College Football
Sep 2, 2007 at 3:32 PM Post #46 of 628

Originally Posted by sacd lover /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tom is so distraught he cant talk.

I remember those days .... back when Cooper was OSU's coach and Michigan thumped us every year. I feel for you even though I am currently enjoying being on the other end. But, that can always end quickly ESPECIALLY with OSU playing at PSU and at Michigan.

I think Llyod Carr is Michigan's John Cooper. That said, with the loss at home to Appalachian State I think if OSU beats Michigan @ Michigan it's going to be a case of "retire or we'll make you retire" for Carr.
Sep 2, 2007 at 3:48 PM Post #47 of 628

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
or the somewhat depleted looking Texas squad (you sure you guys are going to lose to them this year

I'm even more sure now. It's called reverse jinx. With that in mind, USC is going to score 1000 points and surrender 25 while being proclaimed the undisputed greatest team of the last 500 years.

Good luck to the Trojans and thanks for the good post.


I caught the end of the Cal game, and that was fun to watch!

Cal was talkin' a-lot of trash and playing with attitude. You've got to love that.



Originally Posted by grandmetosa
i actually think it's the fourth best conference (SEC, big XII, Big 10 are tops).

To me it depends on the year or decade. It seems conference power ebbs and flows. Thanks for trying to be nice , but the XII has not been that good the last three years or so. When faced with the facts, even a Big 12 homer like me can't even deny it.

I think the SEC is relatively consistent as the best conference as in maybe three or four years per decade. They're not always the best though. Don't believe the hype.

I really liked the Pac teams I watched yesterday. WSU looked pretty good for a while against Wiscy. If that's the "eighth" best team in the conference. Look out!
Sep 3, 2007 at 12:01 AM Post #48 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think Llyod Carr is Michigan's John Cooper. That said, with the loss at home to Appalachian State I think if OSU beats Michigan @ Michigan it's going to be a case of "retire or we'll make you retire" for Carr.

The thing that folks forget about Lloyd is that he's won a national title...but that was 10 years ago now.

I'm a Lloyd fan...he runs a clean program, the phrase student althlete isn't a sick joke, and he's a decent human being to boot. A class act, all the way around. Having said that, it would not be unreasonable for the Michigan AD to call him into the office first thing Monday morning and ask him to resign. There's just no excuse for this...this Michigan team was supposed to compete for the national championship this year, and they're out of the hunt after their first game versus a Division II school. It's not unreasonable to call it the single biggest upset in the history of NCAA football.

What the **** is it about Michigan and mobile quarterbacks??!!

I'm going to get bloodied when I go to work Tuesday AM. A bunch of my coworkers are from MSU, Eastern Michigan (cross town MAC school) or (ugh!!) from Ohio. Just an sample of how bad it's going to be: my next door neighbor is a Notre Dame grad, and he was giving it to me pretty good about that game. His team get's their heads handed to them by Georgia Tech, and he's still perfectly comfortable poking fun at me. I'm surprised my dad (MSU grad) hasn't called yet.
Sep 3, 2007 at 1:12 AM Post #49 of 628

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm going to get bloodied when I go to work Tuesday AM. A bunch of my coworkers are from MSU, Eastern Michigan (cross town MAC school) or (ugh!!) from Ohio.

Heh, got to love college football.

Tuesday, grow a set and take it like a man!
Most Michigan fans I know deserve it anyway. Will Rogers never met one he liked.

Oh and the Sooner nation thanks Michigan because maybe now we won't have to watch Boise State highlights every day.
Sep 3, 2007 at 5:29 AM Post #50 of 628
Well I was pretty impressed by the talent flashed by a few of the new USC running backs last night, especially Stefan Johnson, he looks like a real winner (who needs that Moody kid after seeing what these guys can do).

However, the overall lack of effort after the first ten minutes or so of the game was pretty unimpressive. I HOPE it was just Carrol and co.'s effort to not expose to much of the playbook to Mr. Callahan and the cornheads, and not the kind of lacking inspiration that let them finagle away the UCLA game last year. Booty was really not that impressive.

