Denafrips Arce
Oct 27, 2023 at 1:47 PM Post #151 of 203
Just replaced the $2 Ugreen cable with a $9.99 Kabeldirekt hdmi cable that connects to the TV at home, and the sound from the Arce i2s to Pontus is significantly improved. The Blue Jeans EF hdmi I ordered is still in transit, so hopefully it will sound better when it arrives.
Crap cables (I tried one for i2s) don't work.

I can whole-heartedly recommend the "AVplay HD-300". Check out my post over here.
Oct 31, 2023 at 6:53 AM Post #154 of 203
Used Avplay hd-300 arrived, the sound is clear and detailed, Suitability for prolonged listening needs to be verified.
Arce updated to SW25 firmware, local TF or USB flash drive audio file playback is finally stable, smooth.
Hope for Arce firmware update: DLNA support for DSD256 & 24-192 , enable Jriver or Foobar2000 software play sacd iso and stream to Arce , which is necessary for those who didn't buy Roon.
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Nov 26, 2023 at 11:13 AM Post #156 of 203
Hi all

I was very interested in this device, but it seems to have gone very quiet. Does anyone have any insight as to what's happening?


I just bought one, should be delivered in a week or so, a couple of people I spoke to really love them so I took the chance. They said it sounded as good as a Lumin and Auralic G2, hope so , will keep ya posted.
Nov 26, 2023 at 2:10 PM Post #157 of 203
Yeah righto it sounds like Arse 👍
America is turning into the live action version of 'Idiocracy' very quick.

It should be written as 'Arche', as in 'origen' or 'beginning' or 'source'. Or maybe 'Arxe'. It's a consonant that is very hard for English speakers. Unless they want to clear their throats...

Anyway. I don't understand this product (I've read the whole thread so don't try to explain it to me). It is so incongruous. It's complicated. It doesn't match it's intentions. It too expensive. You almost need an engineering degree to get it to work. It's not user friendly. Yes, I get the good intentions. But you know what they say about good intentions...

I understand it's a project in development. But if this is supposed to sound 'much better' than say, the Eversolo A6, why does it have the form factor of the Ares? Why doesn't it fit the size and style of the Pontus or Venus? Why do non of the Denafrips components match in style? Some are small, some are rounded, some are square , some have stripes. None of the DAC's, DDC and amps match.

When I listen to music I want to relax. Not study a manual first. Not look at an unorganized jumble of apparatuses on a rack (not to mention the cable spaghetti). How hard was it to translate the 'secret code' button dance of NOS/OS to a single button on the Ares 12th? I'm happy with my Ares, as long as I leave it alone. I'm glad I chose a Rose streamer because it does what I want, is intuitive, removed a lot of clutter and is totally silent. I used to have a computer in the room for audio as well. And while it worked fine, I was so used to its noise that made any talk of signal to noise ratios of >70dB just absurd. Now my noise floor has dropped I hear much more details. So yes, go use Room for upsampling. As long as you put the computer in another room.

It's a work in progress but not nearly ready for mass market appeal. I can't even explain it to most of my friends. I don't even need to explain my turntable or Rose streamer. Is that why CD's are getting a revival too? Just pop in a disc and press play. If you want complicated, get a girlfriend.
Nov 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM Post #158 of 203
I love mine. Sounds fantastic. Upgraded from AQ Cobalt to Wireworld Silver Sphere and also upgraded power cord to Prosper Cables and I definitely noticed an improvement. With that being said there were a couple of firmware updates in there as well, so likely a combination of all factors. But - very happy with where I am. Using Roon but may switch back to Audirvāna when / if they get the high res dlna solved.
Nov 26, 2023 at 4:08 PM Post #159 of 203
I got it last week so I'm still putting it through the paces. So far I love it. But definitely it's a very niche product.

First of all it's meant to be a Roon bridge. I currently have my NAS doubling as a Roon server which was easy enough to configure. I tried to hold off on getting a Roon subscription because of the extra expense, but trying to setup Hqplayer NAA was an annoying and difficult process I don't recommend and playing local music via usb and NAS on their phone app was laughably bad. For a company renown for their sublime sounding DAC's, user interface has never been their forte as evident in their minimalist hardware designs. But instead of hiring a proper app developer they had an amateur make a bare bones, bug ridden, super clunky piece of trash that is not ready for public release. Streamers live or die by the quality of the user experience so I don't know what Denafrips was thinking cheaping out so much. Stick to using Roon or be prepared to pay for Roon if you're not in the ecosystem.

