Darkvoice 336i & 336SE Tuberolling PartII
Mar 8, 2016 at 5:53 AM Post #931 of 14,543
  Hi, I've a BIG question for you: a friend of mine is persuading me to buy a Yaquin tube amplifier instead of a Darkvoice 336SE because of the less distortion of the first. The Yaquin has 0.03% and the DV336 has 2%. Does anyone can help me in finding the best product for this prince range? Thanks

Specs alone will not tell you how a product will sound. Especially with an OTL amp like the Darkvoice, there is a complex interaction between the amp and the headphones the amp is driving. Generally, the impedance of your headphones should be on the high side. Low impedance phones usually are not driven as well by this amp. It will also depend on the quality of the tubes used as well. The stock tubes are generally not very well regarded. But if the stars align, this amp can sound very nice indeed, specs be damned.
Apr 21, 2016 at 9:36 PM Post #932 of 14,543
hello dark people, i been looking to get a tube amp for a  while now! at first was looking at vali 2, but i want the warm gooey liquid honey screw treble close your eyes and go back to the 60s and keep obama in office forever sound, and i hear the vali 2 is more "neutral' and you cant really get that "old school tube sound" with it.
so if i went double the price and got a dark voice 336 se, would that give me what im looking for with hd650 sennheisers? are the stock tubes good enough? is this darkvoice designed to be your typical neutral-sounds just like an o2 but looks cooler- type of tube amp? or is it a tube amp that actually sounds like a tube amp?
Apr 21, 2016 at 11:14 PM Post #933 of 14,543
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "warm gooey liquid..." sound, and I've never heard a vintage tube amp, but I really LIKE the Vali 2.  This is my first experience with a tube amp and so far, "tube sound" means very good sound.  The Vali 2 is a detailed, dynamic, and very clear sounding amp, yet the music sounds more real to me.  I can hear singers' breath, the vibrations of cymbals after the initial hit, nasty intense guitar riffs, it all sounds a bit more true to real life.  
I've read post after post after post by you and I too had no clue what a tube amp sounded like before buying the Vali 2. It is indeed my first headphone amp as well, but so far I would definitely buy another Schiit product.  I'm sure the Dark Voice is a good product too, lots of good stuff out there, I'm just commenting on what I have listened to.  
I think the Vali 2 and AKG K7XX are a hell of a combination.  You talk about hating "treble and details" but details are about being able to hear everything in the recording, not just high treble stuff.  Everything from the lowest notes of a bass guitar to background vocals to..all of it.  IMHO both the Vali 2 and K7XX are very fine products, not just for the money, but a variation on a very famous headphone design and a fine American made tube hybrid headphone amplifier.  I doubt you will be disappointed with either one!
Apr 23, 2016 at 9:46 PM Post #934 of 14,543
  hello dark people, i been looking to get a tube amp for a  while now! at first was looking at vali 2, but i want the warm gooey liquid honey screw treble close your eyes and go back to the 60s and keep obama in office forever sound, and i hear the vali 2 is more "neutral' and you cant really get that "old school tube sound" with it.
so if i went double the price and got a dark voice 336 se, would that give me what im looking for with hd650 sennheisers? are the stock tubes good enough? is this darkvoice designed to be your typical neutral-sounds just like an o2 but looks cooler- type of tube amp? or is it a tube amp that actually sounds like a tube amp?

Oh yeah... DV336se will pair very well with HD650 and sound warm and lush. Stock tubes are lack lustre and you should replace them. 
Give them some love and shod them with Sylvania 6SN7GTB chrome top and Tung Sol 5998, and you'll be rewarded with a lovely tube amp sound. Even replacing the 5998 with a 6AS7G will give a very rewarding sound.
Apr 24, 2016 at 5:25 AM Post #935 of 14,543
I have been involved with audio since I was a kid. I had one of those magic uncles you only see in childrens' movies! But I am just getting used to tube amps, mostly because of access issues from India.