So I learned very little from that game, other than I'm glad I didn't blow the money and time to attend. Nebraska should let us see what this year's team is all about. Are they the losers that crapped a goose egg against UCLA, or the squad that went in to SEC West Champ Arkansas and blew them off their own field?

BTW you've gotta be feeling better now that the Sooners kept the pedal to the metal for four quarters while Texas just barely squeaked by against and equally weak opponent. I can't wait to see Murray shred that defense, he should certainly make the loss of Peterson much more tolerable.

And it would seem that Cal has a lot of work to do on that defense. The offense looked awesome, but to allow a wounded team to drive the length of the field in the manner Tennessee often did, that kind of thing is not going to work if they are serious about taking the Trojans down for the first time since '03.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:10 PM Post #51 of 628
Might as well add some WVU love to this thread. Somehow we're ranked number 3 yet are rarely mentioned on ESPN, or anywhere else for that matter. I'm not saying we're going all the way this year (so I don't have to eat crow, ala Michigan vs. App State), but our chances haven't looked this good in years.

Our offense is absurd. Certainly one of, if not the most potent in the NCAA. Pat White, Steve Slaton, Reynaud, Schmitt, oh and Slaton will have Noel Divine as one of his backups (search for him on youtube for Tecmo bowl-like HS footage). .....of course I'm biased with all this.

Our achilles heel will be our defense. Specifically our secondary. Just hope we stay healthy and get a shot at the BCS this time.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:21 PM Post #52 of 628

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Having said that, it would not be unreasonable for the Michigan AD to call him into the office first thing Monday morning and ask him to resign.

Strangely, I'm not sure I want him to leave. As long as he's there, it's pretty much a guaranteed win for the Buckeyes. Can't go wrong with that!
Sep 3, 2007 at 8:33 PM Post #53 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Strangely, I'm not sure I want him to leave. As long as he's there, it's pretty much a guaranteed win for the Buckeyes. Can't go wrong with that!

No...the one you mean is as long as Troy Smith is there. You know...talented and mobile the one Appalacian State has.

I still think Michigan beats OSU this year...they would have won last year if not for an incredibly stupid late hit by Shawn Crable. So don't make book on that game just yet.
Sep 3, 2007 at 8:35 PM Post #54 of 628

Originally Posted by Gravitas /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not saying we're going all the way this year (so I don't have to eat crow, ala Michigan vs. App State)

For the record, I said I thought they might run the table and LOSE their final game. I guess I had that backwards.
Sep 3, 2007 at 10:43 PM Post #55 of 628

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No...the one you mean is as long as Troy Smith is there. You know...talented and mobile the one Appalacian State has.

I still think Michigan beats OSU this year...they would have won last year if not for an incredibly stupid late hit by Shawn Crable. So don't make book on that game just yet.

I'm sorry, but if they couldn't beat Appalachian St. at home then the Bucks are going to eat them alive, with or without Troy Smith. Tressel will find a way. He always does (Except in that national championship game. I'm not sure what the hell the plan was there.).
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:22 PM Post #56 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm sorry, but if they couldn't beat Appalachian St. at home then the Bucks are going to eat them alive, with or without Troy Smith. Tressel will find a way. He always does (Except in that national championship game. I'm not sure what the hell the plan was there.).

OSU pretty much NEVER eats Michigan alive. The games are invariably close fought. You're kidding yourself if you think this year will be any different.

Look, without disparaging Appalacian State, who deserves a lot of respect for what they did, it's still a fluke. If Michigan shows up, they win. In this instance, the coaching staff couldn't have done a worse job preparing them for that game...they blew it. They will make no such mistake against OSU.
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:28 PM Post #57 of 628

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OSU pretty much NEVER eats Michigan alive. The games are invariably close fought. You're kidding yourself if you think this year will be any different.