I was looking to upgrade my aging Bluesound Node streamer and it seemed like every month there's a hot new streamer being released. I ideally wanted a pure streamer without a DAC because of the rapid pace of streaming tech advancement I figured it was the better route for my money. There are the Aurilics, Lumins, Aurenders, and the new Hifirose streamer that are way above my budget. I also prefer no distracting screen, so it came down to a few devices like the Denafrips Arce and the HoloAudio Red and the Volumio Rivo. But all of a sudden I found a good deal on a used Terminator II DAC so I bought it on a whim to upgrade my Topping DAC and it made my decision a lot easier. The Arce has the external clock inputs that you won't find anywhere until you get to likes of the expensive Aurender devices. It seems to be a match made in heaven with the high end Denafrips DACs sporting fancy OCXO clocks. So I currently have it connected to my Terminator II via i2s and two bnc cables and I can rest assured that I am getting the best performance out of it, and no money was wasted on extraneous features like color screens and internal DAC's. If I never got the Terminator II, I might have given another look at HoloAudio Red but that has been out of stock for a while.

Here's a pic of my setup along with the Yamaha A-S2200 integrated amp.


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Nov 27, 2023 at 10:36 AM Post #160 of 203
Hi all

I was very interested in this device, but it seems to have gone very quiet. Does anyone have any insight as to what's happening?


I've been using Arce for Roon Bridege for 3 months now and I'm still happy with the sound. But the almost once a month firmware updates to remove bugs & update the mobile app seems to be continuing. I guess the manufacturers realise that they have to clear the firmware and software bugs before Vinshine Audio can ramp up the promotion. For now either Roon users use it or play it locally with its extremely simple app.
Dec 2, 2023 at 5:26 PM Post #161 of 203
I got it last week so I'm still putting it through the paces. So far I love it. But definitely it's a very niche product.

First of all it's meant to be a Roon bridge. I currently have my NAS doubling as a Roon server which was easy enough to configure. I tried to hold off on getting a Roon subscription because of the extra expense, but trying to setup Hqplayer NAA was an annoying and difficult process I don't recommend and playing local music via usb and NAS on their phone app was laughably bad. For a company renown for their sublime sounding DAC's, user interface has never been their forte as evident in their minimalist hardware designs. But instead of hiring a proper app developer they had an amateur make a bare bones, bug ridden, super clunky piece of trash that is not ready for public release. Streamers live or die by the quality of the user experience so I don't know what Denafrips was thinking cheaping out so much. Stick to using Roon or be prepared to pay for Roon if you're not in the ecosystem.

I was looking to upgrade my aging Bluesound Node streamer and it seemed like every month there's a hot new streamer being released. I ideally wanted a pure streamer without a DAC because of the rapid pace of streaming tech advancement I figured it was the better route for my money. There are the Aurilics, Lumins, Aurenders, and the new Hifirose streamer that are way above my budget. I also prefer no distracting screen, so it came down to a few devices like the Denafrips Arce and the HoloAudio Red and the Volumio Rivo. But all of a sudden I found a good deal on a used Terminator II DAC so I bought it on a whim to upgrade my Topping DAC and it made my decision a lot easier. The Arce has the external clock inputs that you won't find anywhere until you get to likes of the expensive Aurender devices. It seems to be a match made in heaven with the high end Denafrips DACs sporting fancy OCXO clocks. So I currently have it connected to my Terminator II via i2s and two bnc cables and I can rest assured that I am getting the best performance out of it, and no money was wasted on extraneous features like color screens and internal DAC's. If I never got the Terminator II, I might have given another look at HoloAudio Red but that has been out of stock for a while.

Here's a pic of my setup along with the Yamaha A-S2200 integrated amp.
And how is the SQ using Roon? That's the only use case that interests me.
Dec 4, 2023 at 6:40 PM Post #162 of 203
And how is the SQ using Roon? That's the only use case that interests me.
The SQ is fantastic and flawless with no hitches from what I can tell. But this device was mainly engineered for Roon usage so it's not surprising. And without multiple streaming devices on hand to do apples to apples comparisons it's still not a lot to go on.
Dec 5, 2023 at 4:23 PM Post #163 of 203
The SQ is fantastic and flawless with no hitches from what I can tell. But this device was mainly engineered for Roon usage so it's not surprising. And without multiple streaming devices on hand to do apples to apples comparisons it's still not a lot to go on.
Thank you.
Dec 24, 2023 at 6:05 PM Post #164 of 203
I love mine. Sounds fantastic. Upgraded from AQ Cobalt to Wireworld Silver Sphere and also upgraded power cord to Prosper Cables and I definitely noticed an improvement. With that being said there were a couple of firmware updates in there as well, so likely a combination of all factors. But - very happy with where I am. Using Roon but may switch back to Audirvāna when / if they get the high res dlna solved.
What's the rest of the system it's feeding?

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