Dream Earz aud-5X Custom IEM Review: Pure Value @ $565 - Also the appreciation thread!
Mar 21, 2012 at 1:29 AM Post #196 of 597
Welp the wait is over here!  Got my customs yesterday evening and have been listening all day.  Average_joe was pretty on par with these as far as his impressions go.  Speaking of I'm sorry for all the fitting issues you're having caracara08 but my impressions were returned with the monitors and they fit perfectly.  Compared to the SM3 I'd say these definitely sound better though it may be a more upgraded sound than just flat out better.  It is the same kind of heavy sound signature with less emphasis on the low and low midrange.  These phones tend to have a very deep and responsive low end without being too intruding.  When the bass is needed it is certainly there, when it isn't, well it just isn't.  They are quite warm and I can understand some listeners taking that for "cloudy" or "muffled" but to be exact they are just on the warmer heavier side of sound.  There really isn't anything thin or analytical about them.  I have listened for a few hours straight now and notice no fatigue at all as I do from say my ER4Ps.  The midrange is forward, quite lush, and very smooth.  There is a slight bump in the highs but not nearly to the extent of the Ety's.  If the frequency response on the SM3's is very bass heavy and then quickly rolls off after the midrange the Aud-5x is like a W.  There is a slight bass hump, noticeable midrange bump, and a very slight high frequency bump.  Where the SM3 is very heavy and seems like it has a lot of headroom, due to the rolled off high frequencies, the Aud-5x is more involving and accurate with respect to where the instruments are.  These come very close to my k340's which are a bit brighter oddly enough, somehow I just wasn't expecting that. Overall these are quite nice and I'm very impressed with how they sound.  Our of my iPhone they aren't the best, a little muddy, but with a portable (I'm using a TTVJ slim) they really shine.  They are also very easy to drive.  For those who like a lot of high frequency this is not the monitor for you.  Yes there is a bump up there but they roll off fairly severely around 18k if not before.  Anyway, hope this helps those who are waiting or deciding whether or not to buy.  

Thanks for sharing.  Give them a week if not two and then go back to the SM3 and see if your thoughts change.  As far as the treble extension, 18K is pretty good for a CIEM in that price range, and they offer the best extension I know of for that price.  For example, the 1964-Q drops off at 16K (and appears to be on the darker side, probably closer to the SM3).
Mar 21, 2012 at 11:42 AM Post #197 of 597
I really don't mind the roll off to be honest and I'm not sure if what I said about headroom is accurate but that's what it sounded like to me at least.  If it extended past that range I'm not sure it would be as smooth anymore.  They are a very exciting sounding monitor, though I feel that my k340 just edges it out based on tonal quality.  Anyway I'll include a picture with this one.  I didn't go for any crazy graphics as I wanted to keep the wait time down but here they are.  Did I mention they fit like a glove!!

Mar 21, 2012 at 8:19 PM Post #198 of 597
Looking good. I hope that mine will fit well too especially because I have small ears. Consequently, I am somewhat concerned if they can fit 3 bore holes in the canal tip of my right ear.
Mar 22, 2012 at 9:18 AM Post #199 of 597
I had the same concern actually.  When my impressions were done the audiologist commented that I had terribly small ears.  Mitch was able to fit mine all in there without a problem and they really do fit perfectly.  I warned him beforehand that I had small ears and he said he'd give me call if there was any issue so that we might find a work around.  If he hasn't called you yet then he's probably doing just fine.
Mar 22, 2012 at 10:01 AM Post #200 of 597
Glad to hear it Colinharding, as my ears are smaller than average also. And thanks for your impressions. Can I ask though, what you mean by the SM3 sounding "heavy"? I ask as I want to put what you're saying about the 5X having a heavy (albeit less so than SM3) signature into context. Would "thick", "warm" or "dark" also be words you'd use to describe the SM3s sig? I've taken note of everything else you've said, but was unclear on this one bit.
Many thanks!
Mar 22, 2012 at 4:17 PM Post #201 of 597
I had the same concern actually.  When my impressions were done the audiologist commented that I had terribly small ears.  Mitch was able to fit mine all in there without a problem and they really do fit perfectly.  I warned him beforehand that I had small ears and he said he'd give me call if there was any issue so that we might find a work around.  If he hasn't called you yet then he's probably doing just fine.

Great! I gave him a heads up too and he shot me text saying he can work with it. Fingers crossed xx
Mar 23, 2012 at 2:14 AM Post #202 of 597
average_joe, Nulliverse - thanks for your help. After doing some more research, I decided I'm not ready for a CIEM and I'm going with the IE80 which I got a good deal on (auth. dealer @ $349). Onto my journey .. :)
Mar 23, 2012 at 7:54 AM Post #203 of 597
You're welcome Svencz, and gratz on your purchase.