Look, without disparaging Appalacian State, who deserves a lot of respect for what they did, it's still a fluke. If Michigan shows up, they win. In this instance, the coaching staff couldn't have done a worse job preparing them for that game...they blew it. They will make no such mistake against OSU.

No amount of preparation is going to help. Michigan is still going to lose.

But of course, it doesn't really matter in the big picture because I still think Wisconsin is going to win the Big Ten.
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:38 PM Post #58 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No amount of preparation is going to help. Michigan is still going to lose.

But of course, it doesn't really matter in the big picture because I still think Wisconsin is going to win the Big Ten.

Yes, but you didn't say said they'd "eat them alive". That's a pretty fool-hardy statement, considering how the games EVEN WITH TRESSEL AS COACH have typically been played.

What's "eat them alive" equate to in points?? Maybe 28? Wanna give me 4 touchdowns now? I mean, they can't even beat Appalacian State at home, right??

No?? Thought so...

Look, my point is that, without Troy Smith, OSU and Michigan are 1-1. As Saturday's game has shown us, Michigan simply can't deal with a talented and mobile quarterback...going back to Tee Martin and Donovan McNabb. I wish I knew what it was about, but I don't. We'll see how it goes this year, but the loss of Troy Smith will hurt them more in that game than you know.
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:46 PM Post #59 of 628

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We'll see how it goes this year, but the loss of Troy Smith will hurt them more in that game than you know.

And the offense this year is a lot better than anyone seems to realize.
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:52 PM Post #60 of 628

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
However, the overall lack of effort after the first ten minutes or so of the game was pretty unimpressive.

You know I was thinking the same thing from what I saw. It did appear that USC just rolled their hats out that game.

Of course they have talent, but how about the desire? This seems to happen to a-lot of teams that have been on a run. The new classes start to attain a certain sense of entitlement, and it takes a couple of thumps to restore the hunger. That's when the upsets like UCLA start to happen. Hopefully, USC with play with a little more urgency in the future. Well, I don't hope that.

It was only the first game though, and it was Idaho so we shall see.

See Louisville for a hungry team that came out firing against an undermanned opponent.

BTW, the no kicker PAT was awesome, very classy!



Originally Posted by Gravitas /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Might as well add some WVU love to this thread. Somehow we're ranked number 3 yet are rarely mentioned on ESPN, or anywhere else for that matter.

Nice, that completes it. We've had fans of all six conferences check in with the Big East addition.

Good luck to your team! It does seem WV, despite being no.3 is kind of under the radar huh? Well, other than Steve Slaton and Pat White get a-lot of ESPN Heisman run. The couple times I saw the Moutaineers last year, It was entertaining to watch Rodriguez's no huddle spread offense.

Oh and congrats on keeping your coach!

What's the story with the rest of the Big East this year?



Originally Posted by elrodtom
No...the one you mean is as long as Troy Smith is there. You know...talented and mobile quarterback

You know TS wasn't much of a rusher in 2006 with 204 yds for the season and 2.8 per rush. In 06 he rushed four times for twelve yards against the Maize and Blue. Last year, I thought Michigan had more trouble with OSU's spread and offensive talent than the fact that Troy Smith was "mobile." I'm sure the OSU and UM fans will correct if I'm wrong.
That was one hell of a game!

His stats do point to more rushing attempts in 05 and 04.

I was thinking of other quarterbacks Michigan has lost to recently and John David Booty, Craig Krenzel, Zac Taylor, and Matt Leinart came to mind.

All solid college quarterbacks, but were they mobile?

My point is Michigan likes to sit at the big boy table in CF. Rightfully so with their tradition. But playing a major conference, and in Rose Bowls, any team is going to face talented and with today's game, mobile passing quarterbacks.

Well Tom's theory is tested next week. Oregon and Dennis Dixon are packing for the Big House. Dixon is most assuredly a run threat qb.


Well, I watched a ho hum Tech blow out SMU today. Hopefully the Bowden Bowl will be better to wrap up an interesting start to the 07 season.

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