I have a Dark Voice 336SE. The original tubes were good, but I felt it could be better. I took advice from some seriously knowledgeable people on this forum and rolled the tubes. I couldn't afford the very pricey stuff. I changed the 6AS7 (bigger one in the back) with RCA, and  6SN7 (smaller one in the front) with Electro-Harmonic. Many Russian and East European tubes are being bought over and re-branded. It doesn't matter. As someone on this forum said, almost anything is better than the stock ones.
I am very glad I did change them, The sound is now full and lush (up from shrill and thin) with an improved sense of space and clarity. 
Be advised that the characteristics of your headphones will dramatically alter your experience. A can like V-Moda is naturally meatier and bassier than many "neutral" ones. The DV can sound unbearably boomy and bloated with this can. It is best used with a really precise solid state rig.
Beyerdtyamic DT990 needed getting used to. It is very, very neutral and uncoloured. Playing off the DV, I thought it sounded thin. Rolling the tubes made a big difference. Even so, it is so much leaner than other less neutral, closed headphones.  Once you've got past this initial impression, you will begin to appreciate both the DV and the DT990 for the amazing level of detail and trueness you can hear. It adds next to nothing extra to the sound.
Cans like Audiotechnica M50X and AKG K550Pro, both very much main stream items, will probably give you the experience you're looking for. These cans are not considered strictly audiophile by the permanent residents of audio heaven, but they are immensely popular and very well received by critics and reviewers alike. They produce a less than completely neutral sound, but the colouring is nowhere as pronounced as it is with the V-Modas or other Richter scale 8 headphones. The mids have great presence, the highs are crisp without hissing at you. The bass will make you nod with the beat, and the top of your head can stay there. Overall, the sound is "warm" as you would expect from a tube amp, with enough detail to keep you happy. 
PS: if you can, do invest in a decent power conditioner. It will iron out the wrinkles present in the domestic electric supply to the DV, protecting it, and improving sound quality a great deal.
Apr 26, 2016 at 2:48 AM Post #936 of 14,543
The newest Massdrop for the 336SE just ended, and I'm excited to pair it with my T90s in a couple of weeks. So far reading through this thread, I've gathered that the stock tubes are not well regarded. I'm not sure which tunes should replace them though. GE 6SN7GT seems to be a popular choice throughout the thread, but I haven't been able to find them online and don't exactly know what I'd be looking for anyways.

Are there any other recommendations for tubes? Or, at least where to purchase tubes for these kinds of things?
Apr 26, 2016 at 3:22 AM Post #937 of 14,543
eBay is the easiest. Without spending too much, you can try these or similar. There are other choices. Good ones are more expensive. I've listed these ones as they are cheaper but should sound better than stock tubes for sure. Good luck.
Back tube - power tube - that's the big one. Cheapest are RCA brand
Front tube - driver tube - that's the small one in front. 
May 30, 2016 at 3:10 PM Post #939 of 14,543
I've been using the K7XX with the Dark Voice for some time now. Dark Voice is a remarkably true performer. What I mean is that, while it has unmistakable tube timbre, it is not overly warm or coloured. The K7XX too is a fairly neutral headphone. The pairing of the two produces top class sound. Fantastic soundstage with clean, detailed mids. Healthy but not boomy bass, and crisp treble without sibilance. You will have one of the best tube amp-headphone combos in this price range.
I received the K7XX with velour earpads (as I did the Beyer DT990). While extremely comfortable and breathable, they are really bad for isolation. Sound leaks out through and under the pads making the lows really weak and the audio generally thin and watery. I would strongly recommend that you order non-velour pads (leatherette with memory foam, eg). The improvement in the listening experience has to be heard to be believed.
Overall, extremely rewarding combo.
Jun 12, 2016 at 8:34 AM Post #940 of 14,543
so if i got these 2 tubes would i get a nice warm sound? ( I hate treble and just want the most warm/lush/gooey/tubey sound)
NOS Raytheon USA 6SN7GT Black T-Aligned-3 Rivet Bad Boy Plate Vacuum Tube
6AS7g RCA ST Tube
also what do the numbers mean like "tested 36/50" ? :S
Jun 12, 2016 at 8:42 AM Post #941 of 14,543
 think im gonna get these from tube store, how are these 2 for the the dv, will they give me the nice sound i want?
Jun 13, 2016 at 11:09 PM Post #943 of 14,543
i kinda cant spend this much money right now, are the stock tubes really that terrible? will it still give me the nice warm honey twangy sound? 

"Hate treble" are strong words. Better EQ the input signal, 'eh?

I would buy a better driver tube to start...


The Baldwin is usually a rebranded Raytheon, which will sound better than the stock tube.


Jul 1, 2016 at 3:19 PM Post #945 of 14,543
My Massdrop DV 336 SE arrived yesterday

Ignored the stock tubes, and put in a 1940's Sylvania 6SN7W tall bottle and a Tung Sol 5998.

Have to say, I am extremely pleased. It is heavier and better built than expected and sounds great with the above tube combo.

This has to be one tremendous audio bargain for those who already own nice 6SN7's and 6AS7 (and equivalent) tubes.

I am so glad I went for this deal....


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