Dateline NBC - To Catch a Predator
Oct 22, 2006 at 8:31 PM Post #16 of 90

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
Ya seriously kids are the problem, not the pedophiles.

An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

...wait a minute.

Perhaps the problem is that there's too many people on the internet that lack basic sentence comprehension skills?


I think the bigger problem are the idiotic teens that actually agree to do these things, not these actual predators.

Let's see here..."bigger" seems to be an adjective that modifies "problem." "Big" refers to something large or of importance. "Bigger" is VERY similar to "big." I think "bigger" also refers to something large or of importance, but there's that "ger" at the end...hmm...I think that means that it's "more big" than something else. If it's "more big" than something else...I think that "something else" is still big...but just not as big!!

swt61 - Please refer to the 8th Amendment of the Constitution


Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
A 15 yeard old is a child by anyones judgement. Are you saying that sleeping with someone 15 years of age is ok?

Why do you know so much about the definition of pedophile?

You insinuate and look into posts too much. Just tone it down a bit...
Oct 22, 2006 at 8:55 PM Post #17 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
swt61 - Please refer to the 8th Amendment of the Constitution

Yeah they never asked my opinion on that one, before voting on that amendment.

But seriously, I know we can't go around cutting people up, but I think the problem needs to be addressed much more seriously. It's very difficult though, I remember very well all the false claims in the 80's with the daycare centers. And I don't think the punishment for an 18 y.o. having sex with a 17 y.o. ought to be the same as a 45 y.o. with a 17 y.o. But I also don't believe that you can keep a straight face when you say the teens are the problem. And for the record I do believe in chemical castration.
Oct 22, 2006 at 10:04 PM Post #18 of 90

Originally Posted by swt61
Yeah they never asked my opinion on that one, before voting on that amendment.

But seriously, I know we can't go around cutting people up, but I think the problem needs to be addressed much more seriously. It's very difficult though, I remember very well all the false claims in the 80's with the daycare centers. And I don't think the punishment for an 18 y.o. having sex with a 17 y.o. ought to be the same as a 45 y.o. with a 17 y.o. But I also don't believe that you can keep a straight face when you say the teens are the problem. And for the record I do believe in chemical castration.

Teens aren't the problem. What I'm saying is that they are part of the problem, and considering the situation, they're a bigger problem than the predators themselves. What makes all of this possible? Is it the predator that wants to have sex with some unknown person on the internet? Or is it that unknown person that also wants to have sex and agrees to give out personal information. If we could "fix" these stupid teens somehow then all of this predator stuff would be virtually nonexistent (As in there won't be any "action"; the pedophiles would still exist, but there would be no actions made, which is the most important thing if you ask me). It's great that NBC is doing this series to discourage these pedophiles, but it'd be MUCH better if NBC could do something to discourage these dumb teens that are making all of this possible (Would you agree with me that it is VERY likely that nothing would happen in one of these situations if the teen refused to give any personal information?). Of course, that's easier said than done, but I still believe that people should recognize that these promiscuous teens play a huge role in this as well. It's not like this is exactly like rape, in which the sole problem is the predator as the other person actually is the victim (Yes, the teens can get raped in these situations, but the difference between these situations and rape is that these teens are consenting to having sex and are willing giving out information...).
Oct 22, 2006 at 11:53 PM Post #19 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
Teens aren't the problem. What I'm saying is that they are part of the problem, and considering the situation, they're a bigger problem than the predators themselves. What makes all of this possible? Is it the predator that wants to have sex with some unknown person on the internet? Or is it that unknown person that also wants to have sex and agrees to give out personal information. If we could "fix" these stupid teens somehow then all of this predator stuff would be virtually nonexistent (As in there won't be any "action"; the pedophiles would still exist, but there would be no actions made, which is the most important thing if you ask me). It's great that NBC is doing this series to discourage these pedophiles, but it'd be MUCH better if NBC could do something to discourage these dumb teens that are making all of this possible (Would you agree with me that it is VERY likely that nothing would happen in one of these situations if the teen refused to give any personal information?). Of course, that's easier said than done, but I still believe that people should recognize that these promiscuous teens play a huge role in this as well. It's not like this is exactly like rape, in which the sole problem is the predator as the other person actually is the victim (Yes, the teens can get raped in these situations, but the difference between these situations and rape is that these teens are consenting to having sex and are willing giving out information...).

