DT-770 question
May 16, 2006 at 9:49 PM Post #61 of 110
Well if you're sure about the PA2V2, you should at least get an external DAC for your laptop. Creative Labs sells its own, the Sound Blaster MP3+, $40. I don't think you can find anything cheaper than that. From the specs it seems equivalent to the DAC in the Total Bithead too.

External DACs bypass any internal sound card, so if you decide to get one you won't be needing that Audigy 2 ZS. You WILL be needing an amp though.
May 16, 2006 at 9:56 PM Post #62 of 110
So your saying with an external DAC like the $40 one you mentioned, and the PA2v2, I would be happy? Whats the sound quality difference between the 2ZS and any of the USB ones?

And for all of you in/out of college, where did you stash your big 'phones when you weren't carrying them with you? I doubt I would bring them everywhere. A lockbox or something? Maybe a pelican case to be safe about those nuclear strikes?

What about this one?

Or this?

How would these compare to something else for gaming or movies?
May 16, 2006 at 10:17 PM Post #63 of 110

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
So your saying with an external DAC like the $40 one you mentioned, and the PA2v2, I would be happy? Whats the sound quality difference between the 2ZS and the MP3+?

Yup that DAC and the PA2V2 should be a good combo. That's all a sound card is, a DAC and an amplifier, but going this way you're splitting them into 2 external components.

The MP3+ uses a 16-bit DAC whereas the Audigy 2 ZS uses a 24-bit DAC, and also has a higher signal-to-noise ratio (among other minor features). The 16-bit won't be noticeable except in situations where you're using 24-bit sound, which honestly is almost never for most people (since CDs and the sound tracks on DVDs are mastered at 16-bit). The signal-to-noise ratio however, is much more noticeable, but it should be fine for your situation.

The downside to not using the Audigy 2 ZS would be all its gaming and proprietary features you'd be missing (EAX4, CMSS, etc). And external USB devices take up processor cycles, which can slow down your computer if it's not speedy enough - noticeable only if you do something processor-intensive, like playing a game.
May 16, 2006 at 10:28 PM Post #64 of 110
What do you think of the other 2 sound cards i found?

I guess I'll have to live with sub-par gaming sound. If I find a noticeable difference in gameplay, I may have to live with just the PA2v2 to the headphones coming straight out of the laptop.

Final problem. I'll be using this for 3 years (I'm a freshman in high school) and I like to play games. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I don't like them going slow.

Do you really think I would see a difference using the external card?

I really want these headphones/amp/sound card to work well with movies music and games, since I'll probably only have 2 headphones. (DT-770 and KSC75)
May 16, 2006 at 10:39 PM Post #65 of 110

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
Anyways, I hope I can pass this by my parents.
My dad really knows his music and his headphones (he has the HD414s and some big Koss', and now a pair of wireless Senns), so this kind of surprised me. When we went in to bestbuy to listen to the stereos, he picked out every flaw of a stereo's sound quality. I can't pick out many flaws, but I've never heard real high quality headphones.

Ahhhh.... Looking at these headphones makes me want them more and more.

hows the negotiation with your parents going? i have to admit that im tempted by the dt770 too. i probably shouldnt since my a900 is feeling rather unloved when i got the dt880, and most ppl seem to think a900 is a better option to the 770...
May 16, 2006 at 10:41 PM Post #66 of 110
If you play any games remotely action-oriented, you WILL see a slow-down, especially if the computer is slower than, say, 1.4 GHz.

The two links you put up go to the same product. Looks fine to me, it's got a 24-bit DAC.

It's a tough balancing act, trying to make a computer sound as good as possible but still making it viable for gaming/movies. Honestly, I think the Audigy 2 ZS (for a desktop computer) is the best compromise. Of course you'll get better sound from external components, but its feature set is the best in consumer sound cards, and it's great for games. For a laptop though, integrated sound truly sucks. If you plan on doing any music listening from a laptop, it's worth it to get an external DAC/amp. If you can't afford the Bithead now, save up and just use the headphones directly until then (IMO it's worth the convenience to have the amp and DAC in a single unit). No need for the amp, since most laptops don't even have a line out (just headphone jacks).
May 17, 2006 at 2:21 AM Post #67 of 110
@ ennove: I don't know how it's going. I haven't had a chance to talk with them today.

@Asr: I don't know what happened to that 2nd link. It was different.

I have a feeling my parents are just going to have negative opinions on what I try to say, but I'm going to attempt again tomorrow.


What do you think of just getting a Total Bithead? Would I appreciate that with my ATH-FC7's?

I don't know what I want anymore.
I'm so freakin' confused.
Maybe I just won't get anything.
I really want these, but I doubt my parents will let me, and right now I feel like I don't want to get anything with the money.

