
  1. cardboardhome

    Monster Turbine Pro Copper Replacements

    Hi. About a year ago I bought a pair of Monster Turbine Copper Pro's, which come with a lifetime warranty. Since then, the headphones have broken, been replaced, and now have broken for a second time. With the warranty I'm allowed to have them replaced again but when I called Monster they said...
  2. bwong247

    Help me Decide on a pair of IEM'S

    Hello fellow Head-fier's i have been looking for another pair of iem's and i found a couple and im wondering on what all you guys think.   PS: I like Bass I listen to rap, dnb, electro, trance, jazzhop, dubstep   VSonic GR07 Bass Edition VS Munitio NINES Tactical Earphones VS...
  3. incursore61

    Monster Turbine: which model to choose?

     can not understand if the different models there are important differences, help me thanks!   PRO HIGH:......   PRO GOLD:....   HIGH PERFORMANCE:.....
  4. aetain

    FS atrios m5 (MG7 driver) vs Monster turbine pro gold

    What differences are there? I mainly listen to dubstep & rap.   Bass (quantity & quality) Mid-bass Subass Soundstage     Thank you
  5. dSmurf

    HELP!!! All rounder IEM under $200

    Hi Guys!!!  I'm just new on head-fi , i'm looking for an IEM that will suit my music style under $200 cause i can't bring my he-400 since its pretty heavy, it must be an all rounder one since i really do appreciate all genre in terms of music but here's my routine:   MORNING: I listen to...
  6. kim31227

    Monster vs Klipsch?

    Hi guys, I have the Monster Turbine Pro Gold that I bought a couple of years ago. I have a friend who has the Klipsch S4i and I was impressed by the comfort that the S4i's offered. Do you think the Monster Turbine Pro Golds are better of the Klipsch S4i?   Thanks!
  7. Mcarter3

    Replacement for my Westone 3's

    Thread has been relocated to Help and Recommendation section. Apologies      Been quite a while since I have been on the site. I have my dream setup for over ears and amp and have been very happy with my portable rig (Ipod 5 running rockbox and westone 3's) until the time I decide to try...
  8. ajy317

    Why is Turbine Pro Copper cheaper than Gold?

    When I go to Monstercable's website, I found that they are selling the Copper $100 cheaper than the Gold.   Why is that happening??? I heard that there were quality issues with the Copper.   BTW, under the current price, which one would you choose?
  9. sardar17

    fake monster turbine pro gold..............

    i just saw this listing on an indian seller   he is selling these for 60$ and says they are oem product   what do u ppl think??
  10. mrboom

    Good IEMs for EDM (Mostly House and Electro) Any price [Straight style only, no Shure "around the ear" types of IEMs]

    Like the title suggests, I am looking for good IEMs for EDM. I have tried Shure's, and while they sounded amazing, even after a few weeks I still found them extremely uncomfortable. I have no price boundaries, so lay some suggestions on me. IEMs I've used and enjoyed (for reference): Sony...
  11. James1822

    headphones with faulty cable - sellable?

    Hi,   I have a set of PX200-iis and some Monster Turbine Pro IEMS which have both developed faults.  The PX200-iis have developed a fault in the cable (I think around the inline volume adjuster).  The Monster Turbine Pros have a fault whereby the right speaker cuts down to about half...
  12. kbal

    Mainstream music and Audiophiles

    Personally, the majority of the music I listen to is mainstream: I realised recently that I am addicted to music and ever since buying my turbine pro golds, I noticed a huge improvement, what mainly interested me was the clarity/definition of the instruments. Anyway, the major problem for me is...
  13. potatoe94

    Any suggestion on dynamic inEar for $500-700 range

    hello ~  i've been using my Monster Turbine Pro Gold for about 3 Years now , and i really enjoy the sound it produce , it's very engaging and lively , full of energy . however , having so many balanced armatures & dynamics being released during the period , i wonder if anyone could suggest...
  14. hd800op

    Difference between turbine regular and pearl

    The only reason I am asking is because the MSRP of these was different, now they can be found on amazon for about the same price. Also, why does the copper cost less than the gold if it is the "top end" earphone. So my question: Is there a difference in sound quality/tonal signature? Which...
  15. FaTbOyOnAbiKe

    Thinking about buying Monster turbine pro gold?

    Hey, I was looking around on the forums and i saw someone mention the monster outlet store link here :   Has anyone bought headphones from here? i want to buy the refurbished MonsterTurbine PRO gold ones but i wanted some input before...
  16. Housebliss

    Triple flange tips FTW!!!!

    For.The.Win!!   I'm so happy I shed a tear. Breathes new life into any IEM. Good thing because I almost gave away my Turbine Pro Gold and B&W C5. I've been shaking my head vigorously for 1 minute and they're in place. As with any IEM I guess, correct tips are crucial.   Absolutely no...
  17. Adel

    Monster turbines pro copper or gold?

    Hello all members on Head-fi   I am considering buying either monster turbines pro copper or gold but i am a bit confused about which one to choose. The main music genres i listen to is rap, hip hop and techno which requires a lot of bass(basshead). I dont have the right amount of knowledge to...

    Monster Turbine Pro Copper or Gold w/ Headstage Arrow 4G Amp

    Title says it all. Which sounds better? With the golds and an amp will the bass drown everything else out? With the coppers and an amp will everything sound balanced and still have that oomph that I'm looking for with the bass? On they're selling the coppers for $211.08 and on...
  19. cactus_farmer

    Driver size (mm) for Sennheiser IE8?

    Can't find the info anywhere on the web including Sennheiser's site. Anyone know?
  20. Sober

    Turbine gold or Miles Davis

    I have been trying to decide on what one to get. I listen to mostly Rock and a little Hip-hop. I can get the Golds for $200 and the Miles Davis for $259. Is the Miles Davis really worth the $59 extra?
  21. sdhiman33

    Ultimate ears 700 vs Triple fi 10 vs Monster Turbine gold pro

    Alright i just got the UE 700s and they are impressive.  The highs are extremely clear along with the mids, but the bass end of the spectrum lacks.  It's there, but there is no kick.  I understand these headphones are not designed for strong bass, but out the other two IEMs, what would have...
  22. jacobap100

    MTPG vs Klipsch x 10

    I found out that I wont be getting new IEM's for a long time.Like 1/2 a year so I want to be ready when I do I can get both for the same price and I love bass!!!! Which one should I get
  23. akacoke

    should i get monster turbine gold for $180? updated impression and comparison

    i listen to a lot of old school rap, and R&B.   wu tang clan, 2pac, dre, nas. onyx, dmx. jayz, black moon, das efx. cool j.      usher, jaheim, mariah carey, alyshia keys, keyshia cole, luther vandross etc   i need lots lots of bass, crisp clear natural musical sound. of couse good mid...
  24. cck5

    confused head-fier

    i started my journey in headfi over two years ago. and its magical up until now. I currently own no full sized cans and only a pair of IEMS (monster turbine pro golds), even though they are great, i want something more now.   so far i have owned sr80I sr225i and have listened to the m50's. i...
  25. bobbyjonesrocks

    Monster Turbine Pro Gold Turbine durability problems

    Hi everybody!   I bought the MTPG off of recommendations from |joker| and other posters. However, I have a problem with their durability. This is my 2nd pair from Onecall. I had the same problem with both of them. I treat them very carefully by always putting them in their pouch. I have...