Dunu TITAN Series (new for 2019: Titan 6) [Page 196]
Feb 2, 2015 at 2:06 AM Post #286 of 3,012
I like her Rode NT1 microphone setup...

Jasmine is amazing, and only becoming more amazing. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TantrumJas
If you followed her from the beginning we've watched her become more and more confident with the mic each EP / Album, doing shows etc, to the point its almost impossible for her to keep up with her fans. Whereas she used to reply to most of our comments. Its like watching the making of a star slowly progressing.
While Titan might not bring out the full emotion of her voice something like a Fidue A83 or an ER4S will cater for that well.
Feb 2, 2015 at 4:50 AM Post #289 of 3,012
Fwiw, the douza's are better for laying down with when worn over ears. Also fwiw, the kc06a's are good and are quite flush/good for laying down with (bit they don't isolate very well).

And one for fwiw.. I've heard that the titans are a good upgrade to the kc06a's sq-wise, so that bodes well for the titans as well imo.

That's what I wanted to hear ...that they are a good upgrade to the KC06A...
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:57 AM Post #290 of 3,012
Received The Titan 1 last week and I have not been able to part with it...love the sound signature but most especially the spaciousness and openness of the sound which is fantastic for this price category. For those of you who are still contemplating...wait no more..:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Feb 2, 2015 at 11:51 AM Post #291 of 3,012
As some of you might have read my short impressions of Titan 1, that my only issue with Titan 1 is sibilant on some vocal recordings. My Titan 1 already passed 200 hours burn-in, although reduced, the sibilant is still there.
Today I did some eartips rolling to find the best eartips for Titan 1. And I'm quite surprised that the triple flanges improved the tonal balance of Titan 1 significantly. It retains all the goodness, good bass and clarity, and iron out the sibilant. I really like the sound of Titan 1 with the triple flanges, as it balance Titan 1 tonality and remove the sibilant. No more V or U shape tonality and treble peak. Just nice and linear tonal balance!

I use the triple flanges from Brainwavz earphones. Most probably many of you have it.
Those who have it, could you please do me a favor, to try the Titan 1 with the triple flanges, and compare the tonal balance with the stock tips?  
Please try some vocal recordings that is slightly bright and prone to sibilant.
Thank you!

Feb 2, 2015 at 12:41 PM Post #292 of 3,012
  As some of you might have read my short impressions of Titan 1, that my only issue with Titan 1 is sibilant on some vocal recordings. My Titan 1 already passed 200 hours burn-in, although reduced, the sibilant is still there.
Today I did some eartips rolling to find the best eartips for Titan 1. And I'm quite surprised that the triple flanges improved the tonal balance of Titan 1 significantly. It retains all the goodness, good bass and clarity, and iron out the sibilant. I really like the sound of Titan 1 with the triple flanges, as it balance Titan 1 tonality and remove the sibilant. No more V or U shape tonality and treble peak. Just nice and linear tonal balance!


I use the triple flanges from Brainwavz earphones. Most probably many of you have it.
Those who have it, could you please do me a favor, to try the Titan 1 with the triple flanges, and compare the tonal balance with the stock tips?  
Please try some vocal recordings that is slightly bright and prone to sibilant.
Thank you!

Good stuff! (although those triple flange tips don't look very comfy - I'm not really into deep insertion. Well, you know what I mean lol)
Feb 2, 2015 at 2:36 PM Post #293 of 3,012
Like I said, anyone's sibilance problems are probably  tip related or a combo with a bright source(or both). The Titan-1 itself stops before the edge.
You guys wouldn't really like my modded IM-02 which makes the Titan-1 sound dark
even with the Ostry OS300 tips and good clarity tips on the DUNU.
Longer tips do well to make them rather smooth and minimize the U shape.
Anyone tried using foams on the Titan-1. An idea especially for the winter weather here. A well placed snip near the edge and slip them on. Done it before on other half in-ear types but not on the Titan-1 as of yet. May well change the sound a bit since you are covering the holes with the foam and the addition of the foam will probably make the insertion a little more shallow. So, still probably best with longer tips. No more cold metal issues :)
Feb 2, 2015 at 2:59 PM Post #294 of 3,012
  I use the triple flanges from Brainwavz earphones. Most probably many of you have it.
Those who have it, could you please do me a favor, to try the Titan 1 with the triple flanges, and compare the tonal balance with the stock tips?  
Please try some vocal recordings that is slightly bright and prone to sibilant.

