DEAL ALERT! Monster Turbine $90 & Monster Turbine Pro Gold $160! *Pro Gold Ended*
Aug 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM Post #46 of 63

Dude try them all out somewhere and buy what sounds good to you, not what sounds good to someone else. What may sound boring to a few people on here just might sound great to you, it's the same for speakers as well. Take these opinions with a grain of salt.


That's kind of hard to do since many places do not allow returns on in-ear headphones.
And I don't really want like $700 tied up for 2-3 weeks while I ship/return.
I did get the Golds however, I thought that they sounded just superb, but I have nothing to compare that to.
Yet for me, its great in the fact that I can listen to lower quality music and not have it sound absolutely terrible.
But they also make me realize how bad my speakers are.
My speakers sound as if they're making thump sounds for the bass now compared to the Golds.
Aug 27, 2010 at 10:57 PM Post #47 of 63

That's kind of hard to do since many places do not allow returns on in-ear headphones.
And I don't really want like $700 tied up for 2-3 weeks while I ship/return.
I did get the Golds however, I thought that they sounded just superb, but I have nothing to compare that to.
Yet for me, its great in the fact that I can listen to lower quality music and not have it sound absolutely terrible.

+1 on the try out/return issue.  And now I'm really confused.  I thought that "audiophile" phones like these golds made lesser quality (128 kbps) mp3s sound worse, but they make them sound better for you? 
Aug 27, 2010 at 10:58 PM Post #48 of 63

That's kind of hard to do since many places do not allow returns on in-ear headphones.
And I don't really want like $700 tied up for 2-3 weeks while I ship/return.
I did get the Golds however, I thought that they sounded just superb, but I have nothing to compare that to.
Yet for me, its great in the fact that I can listen to lower quality music and not have it sound absolutely terrible.
But they also make me realize how bad my speakers are.
My speakers sound as if they're making thump sounds for the bass now compared to the Golds.

Yea that's the downside to this sport lol. And that was not ment as a put down to the folks who found the copper boring, to them they probably were but from their impressions it's easy to see they also have a trained ear. My ear's are not so trained, maybe to much " Exile on main st " lmao.
Aug 28, 2010 at 12:40 AM Post #49 of 63
Golds on sale anywhere? I don't see em on JR.
edit: Nvm I see them.
Aug 28, 2010 at 3:10 AM Post #50 of 63

+1 on the try out/return issue.  And now I'm really confused.  I thought that "audiophile" phones like these golds made lesser quality (128 kbps) mp3s sound worse, but they make them sound better for you? 

It depends what you are going for.  You pick a phone that makes most of your content sound crap because it really was mastered that way.  Or, you get something that can expand your content and still give you the detail and quality sound you are looking for.  As for how bad a 128kbs mp3 does or doesn't sound, that's another thread you can look into.
Aug 28, 2010 at 7:05 AM Post #51 of 63

It depends what you are going for.  You pick a phone that makes most of your content sound crap because it really was mastered that way.  Or, you get something that can expand your content and still give you the detail and quality sound you are looking for.  As for how bad a 128kbs mp3 does or doesn't sound, that's another thread you can look into.

I heard that the Coppers were really unforgiving and will make your music sound exactly the way that it's supposed to sound.
The Gold seems to be forgiving at least for me.
But I don't listen to 128 kbps MP3 files, I listen to 256 - 320kbps files so I'm not sure how they'd sound for you.
128 kbps files sound decent with the Gold but you can tell that they don't sound very good just comparing it to the sound of your 320 kbps files.
Aug 28, 2010 at 10:24 AM Post #52 of 63
Yeah, I really hope they don't rip 256kbps music to shreds.
Unfortunately for us audiophiles, Amazon MP3 only encodes in that format. And some albums are *only* available via download.
Aug 28, 2010 at 7:51 PM Post #57 of 63
All the monster earphones I've tried were pretty forgiving although my collection of low bitrate mp3 files isn't that high. By forgiving I do indeed mean that they don't make low quality files sound horrible.
Aug 28, 2010 at 9:10 PM Post #58 of 63
I see, thanks for the clarification! My collection is 320 (minus the itunes 256 tracks) so besides flac, its the best I can do unfortunately. I dont have an audiophile ear, but I know the coppers sound really good and can reach high volume levels unamped = I like 

Aug 28, 2010 at 10:57 PM Post #59 of 63
If I ordered the MTPG under its discounted price while it was out of stock, will they still finalize it as that price?

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