Decware Appreciation Thread (MT review up on first page 2-10-12)
Feb 15, 2012 at 10:08 PM Post #121 of 1,238

Thanks dude.  Shortly after the CSP2 clicked to QA and testing.   Seems they're running about a week apart since CSP2 was on the bench for a week.   But closer, closer, I'm excited.   I was hoping to get them on the same day, but I'll take them as I get them.   

Twice as much fun getting them on separate days!
Feb 16, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #123 of 1,238
Twice as much fun getting them on separate days!

Heh yeah it will be like two christmas days lol

Don't laugh, I was focused on how I'm going to have to pay for a cab home twice.  
But you're right not only will it be like 2 Christmas days, with the present you've been really, really hoping for, but it will also allow me to spend some quality alone time with the CSP2, and get it set up.  I re-arranged the stand last weekend, and have the 3 foot cable running from the W4S to the Lyr, the 18" guys will have to wait for the Taboo to arrive.  
Exciting times.    
Feb 16, 2012 at 2:12 PM Post #124 of 1,238
^ Congrats Nyvar. Naturally you are obliged to report plenty of impressions as these amps bed in 

Btw I got a clear couple of hours two days ago to compare Lyr & Taboo directly (both amps set to 80dBA with pink noise; two of my std review tracks).
I started with the Lyr in stock 6BZ7. Both tracks sounded really good. At that point I thought this is a pretty high bar for Taboo.
Then the Taboo (stock except for a NOS Tung Sol 12AU7 substituted for the JJ 12AU7 driver). Heavens, what a difference! So much more information in the low-tuned bass guitar and accompanying vocal of the first test track; more presence and definition to hi-hats.
This particular track is a lightly instrumented and fairly sparse ballad. The next one (Rodrigo e Gabriela Hanuman) is a lot more busy. Whilst I didn't notice as much difference in attack as I expected, very apparent was a far more "full range" sound from the Taboo - everything evenly balanced, nothing 'artificially' forward. In contrast, the 6BZ7/Lyr was bottom-heavy and (maybe because of this) gave an impression of being muddled and slow.
This was a worthwhile finding for me. I had been starting to wonder if the Taboo might be a bit bottom-dominated (which I don't want). Not because it sounds like it is, but because of how "richly" it renders the bass and lower mids. I wondered what could be doing this.
I needn't have worried. It actually puts everything up there in pristine balance. I think my "bottom-dominated" impression is just that it's given me a lot more information in that area than I've had from (stock) Lyr or Concerto; hence I noticed it more.
It's obvious stock Lyr versus (near) stock Taboo is not a fair comparison. If/when I get time I'll repeat this with better Lyr tubes (and probably report this in Frank's Review Decware Taboo thread, where I originally mentioned doing this comparison)
Feb 16, 2012 at 9:30 PM Post #125 of 1,238
Thanks for a fantastic comparison, I'm also following along on the other thread.  
Then the Taboo (stock except for a NOS Tung Sol 12AU7 substituted for the JJ 12AU7 driver).

I thought stock was JJ 12AT7, am I mistaken, or did you request it be shipped a 12AU7?
Feb 17, 2012 at 4:21 AM Post #128 of 1,238
Thanks Nyvar. WarriorAnt would chide me for delivering comments based on such a short comparison time, but the difference really was that clear! Any further impressions will take more time, as I'm sure SQ will be closer with better tubes in the Lyr. Also awaiting comparison is the Meier Concerto.
I should probably have just said "stock JJ". When I ordered I commented my (then) usual hp DAC delivers 3V rms out. That's probably why they shipped the AU7.
But getting great results with the 2.2V Stagedac. The one 12AT7 I've tried so far did show more gain but the sound signature wasn't quite to my liking.
Thanks for a fantastic comparison, I'm also following along on the other thread.  
I thought stock was JJ 12AT7, am I mistaken, or did you request it be shipped a 12AU7?

Feb 17, 2012 at 5:26 PM Post #129 of 1,238
My CSP2+ is way down on the waiting list. :frowning2: It's going to be a long couple of months.... :p
Feb 17, 2012 at 5:58 PM Post #130 of 1,238
It's going to be a long couple of months.... :p

I have felt your pain. 
I found the first couple of weeks rough, then I was ok, until I hit 8.  Down hill once I got the notice they were touching the parts that would become MY CSP2 and Taboo.  They're both in QC/Testing.   I know they'll ship, no matter what week it is, one day shy of what would be needed to receive it on Friday. 
Feb 17, 2012 at 6:02 PM Post #131 of 1,238
Heh yeah I was really anxious the first week of my mini torii and then it faded as I knew it was a few months away,  but once i say it in QC and passed then I got super excited again lol.  Its a wait well worth it in my book..:)
Feb 17, 2012 at 6:19 PM Post #133 of 1,238
Yeah but that really isn't the point of them...powerful tube amps cost big, big bucks.
Feb 17, 2012 at 6:42 PM Post #135 of 1,238

Just a little more power though, 24-40 watts

You have a headphone amp for your headphones. I would ckeck out the Prima Luna Amps in the 35-40W range. They are very nice amps and run on EL34,KT77,KT88,KT90 and bunch of other including 6550. If you need the 40 Watts for about 2K your good to go. 2250  for the 40W model with Genelex KT88 standard and included. You will drive the Gallo nicely with that and astill have your V200 for your LCD2

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