inaudible in noisy environments like subways, buses, walking along busy traffic, etc.
Now my question is: to those who have experience with  nice full sized headphone setups, which ones do you think may surpass the SM3 in overall sound quality for a total price of $400-$500 US, including the amp and DAC if (most certainly) required?
I know this question belongs to full sized headphnoe section of the forum, but I though what the heck - since this thread is about SM3, why can it not be about SM3 vs. full sized cans and other non-IEM type of 'phones?
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:36 PM Post #2,525 of 2,831

Yes I wasn't a fan. I really wanted to but they did not like my ears very much flip mod or not and their signature wasn't for me. Unfortunately I can't compare it with the e-Q7 since my memory of the TF10 isn't that good especially since it's been close to half a year since I listened to the TF10. I do notice a slight rolloff at the treble of the e-Q7 however but other than that I can't give you much specifics.

Not to worry.
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:45 PM Post #2,526 of 2,831
cheers rawrster, i thnk the case is a bit crap though, not that i really use cases. 
most of the time i've got them on and off, on and off god knows how many times in an hour, only one in with the other dangling freely,... occupational hazard.
@pianist, i thought my sm3's attenuated quite a bit, my left ear even had a lil suction thing going where it was like underwater quiet,... 
if you want the sm3 and more isolation, i know a couple of recordists who use universal iems and then wear industrial earmuffs over them when positioning mics. which is pretty much what those Extreme Isolation headphones are, earmuffs with drivers in them. 
might make you look a bit silly though walking down the street with industrial earmuffs
Jul 20, 2010 at 10:55 PM Post #2,527 of 2,831
I think amping your FA-003 with some good juice would give you a fair increase over straight out of your DAP. It does for me (and I believe LFF also confirmed this). It might not surpass the SM3, but it would sure help. A quick A/B for me right now showed quite a fair difference between iTouch+E1 and my E-MU 0404 USB.
Personally, instead of using the FA-003 portable (it stays at home with my good amps and DAC where it shines) I use the DBA-02. I find them near enough the same in sound signature (besides the increased bass of the FA-003) that I'm perfectly happy with them. The sound signature is quite similar to my ears, and since it's neutrality on the most part, they're fairly interchangeable.
I only paid around $125 for my 0404 USB, which (especially since I do recording too) was a bargain. I haven't tried the FA-003 with my SSMH since it's on loan, so the best amping I've tried so far is my 0404 USB. Once I get the SSMH back (which will be soon) I'll see what real amping does. If you're crafty, that's an amp for around $50. Mine cost me around $100 to build due to the rarity of the original type tubes and the fact that I bought a couple extras in case I built another (although an alternative tube is available for around $3 or so AFAIK, complete with a slightly modified schematic that fits that tube).
Anyways, perhaps a sentence more to the point is that a good amp or DAC might be a worthwhile investment that enhances your existing gear (some of it a fair bit, some of it an unknown amount) and could help diminish the need to upgrade your cans. In the case you still aren't happy (don't have the SM3 so I can't tell you much) you've got good sources and amplification for your next cans.
Jul 20, 2010 at 11:17 PM Post #2,528 of 2,831

Ok so I am in a dilemma right now. My SM3 is the best 'phone I currently own regardless of type. It handily outperforms my HD555, FA-003 and SRH840 which are all very solid mid-fi full sized cans. But now, the the thing is that I mostly find myself using the SM3 at home or in quiet public places, like libraries. The SRH840 and FA-003 on the other hand, seem to cover all of my portable needs perfectly. The thing is that in noisy environments the significant difference between SM3 and mid-fi cans that is audible in quiet environments is inaudible to almost inaudible in noisy environments like subways, buses, walking along busy traffic, etc.
Now my question is: to those who have experience with  nice full sized headphone setups, which ones do you think may surpass the SM3 in overall sound quality for a total price of $400-$500 US, including the amp and DAC if (most certainly) required?
I know this question belongs to full sized headphnoe section of the forum, but I though what the heck - since this thread is about SM3, why can it not be about SM3 vs. full sized cans and other non-IEM type of 'phones?