Ah but it is rape. Statutory rape. That's what I'm saying, the kids are making bad choices, but that's normal behavior for kids. Yes it would be great if we could stop them from giving out their info, but I don't see that happening. But even if they consent it's a crime. I do understand what you're saying, and in part I agree, but it's the adults that need to be apprehended and severely punished. They are old enough to fully understand their decisions.
Oct 22, 2006 at 11:57 PM Post #20 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
Teens aren't the problem. What I'm saying is that they are part of the problem, and considering the situation, they're a bigger problem than the predators themselves. What makes all of this possible? Is it the predator that wants to have sex with some unknown person on the internet? Or is it that unknown person that also wants to have sex and agrees to give out personal information. If we could "fix" these stupid teens somehow then all of this predator stuff would be virtually nonexistent (As in there won't be any "action"; the pedophiles would still exist, but there would be no actions made, which is the most important thing if you ask me). It's great that NBC is doing this series to discourage these pedophiles, but it'd be MUCH better if NBC could do something to discourage these dumb teens that are making all of this possible (Would you agree with me that it is VERY likely that nothing would happen in one of these situations if the teen refused to give any personal information?). Of course, that's easier said than done, but I still believe that people should recognize that these promiscuous teens play a huge role in this as well. It's not like this is exactly like rape, in which the sole problem is the predator as the other person actually is the victim (Yes, the teens can get raped in these situations, but the difference between these situations and rape is that these teens are consenting to having sex and are willing giving out information...).

You got this backwards. You want the younger (non-adult) children to be the one to get smart, while you allow the adult predators to get away without any responsibility. The PEDOPHILES ARE THE ADULTS in this situation. They are the ones with the greater responsibility to know better. If they are sick in the head, they should know better than to act on their sick impulses. The children involved are young and naive.
Oct 23, 2006 at 12:31 AM Post #21 of 90

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
You got this backwards. You want the younger (non-adult) children to be the one to get smart, while you allow the adult predators to get away without any responsibility. The PEDOPHILES ARE THE ADULTS in this situation. They are the ones with the greater responsibility to know better. If they are sick in the head, they should know better than to act on their sick impulses. The children involved are young and naive.

You're more likely to fix the children than the adults. Children mature and realize how stupid they were when they were "young and naive." These pedophiles have a natural desire to have sex with these kids. You can't just expect people to be able to fix'd be like trying to fix someone's heterosexuality or something. You're better off educating these stupid teens (Seriously, how young and naive do you have to be to consent to do something like this? I hate to say it, but it's like they deserve what's coming if they want to do all of this crap...).

I just don't like how people just pass of this behavior as the typical bad choices that naive kids make. This is serious business here, kids are having sex with adults, and then are complaining for being raped or whatever happend. It's like someone asking to get beat up by a gang, having the gang do it, then having the "victim" complain and cry and meep and moan. Then everybody blames the gangs and consoles the "victim." The victim had it coming, and if he/she is too stupid to see the negative consequences of getting beat up, then he/she deserves what he/she asked for...or something like that (Reminds me of a discussion we had in my English class...2 students died last year as they were late to school and were rushing to class in their car; they tried to beat a train but got hit and died...normally people would have said that if you're stupid enough to try to race a train, then you deserve what's coming to you...but because people knew the 2 boys, emotions were involved and people couldn't blame them for what happend...).

I'm sure just reading the idea of these victims "deserving" what's coming to them, without taking into consideration the context of the situation, will enrage a lot of people here. So, *flame shield activated*

Is it "statutory rape" if the "victim" consents (The adult isn't compelling/forcing the teen into a sexual act, so I wouldn't think so)?
Oct 23, 2006 at 12:45 AM Post #22 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
Is it "statutory rape" if the "victim" consents (The adult isn't compelling/forcing the teen into a sexual act, so I wouldn't think so)?

Wow. Just wow. Are you one of those that believes that children are born with adult brains?

But to answer the quoted question, look it up, the answer is YES.
Oct 23, 2006 at 12:49 AM Post #23 of 90

Originally Posted by plainsong
Wow. Just wow. Are you one of those that believes that children are born with adult brains?

But to answer the quoted question, look it up, the answer is YES.

Hmm...that's interesting. "Rape" by definition refers to some sort of sexual force exterted on the victim, but if it's with a minor no force is necessary for it to be considered rape. Quite odd if you ask me.
Oct 23, 2006 at 12:58 AM Post #24 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
Hmm...that's interesting. "Rape" by definition refers to some sort of sexual force exterted on the victim, but if it's with a minor no force is necessary for it to be considered rape. Quite odd if you ask me.

Well, it may be something you want to look up before taking a 16 year old girl home with you. If she tells her friend/family members, and they tell the cops, guess who's going to jail, and hint: it ain't her.
Consent will have nothing to do with it.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:01 AM Post #25 of 90

Originally Posted by plainsong
Well, it may be something you want to look up before taking a 16 year old girl home with you. If she tells her friend/family members, and they tell the cops, guess who's going to jail, and hint: it ain't her.
Consent will have nothing to do with it.