I hope they meet your expectations.
Mar 23, 2012 at 10:53 AM Post #204 of 597
Heavy, well let me try my best to explain this.  It seems that I'm one of the few that want my gear to sound like an actual concert, right or wrong I feel that the ultimate musical experience is a concert.  That is the origination of music and thus it has trickled down into gear that tries to replicate this sound.  Now, when at a concert, say this is a acoustic performance for simplicity's sake; when the artist strums the guitar it has weight.  Each strum is not only heard but felt by the audience physically (albeit also emotionally but we'll focus on the physical sense).  Even though the strum is not a heavy bass hit that reverberates at your core, there is still a distinct sense of weight that it carries that your body feels.  This same strum, when reproduced in most audio systems does not carry weight, it is not heavy.  You hear all of the details, the pick rubbing each twist of the guitar string but there is lack of presence because the strum cannot be felt by the listener.  So when I say that these headphones are heavy I mean to say that unlike ohhh the AKG701, every sound is not only heard but also felt; the sounds carry weight. I'd like to also separate out dark and warm.  I feel that these are a bit different.  The "heavyness" is a physical sense where dark and warm are not so much felt as heard they are adjectives where heavyness could almost be considered a verb in this context.
I used to build speakers for a hifi shop (we used old Western, Altec, Jensen drivers and horns in combination) and before we actually put them in a cabinet we would play them through a EQ board.  Taking each driver and EQ'ing it so that its frequency response was dead flat.  That way we could compare each speaker's innate sound to the other without also listening to its inherent frequency response.  Even though they all had the exact same frequency response, when played though the EQ, they still sounded different based on the materials used and design implementation.  To this effect some sounded dark almost as if the same sounds were just a shade darker when compared to the other driver.  The SM3 does this by accentuating the lower frequencies more so than the higher ones but the drivers are also just a bit darker sounding right off the bat.  Now take the AKG701 again for comparison.  This is a very bright headphone due, in part, to its accentuation of the very high frequencies but also because drivers used are made of very taught materials allowing them less reverberation hence a very fast and bright sound.  Most paper drivers hit the sweet spot.  I'm not sure how balanced armatures work so I cannot comment on these.  As for warm, well, go back to the 60s and listen to Eico or Accrosound gear.  That old tube gear, perhaps most iconically a EL84 based amplifier with old iron transformers, sounds very warm.  I'm not sure what makes it this way, call it the lack of EPA restrictions when building their gear so all windings were slow drawn and carefully allowed to anneal, but they are just warmer sounding.  New equipment like all this 100 watt KT88 gear is lean and harsh with a very quick sound that focuses on delivering power over delivering rich sound.
It is very difficult to describe these things without just sitting down and listening to a couple examples side by side.  The most accurate description I can possibly give is this.  Grab an old tube amp or radio for that matter and plug it in.  Compare that sound to the gear you currently have.  Odds are the older gear will sound heavy, warm, and because of these attributes a bit slower.  There is a euphoric sense about this old gear and the Aud-5x does a great job at replicating this to some extent.  After all, do you want to sit down and listen to your music like binary code going in and out of your ears or would you like to soak in its presentation and be swaddled by the emotional responses it elicits?  IMHO music shouldn't be a hearing test, it should be something much more emotionally immersive than that.  The Aud-5x representing the latter in body and soul.  
I got a little carried away there but let me know if this helps lol.
Mar 23, 2012 at 12:40 PM Post #205 of 597

Originally Posted by colinharding /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After all, do you want to sit down and listen to your music like binary code going in and out of your ears or would you like to soak in its presentation and be swaddled by the emotional responses it elicits?  IMHO music shouldn't be a hearing test, it should be something much more emotionally immersive than that.  The Aud-5x representing the latter in body and soul. 
I got a little carried away there but let me know if this helps lol.

No, no... you didn't get carried away! Brilliantly descriptive and involving post actually. I can particularly relate to the above quoted text, as it captures some deep seated and unspoken personal law I hold, paramount to my listening experience. It's all too easy to get caught up in technical objectivity, and whilst I understand that this underpins the spirit and cause of Head-fi, I equally value subjective descriptions that flow as sweetly as the music that they describe. 
I understand what you mean by warm now. Thank you for such an eloquent and articulate explanation.
Hopefully I will find them as heavy as you!
Mar 23, 2012 at 1:24 PM Post #206 of 597
You are not helping here buddy... You are making the wait almost unbearable!

I wonder if there will be enough ppl to support a dream earz appreciation thread . It would be interesting to see other peoples thoughts.
Mar 23, 2012 at 1:36 PM Post #207 of 597
Hahahaha well I appreciate the comments and I'm glad I could help.  v0nn, I'm just trying to whet your appetite lol!  They'll arrive soon and will hopefully appease your ears for the time being.  Nulliverse, how much wait time do you have left now?  I could have sworn you ordered yours some time ago.
Mar 23, 2012 at 1:44 PM Post #208 of 597

Hahahaha well I appreciate the comments and I'm glad I could help.  v0nn, I'm just trying to whet your appetite lol!  They'll arrive soon and will hopefully appease your ears for the time being.  Nulliverse, how much wait time do you have left now?  I could have sworn you ordered yours some time ago.