Perhaps some Planars/Orthos.  Or mod your own T50RP and use the savings for a nice amp.  You could get a Stax Earspeaker system since Electrostats can come bundled since they need their own amp.
Jul 21, 2010 at 7:59 AM Post #2,529 of 2,831
I've read the first 40 pages of this thread and had to jump to the end, for it seemed to be infinitely stretching.
Buying an SA6 was what was on my mind initially. Then CK10's caught my interest. But realizing I would have to pay about 300 $ for it including the shipping, I thought "well, why not go for the SM3, now that I have elevated to that price range?" So I started reading this thnread and other reviews of SM3. Having only read the first 40 pages of this thread, I don't know if people's opinions about SM3 have changed by now...
I noticed too many people's first impressions of SM3 were not so great. Most people seemed underwhelmed or even disappointed with the sound of the SM3 right out of the box. In time they came back and said they were very happy with it, though.
So that made me think "could it all be a placebo effect? People buy this expensive IEM and feel obliged to love it and to regard it higher than other IEMs, just because they paid so much. Also could it the the pressure of the legend that is created around these IEMs the reason why people changed their minds in time. Might it be another case of the king with the invisible clothes?" 
Well that was one of the things I thought... In fact I cannot know for sure what it is unless I get one myself.
And that is exactly what I'm planning to do. However I would like to hear your current opinions about SM3...
Have they changed in the past 3 months since this thread was created?
Have people come to a consensus about the best tips to use with them?
This will be my first ever IEM; I don't like a thin sound, nor I like a bassy one. And I like detail, so the "recessed" treble on the SM3 is making me have second thoughts about buying it, but then It was the supposedly piercing highs of the CK10 that made me walk away from it... So you see I like a balanced sound... Would you recommend me buying an SM3, considering I own a Zune 120, I don't want to use an amp and I listen to progressive rock mainly? (I know this is an appreciation thread, but the recommendation issue is closely related to your current opinions of SM3, so I thought it wouldn't be out of place to ask...)
Jul 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM Post #2,530 of 2,831
Very good that you read through a lot of the thread. It's a massive one which is showing no signs of slowing down for sure. I haven't had mine for three months (more like one and a half I think), but I can tell you that my enjoyment has not diminished whatsoever. If anything, it's only grown since I've continued to use them. I think some of the not so great initial comments stem from owners' struggles to find the ideal tips and fit. They are a bit finicky to get that figured out. But once you do, the level of sound is really amazing. 
I was one of the rare new owners who landed on a tip that works great the very first evening I had them so as a result my jaw was hanging open in amazement from the get-go. 
I read a bit back in this thread that soundearphones.com is now a US distributor, and has them for about $320 I think, so there's no reason not to try them. 
Best of luck in your choice. 
Jul 21, 2010 at 10:48 AM Post #2,531 of 2,831
I was lucky to have a great fit right off the bat so have always been impressed with their sound quality and still am. They simply sound better than anything I have owned which inlcudes IE8, MTPC, MTPG, and several full size headphones (AT AD900, Senn HD600).
From what you want out of an IEM these definitely sound like they would do the trick and now having a US distributer make these even more compelling IMO.
Jul 21, 2010 at 10:50 AM Post #2,532 of 2,831
@meurglys: I started to like my sm3 the moment I got a good fit on them, I personally have never experienced any type of burn in effect, and even if it did improve over time, it is going to be very minor improvements and there is no way I can tell from my memories. I prefer the treble on my SM3 than on RE0, no matter how extended the re0 treble is, it still feels like I am listening to an earphone. sm3 makes me feel like I am listening to music. I think this is due to the details and hifiness sm3 provides with absolutely no sibilance. And this is not the case for re0.
Jul 21, 2010 at 11:37 AM Post #2,533 of 2,831
I am pining for the return of my once broken / soon to be replaced SM3s. Being without them does not feel right.
Jul 21, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #2,534 of 2,831
At least you have some other stuff to go along with your SM3. It would be worse if you just had the SM3 and that's it.
Jul 21, 2010 at 11:50 AM Post #2,535 of 2,831
@meuroglys .I won't comment on sm3 as I don't own them,but I just wanted to say that you should hunt down anyone
That owns sm3 and zune and asks about the combination.zune is warm
And bassy(but not too bassy) and hissy because of the hard drive spinning
which may drive you crazy if sm3 is sensitive and you listen at low volumes.I didn't like the zune with the ie8 or ck10 because of hissing and the warm sound of it which is not suitable for the dark ie8 and it took away the clarity of ck10.I hope someone having the zune can chime in and help you.

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