Well, I'm 17, so it shouldn't be too bad

So, is there any way for the teen to go to jail, or do they have some sort of immunity in these kinds of situations (Say a 15 year old girl rapes a 40 year old guy? No...the courts would be biased for something like that...maybe a 15 year old boy raping a 40 year old woman?)? I'm guessing this hasn't happend much, so there isn't much of a precedence to start on, but I'd think that it's happend at least a couple times.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:03 AM Post #26 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
These pedophiles have a natural desire to have sex with these kids. You can't just expect people to be able to fix'd be like trying to fix someone's heterosexuality or something.

There is nothing natural about their abnormal sexual preferences. If they cannot control it, they should be imprisoned, so that they cannot prey on more children. You seem to want to blame the vicitims in this case, even though they are children. This is not a statutory rape issue with some 19 year old guy and his 17 year old girlfriend, these are men in their late 20's and older wanting to have sex with girls and/or boys ~15 years old or younger. It is wrong both morally and legally. They get caught, they get punished, end of story. Trying to blame their victims, calling them "the bigger problem" is just ridiculous.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #27 of 90

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
There is nothing natural about their abnormal sexual preferences. If they cannot control it, they should be imprisoned, so that they cannot prey on more children. You seem to want to blame the vicitims in this case, even though they are children. This is not a statutory rape issue with some 19 year old guy and his 17 year old girlfriend, these are men in their late 20's and older wanting to have sex with girls and/or boys ~15 years old or younger. It is wrong both morally and legally. They get caught, they get punished, end of story. Trying to blame their victims, calling them "the bigger problem" is just ridiculous.

By "natural" I mean in their state of mind. It's just common sense that pedophilia would be a natural turn on to them as are women to straight men, men to straight women, men to gay men, etc.

The reason why these things happen is because the teens are willingly giving out information and want to do it. The predators are a problem, but the teens are a bigger problem. If you could educate these teens, then these occurrences would HARDLY occur at all (if at all). If a bunch of kids are going out and buying, say, crack or something from drug dealers and are ruining their lives and killing themselves...what are you going to do? Go after drug dealers, or try to educate these stupid kids? Actually, you should do both, but what I'm sayins is that you should place more emphasis (more emphasis than is being placed now) on the latter.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:15 AM Post #28 of 90
I realize a 17 year old doesn't like hearing that their brain is still developing, and while they can be mature, and capable of making more and more good decisions, that there are plenty of bad ones to be made, very bad ones, and that even in the late teens, there will be times when adults can say that they know more. I so know how annoying that is, but here we also have a case where a teen ignores what adults say. Is it so hard to imagine a teen ignoring their parents in the same situation?

So I appreciate that a teenager believes that yes, they can in fact be accountable for bad decisions, common sense, and the law say the adult is going to get more of the blame. This isn't about a natural sexual attraction, it's purely about power.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:17 AM Post #29 of 90

Originally Posted by Azure
The reason why these things happen is because the teens are willingly giving out information and want to do it. The predators are a problem, but the teens are a bigger problem. If you could educate these teens, then these occurrences would HARDLY occur at all (if at all).

This is a naive assumption. These predators go out of their way to lure these kids into these situations. They provide them with liquor, money, food, etc. Anything the kid would really want but cannot get, they provide in exchange to "just hang out". Once they are able to make physical contact, these predators will and do rape these children, then move on to their next target. It is as simple as that. I really cannot even comprehend your extreme viewpoint because it is so far off base, it makes me wonder if you are even being serious or just 'trolling' as some online users would likely label it. You act as if these children put up posts somewhere saying, "I would like to have sex with a man over the age of 30, please PM me @". This is not the case.
Oct 23, 2006 at 1:18 AM Post #30 of 90

Originally Posted by plainsong
I realize a 17 year old doesn't like hearing that their brain is still developing, and while they can be mature, and capable of making more and more good decisions, that there are plenty of bad ones to be made, very bad ones, and that even in the late teens, there will be times when adults can say that they know more. I so know how annoying that is, but here we also have a case where a teen ignores what adults say. Is it so hard to imagine a teen ignoring their parents in the same situation?

So I appreciate that a teenager believes that yes, they can in fact be accountable for bad decisions, common sense, and the law say the adult is going to get more of the blame. This isn't about a natural sexual attraction, it's purely about power.

Hmm...that's interesting. So, even if there was direct video footage showing the teen raping the adult, the court would still hold the adult accountable due to the whole power situation and how those under 18 cannot be regarded as mature enough to be responsible for their actions? Or are you talking about something else?

VR6ofpain - I'll agree with you that these guys are rather desperate. What I'm saying is that their sexual preference cannot be regarded as any more horrible than "normal" heterosexual/homosexual preferences. I don't see how these problens would still continue as much if the teens refused to give out personal information though. Like I said earlier, these things are happening because these predators are getting phone numbers, addresses, the whole asl thing, etc. If these predators never got this information, and if these teens didn't willingly talk about having sex and want to pursue it, then these types of things shouldn't happen NEARLY as much as they happen now (As opposed to how infrequently these things would happen if you concentrated solely on fixing the pedophiles).

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