Bram - as per Wayne's email below - unfortunately the triple flange tend to be extremely painful to me.  I also tried double flanges, but for me personally the Comply 400 series give me the best combination of fit and sound.  They do attenuate a tiny bit of the brightness - and while there is still a little sibilance with some vocalists, it is low enough that it doesn't bother me. To be honest, unless sibilance is really piercing and obvious, I've never been really bothered by it.  Could be a combination of my age, and the permanent low level tinnitus I have.
Good stuff! (although those triple flange tips don't look very comfy - I'm not really into deep insertion. Well, you know what I mean lol)

Feb 2, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #295 of 3,012
Bram - as per Wayne's email below - unfortunately the triple flange tend to be extremely painful to me.  I also tried double flanges, but for me personally the Comply 400 series give me the best combination of fit and sound.  They do attenuate a tiny bit of the brightness - and while there is still a little sibilance with some vocalists, it is low enough that it doesn't bother me. To be honest, unless sibilance is really piercing and obvious, I've never been really bothered by it.  Could be a combination of my age, and the permanent low level tinnitus I have.

I sometimes get tinnitus in my left ear (fun stuff... friggin' NOT) but I feel that it gets aggravated due to higher frequencies and sibilance etc. So it's interesting that you don't seem to be bothered by it.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that with enough burn in, and with the right tips, I could handle and most likely greatly enjoy the Titan's mighty highs. So I will most likely get them one of these days.
Feb 2, 2015 at 3:18 PM Post #296 of 3,012
I sometimes get tinnitus in my left ear (fun stuff... friggin' NOT) but I feel that it gets aggravated due to higher frequencies and sibilance etc. So it's interesting that you don't seem to be bothered by it.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that with enough burn in, and with the right tips, I could handle and most likely greatly enjoy the Titan's mighty highs. So I will most likely get them one of these days.

I have a bit of tinnitus as well, but if you ever get like a SUDDEN tinnitus where hearing kinda gets wonky, with like a whooshing sound, don't fret, according to an ENT doc I talked with, its apparently normal. 
Feb 2, 2015 at 3:20 PM Post #297 of 3,012
Mine (tinnitus), while very low level, is there permanently unfortunately.  So when you no longer have the luxury of permanent silence, things like sibilance become slightly less noticeable.  Some days are worse than others - but it never leaves me.
That is why I encourage others to always be aware of their listening levels.  Permanent tinnitus is not something I'd recommend if you can avoid it.  I've always been a relatively low volume listener so mine is not a result of prolonged exposure to volume.  Mine is a result of one 3 hour event I sadly cannot take back.
My wife's ex-boss is a rock fan, and shouted their small work force to an indoor Jimmy Barnes concert about 15+ years ago. I'd never been to the venue before, so went unprepared (stupid I know). Low ceiling closed room. Excessively loud amplification and nowhere to escape.  No ear-plugs. Didn't notice it at the time, but when the concert finished my ears were ringing so loud that I could hardly hear anything.  It was 3 days before I could hear normal speech properly again.  Since that time, the tinnitus (thankfully now just a high pitch tone around 15 kHz +) has diminished to the point that I rarely notice it.  But life is never silent any more.  I miss that.
Feb 2, 2015 at 3:22 PM Post #298 of 3,012
Anyway - back on topic - for anyone trying the Titans and finding them too bright, my first suggestion would be some sort of foam tip.
Feb 2, 2015 at 3:54 PM Post #300 of 3,012
I also find the Fidelio S2 bass north of neutral and sufficient for my preferences.  Comparing to Tenore, the S2 bass reaches lower than Tenore, but Tenore bass hits harder.

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