Do you use your good IEMs on the go?
Mar 13, 2012 at 1:40 PM Post #31 of 53

How does one drop earphones? That's never happened to me. 

It is very easy to drop traditional earbuds, especially if they aren't clipped to one's clothes. This tends to happen when one removes one of the earbuds when talking to someone. It is then much easier for the other to fall out of the ear.  While a traditional earbud doesn't block the sound much and one can usually hear well enough with them in with the music off, it seems rude to have earphones in both ears while talking to someone. With traditional earbuds, if one falls out of the ear while one is walking or running, there is the chance that the other will fall out, and the earphones hit the ground. I guess clipping them to clothing can prevent many such drops, however some of the clips can damage the earphone cords.
I don't walk around while wearing IEMs for safety reasons. One needs to hear traffic when they are crossing intersections.  I guess it is much less likely for an IEM to fall out of the ears than a traditional earbud. Since IEMs are usually stuck in the ears much more firmly than traditional earbuds, there is much more of a danger that the cord will be damaged if the cord gets caught on something. I also wonder about IEMs with very strong cords and a tight fit. If the cord gets caught on something while someone is moving, I wonder if ear damage is possible. While breaking an earphone cord isn't fun, it is better than ear damage.
I have been walking around wearing earphones for over 20 years. Now that I am more careful, I break earphones much less often.
Mar 13, 2012 at 9:25 PM Post #32 of 53
I'm with the folks who say if ya got'em use em.
I have Pro Coppers and I finally gave in and started to use them in winter.  I don't think I will hurt them but after 1 month I haven't noticed any problems.  
the reason I say that is that I am been using them in -10 to -20 degree Celcius conditions.  
Mar 13, 2012 at 9:36 PM Post #33 of 53
. Traveled 75k miles last year with both my SE210's and MTPro Gold's. The Shure's are way more travel worthy. The Monsters are delicate and need TLC and kept In their special little case.
Mar 31, 2019 at 9:59 AM Post #34 of 53
This is an old thread but still not everything is answered.

In some cases it might be wise not use expensive iems. In places where you know are more thief and robbers, it might be good to prevent any flashing of your expensive gear. Thief/robbers usually know what is expensive and what not. I heard from a family member that some robber tried to steal his/her golden Rolex. Another friend was in the big city and tailed by 3 men, they tried to rob him, but because he was big and strong he could fight them off. They though he was drunk , because he walked that way. So my way in life is: The less flashing expensive gear the better. If you flash with it, it might be caught in the eyes of the wrong people.
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Mar 31, 2019 at 10:03 AM Post #35 of 53
I use my IEMs running over 10,000 feet. I do trail running. As such I must have IEMs that stick in my ears, and have minimal sound bleed from outside.

So far both the Dm6 and KPE work great for running for hours. I do use comply tips though.

I don't care about price or build, I use my IEMs all the time. Thats the point of them afterall.
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Mar 31, 2019 at 3:32 PM Post #36 of 53
I use and see others using AirPods and Powerbeats every day. Both are actually kind of pricy compared with what I considered good IEMs back when I started this thread.

Thanks for reviving it!
Mar 31, 2019 at 4:04 PM Post #37 of 53
Well, Good discussions need be to revived now and then. =)

Airpods??? Hmm, even if they are super good (I hear a Apple fan say). I actually don't care. Biggest downside is that wireless cannot be used all day without charging them now and then. So, how handy is that? For work Ilisten to online streams, I use 2~3 cheap Bluetooth receivers (2 euro / piece), with a blue-tooth transmitter 4.1 (20 euro) with a KZ ZST pro. I can listen to music for about 2 hours then need to change to the next receiver. That is easy.totally I listen about 7 hours to streaming music during work.

But having 2 sets of those super expensive wireless IEM?! I rather buy one super expensive High quality IEM like Campfire Adromeda then having two sets of the cheaper wireless Sennheiser Momentum, rather "suffer and be old school" and go with the wire. After some time batteries are degraded and you pay a lot of money to get them fixed. For private time I use my Andromeda's. Quiet awesome!

Music at work? I work packing items, so I attach one IEM in one of my ears to listen to music. Makes my work more pleasant. =)
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Mar 31, 2019 at 6:50 PM Post #38 of 53
I was just running in this crap:

Took my pair of Dm6 and the coldness and wet went away entirely. Nothing but pure sonic bliss. Again at 11k feet, about 15 degF. BAs are pretty tough suckers.
Apr 2, 2019 at 7:37 AM Post #39 of 53
...keep eyes onto the traffic / trees/ people, because some are distracted (by music, nature, etc) and might not notice you.......we have enough deadly casualties yearly.... no need to add another one.... So on the go, on by bibycle: eh I rather not. In the train: yes, sometimes.
Apr 2, 2019 at 7:47 AM Post #40 of 53
...keep eyes onto the traffic / trees/ people, because some are distracted (by music, nature, etc) and might not notice you.......we have enough deadly casualties yearly.... no need to add another one.... So on the go, on by bibycle: eh I rather not. In the train: yes, sometimes.
Yeah but i've been using IEM to commute on bicycle and motorcycle anywhere all the time. For years. I'd say it's safer than you think because when on the road people are naturally double check with your eyes. And I can still hear everything around me really, just slightly less.
Apr 2, 2019 at 8:21 AM Post #41 of 53
Use it ***
Apr 2, 2019 at 1:16 PM Post #42 of 53
I will wear my Solaris out anywhere as long as it's not raining. I'm too paranoid of getting water/moisture in the DD vent. One day I'll pick up a beater pair to wear on those occasions.
Apr 2, 2019 at 10:04 PM Post #43 of 53
The only way to get your money's worth out of expensive IEMs is to use them often.
I bring mine on the airplane, walk the dog around the neighborhood, I'll even wear mine when eating alone in a noisy restaurant. I listen to mine in my bed before falling asleep.
Apr 5, 2019 at 4:50 PM Post #44 of 53
I use my best IEM's anywhere I go.
Apr 5, 2019 at 8:06 PM Post #45 of 53
That is the way it should be. I play guitar and people that hang their guitars on the wall and rub them with a diaper piss me off. Use your more expensive stuff until it breaks. Then buy more stuff. The more i spend on something the more I want to use the hell out of it.

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