You guys made me realize that the sound quality of the stereo would be nowhere close to this, and I trust you with that.

I don't know what to do about a DAC either. I can't afford to get a Total Bithead, I would like a PA2v2. I think my parents want me to have college in mind, which means the Sound Blaster 2ZS would be nice, but is it worth the 70 bucks for 3 years? Which brought me to external DAC's, which can slow down gaming or whatever...

I'm going to sleep now. I don't know whats gonna happen with all this stuff...
May 17, 2006 at 7:38 AM Post #68 of 110
If I were in your situation, I'd get just the DT770s, no amp, no sound card, nothing else. The DT770 is a great headphone and will scale nicely with higher end equipment when you can afford to buy it yourself when you have a job.

There's also an issue of "relativity" here. Like already pointed out many times, a computer (either desktop or laptop) is not a great source. But that's in comparison to sources that ARE good. It's not like a computer is completely terrible and unlistenable. Music from a cheap stereo is terrible.

(I'm also recommending the DT770 because I've found the FC7 to be terrible-sounding, got it only for curiosity value.)
May 17, 2006 at 10:42 AM Post #69 of 110
Just to reiterate what Mercuttio said, if you get the new 32 ohm DT770 from Meier audio you won't need an amp. Get a good setup on your lappy (Foobar f'rinstance, and encode your tunes at a good rate) and spend the rest of the money on some more music instead.
May 17, 2006 at 11:59 AM Post #70 of 110
The bithead isn't going to really work for games, it isn't 24 bit. You're better off with an Audigy 2 ZS as a comprimise.
May 17, 2006 at 5:38 PM Post #71 of 110
I think I'm back to the plan of the DT-770s and the PA2v2, since it seems like I have a buyer for my ATH-FC7's.

Mercuttio, what do you think of getting that external soundblaster? Is it worth it for what it does? It lowers the price, and would work with a laptop too.

Just out of curiousity, do you guys think that I would be happy just using the KSC75s with a laptop/zen micro and a PA2v2 for when out of the dorm/house/car/plane?
May 17, 2006 at 6:22 PM Post #72 of 110
I think I know what happened about that external DAC.

They were switching the pictures around, but I was positive that they were different ones.

Anyways, would that be worth the money? It's 24-bit, external, and all that good stuff.

May 17, 2006 at 7:01 PM Post #73 of 110
Sorry I didn't follow up on my initial post...switching over to a new computer the past few days.

As a 2nd semester senior in college right now, I can honestly say that out of all the things I own, I value my headphones the most. A good set of closed cans is absolutely invaluable in a college setting, especially the first few years if you live in a dorm. Dorm life is noisy enough without trying to drown out someone else's stereo with your own. In fact, out of all the people I know that had a stereo in the dorms, only one used his reguarly, and almost everyone used headphones.

Unfortunately I can't comment ont he DAC topic (since I don't have a whole lot of experience with them myself), but I think if you want bang for your buck, go with the PA2V2. I have one and use it regularly with my DT770/80s, and I like the bass-y sound a lot (with most music).

Back a page or so ago someone mentioned desktops being too bulky for college life- I would disagree with this, but on one condition. If you have a desktop, make sure to get an LCD monitor, the CRT monitors just take up far too much desk space. If you have a desktop you can easily keep it on the floor next to your desk and still have plenty of desk space to work with. Also, if you do much gaming you will probably want the desktop anyway. If you think you will need the portability of a laptop you can always build a pretty nice desktop for around $1000 (assuming you are comfortable assembling your own computer) and get a cheap Dell laptop...I was able to convince my parents to pay for that when I went off to college since it would have cost 2000+ for just a decent desktop from Dell or the like.
Sorry to get a little off topic here, but just thought I'd put in my $0.02.
May 17, 2006 at 7:09 PM Post #74 of 110
That was extremely appreciated. Thanks!

So you just use a PA2v2 and the DT 770s?

I was thinking about that. It all sounds fine without a sound card?

I would most likely have only a laptop, probably be around $2000. (I really don't know, but I believe my dad said that for my brother when he asked)

Do you use the DT 770s when you're out of the dorm?
I would think it would be too cumbersome. Probably use the KSC75s.

May 17, 2006 at 7:25 PM Post #75 of 110

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
I think I know what happened about that external DAC.

They were switching the pictures around, but I was positive that they were different ones.

Anyways, would that be worth the money? It's 24-bit, external, and all that good stuff.



I mean, it'll do games just fine. If you haven't heard anything better, the combo you're about to have is going to be absolute heaven for you. It does not work well for music, but only in comparison to audiophile setups that cost many times the price. I'd say just go for it, the 770, and the little amp. That's a good setup, about 100x better than what I had when I was a freshman in Highschool. Hell, nobody my age had their own laptop then. Laptops were way too pricey and not very full functioned.

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