DEAL ALERT! Monster Turbine $90 & Monster Turbine Pro Gold $160! *Pro Gold Ended*
Aug 26, 2010 at 4:20 PM Post #16 of 63

??  All the Monster pros are lifetime not 3 years + the one time you effed up replacement.  Regular Turbine (non pro) is 3 years.

I meant the 3 years for defects and stuff like that. Say one of the drivers go bad or the housing comes apart you have 3 years from the date of purchase to send it in for repairs under the warranty. The lifetime warranty is for when you screw up say driver over you iems.
Aug 26, 2010 at 4:21 PM Post #17 of 63

I meant the 3 years for defects and stuff like that. Say one of the drivers go bad or the housing comes apart you have 3 years from the date of purchase to send it in for repairs under the warranty. The lifetime warranty is for when you screw up say driver over you iems.

Incorrect.  Its lifetime for all defects.  This is a fact.
Aug 26, 2010 at 4:23 PM Post #18 of 63

Balanced U/V shape.  Quicker driver, less decay but still good.  Good solid bass, bright enough treble just barely north of accurate.  Requires more play w/ insertion adn placement for optimal signature.  Although that can be used to tune the signature as well.  Definitely tthe pick for Metal and Electronic.  Could be seen as more analytical and slightly less engaging than the MDs in comparison over time.  Wider soundstage.  Definitely better suited to the technically conscious w/ their music. 
Think Dynamic version of SM3 sound but more complete mids and coherent sound, not as technically focused.  A bit slower than the Copper but better decay and reverb.  More forward mids and tip dependent on opening up clarity and cooling the warmth.  Can be inserted deeper due to housing shape.  The no brainer choice for hip/hop, rap, and Jazz (unless you want more emphasis on horns for Jazz than Piano and Cello).  These are euphonic in that they can expand your content by playing even poorly mastered modern stuff.  Soundstage more intimate and 'smaller' but you can sense actual depth and some imaging where it is like a small club stage.  Not really blobish IMO, others may disagree.  Not disimilar to the M50s but w/ more forward mids.  But remember IEM v headphones here, adjust expectations accordingly.  Suited better to the intuitive and emotive listener IMO.     

I agree for the most part. The Coppers despite being closer to my signature than the MD's were pretty boring. It seems like they tried to do move away from the Monster sound signature and into a more neutral one. It's a good earphone but nothing to write home about. I like it in short period but for longer sessions it gets pretty boring.
The MD's are more fun. They have pretty bass extension as well as the slam. The bass is done better than the Coppers. Midrange is forward however so it depends on if you like it. Stage is indeed smaller and the mids don't exactly help that out. However imaging is surprisingly good as well as separation if I remember correctly. Their cable however is the worst of the top 3 Monster earphones.
I think the MD's are probably either first or a close second for me in the Monster line with the Coppers as last if that's of any help to you but probably not.
Aug 26, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #21 of 63
As a very happy almost one month Turbine Pro Copper owner, I am happy with these reasonable deals for prospective new owners. Monsters warranty really is second to none.
Aug 26, 2010 at 6:59 PM Post #22 of 63
This was my first time using any headphone other than the iPod Stock buds, and I was considering buying the regular Monster Turbines until I saw this delicious deal and bought the Monster Turbine Pro Golds.
I debated for a long time between the Gold & Miles Davis headphones.
The Copper was out since a lot of people here seem to think that they sound boring.
I finally decided to pick the Gold based on a coin toss, but I'm still flipping back and forth.
The MD also seems a bit gaudy to me, but blue is my favorite color =/.
Oh well, I can always return them since I'm not going to be opening them until I get my hands on the new iPods anyway.
Maybe then I'll have more money.
Aug 26, 2010 at 7:06 PM Post #23 of 63
Well I just pulled the plug on some coppers . I probably would have gotten the golds but I had read a review on cnet were the reveiwer said the turbines were a little brighter then the golds and I used to own the turbines and I always thought that the turbines needed a little more bightness in the treble region . I also wanted more bass extension and I believe the coppers will have enough , if not , I will probably sale them and get the golds . Or I might get some bass heavy IEMs to complitment my new coppers . Also , I used the coupon code and it works off the J&R site , but it would not work thru the Amazon site for me . Looks like I am going to have to sell my Senn 600s to supplement my new purchase .
Aug 26, 2010 at 10:34 PM Post #24 of 63

Well I just pulled the plug on some coppers . I probably would have gotten the golds but I had read a review on cnet were the reveiwer said the turbines were a little brighter then the golds and I used to own the turbines and I always thought that the turbines needed a little more bightness in the treble region . I also wanted more bass extension and I believe the coppers will have enough , if not , I will probably sale them and get the golds . Or I might get some bass heavy IEMs to complitment my new coppers . Also , I used the coupon code and it works off the J&R site , but it would not work thru the Amazon site for me . Looks like I am going to have to sell my Senn 600s to supplement my new purchase .

The coppers have a more extended treble, iirc it's slightly more sparkly and present as well. The bass extention should be the same or better on the coppers, the golds are nice but they do have more quantity (the coppers have plenty) and a bit of a mid-bass hump. Let the coppers break in a bit and take your time getting a good and proper fit. If they sound like they are in a tunnel or whatever, then you don't have a good fit. It's not that hard at all, but it might take some practice until it's perfect every time. Once you hear what the coppers can do, you'll really appreciate them.

Aug 26, 2010 at 11:58 PM Post #26 of 63
I can verify it's lifetime for defects, as well as accidental damage.  It wouldn't even make sense the way that you've made it.  If my right driver goes out, then I send it back to them.  What are they going to do, deny the claim because it's their fault?  I'll just say it was mine, because i spilled water on it.  Then, if they still denied it, I could smash it with a hammer.  There, now it's my fault.
Aug 27, 2010 at 12:19 AM Post #27 of 63
Oh snap! Pulled the trigger on the Miles Davis set!!!!!
Aug 27, 2010 at 12:23 AM Post #28 of 63
The Monster Turbine Pro Golds are out of stock at J&R now.
But, now Amazon has jumped the gun and offered these products at the same J&R prices (+/- 5) so get them while they're hot!
Aug 27, 2010 at 9:31 AM Post #30 of 63
I think Amazon realized how many people were being them, and became impressed.
So yes, Amazon's price now does reflect J&R's price, yet a few dollars more expensive.
If you were contemplating getting them yesterday, you now have 2nd chance. Get 'em!

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