I wish! No, I've been asking questions on here for long enough for you to think that though. My impressions are now in customs, Florida, so I'm hoping that they're reach Dale on Monday. From then I'm guessing they'll be around 3 weeks :'(
Impressions seem pretty sparse v0nn, though I wasn't sure if that was normal for a CIEM thread. I'll certainly be up for an appreciation thread when mine arrive... providing I appreciate them of course!
Mar 23, 2012 at 2:14 PM Post #209 of 597
Ahhh I didn't see that you are from the UK, the mention of customs kinda threw me there for a second haha.  I'd also be a big proponent of the the appreciation thread, though hopefully this thread will turn into one as people start receiving them!  I agree with the minimal list of impressions out there on these customs, but thanks to Average_joe's long list of reviewed customs (somewhere are 17 are reviewed) I was able to pit them against one another and settled on these. I really do hope you'll enjoy them Nulliverse, though they will be quite different from your ASG-1s from the reviews I've read on those.
Mar 23, 2012 at 10:26 PM Post #210 of 597
average_joe, Nulliverse - thanks for your help. After doing some more research, I decided I'm not ready for a CIEM and I'm going with the IE80 which I got a good deal on (auth. dealer @ $349). Onto my journey .. :)

No problem, I hope that fits your preferences and works well for you.
Heavy, well let me try my best to explain this.  It seems that I'm one of the few that want my gear to sound like an actual concert, right or wrong I feel that the ultimate musical experience is a concert.  That is the origination of music and thus it has trickled down into gear that tries to replicate this sound.  Now, when at a concert, say this is a acoustic performance for simplicity's sake; when the artist strums the guitar it has weight.  Each strum is not only heard but felt by the audience physically (albeit also emotionally but we'll focus on the physical sense).  Even though the strum is not a heavy bass hit that reverberates at your core, there is still a distinct sense of weight that it carries that your body feels.  This same strum, when reproduced in most audio systems does not carry weight, it is not heavy.  You hear all of the details, the pick rubbing each twist of the guitar string but there is lack of presence because the strum cannot be felt by the listener.  So when I say that these headphones are heavy I mean to say that unlike ohhh the AKG701, every sound is not only heard but also felt; the sounds carry weight. I'd like to also separate out dark and warm.  I feel that these are a bit different.  The "heavyness" is a physical sense where dark and warm are not so much felt as heard they are adjectives where heavyness could almost be considered a verb in this context.
I used to build speakers for a hifi shop (we used old Western, Altec, Jensen drivers and horns in combination) and before we actually put them in a cabinet we would play them through a EQ board.  Taking each driver and EQ'ing it so that its frequency response was dead flat.  That way we could compare each speaker's innate sound to the other without also listening to its inherent frequency response.  Even though they all had the exact same frequency response, when played though the EQ, they still sounded different based on the materials used and design implementation.  To this effect some sounded dark almost as if the same sounds were just a shade darker when compared to the other driver.  The SM3 does this by accentuating the lower frequencies more so than the higher ones but the drivers are also just a bit darker sounding right off the bat.  Now take the AKG701 again for comparison.  This is a very bright headphone due, in part, to its accentuation of the very high frequencies but also because drivers used are made of very taught materials allowing them less reverberation hence a very fast and bright sound.  Most paper drivers hit the sweet spot.  I'm not sure how balanced armatures work so I cannot comment on these.  As for warm, well, go back to the 60s and listen to Eico or Accrosound gear.  That old tube gear, perhaps most iconically a EL84 based amplifier with old iron transformers, sounds very warm.  I'm not sure what makes it this way, call it the lack of EPA restrictions when building their gear so all windings were slow drawn and carefully allowed to anneal, but they are just warmer sounding.  New equipment like all this 100 watt KT88 gear is lean and harsh with a very quick sound that focuses on delivering power over delivering rich sound.
It is very difficult to describe these things without just sitting down and listening to a couple examples side by side.  The most accurate description I can possibly give is this.  Grab an old tube amp or radio for that matter and plug it in.  Compare that sound to the gear you currently have.  Odds are the older gear will sound heavy, warm, and because of these attributes a bit slower.  There is a euphoric sense about this old gear and the Aud-5x does a great job at replicating this to some extent.  After all, do you want to sit down and listen to your music like binary code going in and out of your ears or would you like to soak in its presentation and be swaddled by the emotional responses it elicits?  IMHO music shouldn't be a hearing test, it should be something much more emotionally immersive than that.  The Aud-5x representing the latter in body and soul.  
I got a little carried away there but let me know if this helps lol.

Very nice and descriptive post, great add to the thread!
You are not helping here buddy... You are making the wait almost unbearable!
I wonder if there will be enough ppl to support a dream earz appreciation thread . It would be interesting to see other peoples thoughts.

I will add appreciation thread to the title :wink:  There have been some great appreciation posts in this thread already!
I wish! No, I've been asking questions on here for long enough for you to think that though. My impressions are now in customs, Florida, so I'm hoping that they're reach Dale on Monday. From then I'm guessing they'll be around 3 weeks :'(
Impressions seem pretty sparse v0nn, though I wasn't sure if that was normal for a CIEM thread. I'll certainly be up for an appreciation thread when mine arrive... providing I appreciate them of course!

I hope they arrive soon, and do you mean Mitch?

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