Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions
Jan 12, 2024 at 8:17 AM Post #721 of 2,262
Any uneven earpad collapse with E3 ?

That was annoying on 2 pairs of A2C's.

Also, anyone got a lead for a Mini-XLR terminated to DCA port plugs ?
Always put in the insert that comes w with them before collapsing and putting in case to prevent unevenness . Plussound can create cables for you.
+1 to the advice here.
Also, Hart Audio Cables makes those cables as well with a modular system.
Jan 12, 2024 at 8:26 AM Post #722 of 2,262
Weird how you-tube channel 'Skeeb23', reviewer of these phones has removed all his posts in this thread although very active in the Tungsten thread.
Removed what posts? I don't mind questions directed to me but I don't appreciate assumptions or accusations.

I love the E3 and it's on my list to buy. I've been very busy the last few days so if you have issues with me, take it to DM please.
Jan 12, 2024 at 8:58 AM Post #723 of 2,262
Any uneven earpad collapse with E3 ?

That was annoying on 2 pairs of A2C's.

Also, anyone got a lead for a Mini-XLR terminated to DCA port plugs ?
The pads are soft, but not as soft as Aeon. It’s early days, but they seem more robust. I was a bit annoyed by the Aeon pad deformation as well, as it was mostly on one side (maybe my head?).
Jan 12, 2024 at 11:11 AM Post #724 of 2,262
Hi! thanks so much for this thoughtful reply. I used to listen to IEMs (Shure, Dunu, RHA) but ears got too susceptible to bacteria and discomfort, then moved to Phillips Fidelio X2 (I think it was), but mostly currently listen to some Emotiva airmotiv 5S self powered desktop speakers and an SVS sub. When I need noise cancellation I use Sony WH-1000XM3. So clearly all much lower price points. I've been saving up and can swing a budget of ~$2500 which I believe is necessary for this level of quality. That will include headphones and any amp dac. From what you are saying somthing like mojo 2 (~$500-$600) is required.

Here's a bit more about my use cases, preferences, etc.:

Sit/stand at a desk 7 hours a day in my own office. Definitely some outside noise but not too bad. When I am not working however, I don't really want to hang in my office. The places I want to relax and enjoy are either elsewhere in the house, at other dwellings, or outside in nature. I have super loud boys (10, 8, 7 years old) so closed back and portable are all key. I don't need to prioritize ANC though.

Musically I listen mostly to acoustic music, modern classical, etc. Lots of singer/songwriters, indie, groove, chill, ambient, and folky stuff. Also love latin rhythms and occasionally hip-hop, electronic. I LOVE live music- partly because I can not only hear but also see and feel what each musician is doing. This is part of why I am so excited about this purchase. The prospect of recreating that sense of instrument clarity and separation, imaging, broad soundstage, etc. Can be especially sensitive to sibilance.
I keep seeing Mojo2 come up as great amp dac pairing but also heard recommendations of iFi Gryphon and even Questyle M15 for lower price point.
Given my use case, preferences etc above, what’s my best bet for under ~$600 ish?
Jan 12, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #725 of 2,262
I keep seeing Mojo2 come up as great amp dac pairing but also heard recommendations of iFi Gryphon and even Questyle M15 for lower price point.
Given my use case, preferences etc above, what’s my best bet for under ~$600 ish?
I own both the dac/amps & I feel the Mojo 2 pairs better with the E3. Having said that, it also comes down to what kind of sound you're looking for: the Gryphon is a bit more fun & dynamic whereas Mojo2 is more transparent & natural.
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:40 PM Post #726 of 2,262
I knew this was gonn happen! This headphone is a quality/price point paradigm changer. 1kto2kprice but 2k=4kquality, with a certain pool of people who can afford it who are aware of quality as they are willing to go 1k. DCA could have avoided all of this by charging 3k!
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:47 PM Post #727 of 2,262
So E3 is like a movie sequel to AN2 where people who don't know the first movie become aware of the second one then go back and check out the first one. Maybe even the prequels too ,Aeon Closed, (a prequel that came out first lol!).. E3 is bringing fresh conversation of comparison in a favourable light to AN2 I'm seeing and now im thinking AN2s dynamics might not be as anemic as I've read a lot about.. All I'm waiting for is the % metric , eg. Noire is 80% E3
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:49 PM Post #728 of 2,262
Super helpful- thanks! imagine it more like a daily driver than occasional use. That said, given the ear sensitivity and propensity to build up bacteria and moisture without adequate air, I probably need to limit it to maybe an hour or so daily. If I spend half on A2N I could theoretically spend the other portion on a pair of open back which would allow my ears that breathing space.
To continue the half price switch from E3 to Noire, I would get Noire then a kick ass pocket portable amp.
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:51 PM Post #729 of 2,262
So E3 is like a movie sequel to AN2 where people who don't know the first movie become aware of the second one then go back and check out the first one.
If we do movie references, Noire would be the Terminator 1 and E3 Terminator 2: The Judgment Day.
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:54 PM Post #730 of 2,262
I knew this was gonn happen! This headphone is a quality/price point paradigm changer. 1kto2kprice but 2k=4kquality, with a certain pool of people who can afford it who are aware of quality as they are willing to go 1k. DCA could have avoided all of this by charging 3k!
E3 is not quite $3k quality. $2k is about the right price IMO.
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:54 PM Post #731 of 2,262
The E3 is such a powerhouse of a headphone at its price point. Can you imagine if DCA is going to release a $2k "baby Expanse"? That would be an immediate purchase from me, especially if it's as good as the E3 compares with the Stealth.

E3 is not quite $3k quality. $2k is about the right price IMO.

You're right - it's $4k+ quality for $2k :)
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #733 of 2,262
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #734 of 2,262
The E3 is such a powerhouse of a headphone at its price point. Can you imagine if DCA is going to release a $2k "baby Expanse"? That would be an immediate purchase from me, especially if it's as good as the E3 compares with the Stealth.

You're right - it's $4k+ quality for $2k :)
Yeah right, it's from the Stealth comparison
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:59 PM Post #735 of 2,262
Btw. Does E3 have same cable connectors than the rest of the lineup? Can I use the same cable with Aeon Noire's and E3's?

I just realized that I didn't check this before ordering a 4.4mm balanced cable from audiophileninja. It works with my Noire's but the idea was to use the same cable with E3 also.
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