Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Jul 8, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #19,681 of 42,836
Googling USB power brings up quite a bit of information, but I am not sure that it will help you.
It seems like it is possible to check the BIOS settings, and set the USB power to off - but presumably this would cut the 5v power line to everything such as keyboards, wired mouse as well. 
However some of the settings relate to cutting the 5V supply whilst the PC is in hiberbate mode, so you could leave the MOJO plugged into both the PC and the tuner, and the MOJO would detect only the tuner.
I suppose one option is a DIY cable, with a switch in the 5V line, so that you can cut the power signal, without unplugging the MOJO.

Thanks @miketlse.
You pointed rightly to the 5V Line bus question, which in my case or @GreenBow 's one will not be helpful at all since playing with BIOS or even unmounting ports is not hassle free.
For record a couple of weeks ago, I just abandoned that idea and explained my wife to simply switch off computer in order to listen to the other source(s) connected to Mojo.
.@GreenBow for the remaining cases where we still need to listen to SPDIF or Coaxial and still keep computer On, we just do some exercise by unplugging the USB at computer side. I am happy it is not so often. Therefore I am patiently waiting for a Digital Transport even for a desktop usage.
The DIY USB cable with a tiny switch is a good idea.By acting only at +5V it may lower RFI issues.
Eventhough, in some cases, Mojo will still have to be switch Off &On after the +5V USB cut.
I will give it a try some day.

Jul 8, 2016 at 5:03 PM Post #19,683 of 42,836
First thanks for the clarification....

Actually i go through with HUGO TT specs and found that it almost same as HUGO except more connectivity options+remote control+supercapacitors...ect.
So i cant imagine Hugo TT sound quality far better than HUGO.

Hence As a summary what i got from this thread was:

1).There is no significant  difference in sound quality MOJO vs HUGO
2).HUGO 's "Crossfeed" feature has not any gain for sound it useless.
3).Chord HUGO TT(but this still not sure) or DAVE is the final upgrade options.
4).However i cant afford Dave because it too expensive.
5).Applying external amps for mojo is useless ,because it has enough power to drive HD800S(some where in this forum ,some one mention that even liquid carbon AMP also no any significant sound quality improvement)

Any way thanks so much for the every one who support me!!!

Hi Sharon, I believe you have picked up the wrong impressions :)

I have heard three products and own two. Along with HD 800s.
To me Mojo has the convenience over Hugo, volume and input stores but unless you like a warmer rolled off sound, Hugo is clearly better sounding, more open, wider and transparent.

I had the TT for 10 days on loan from Chord, dont look just at the specs. It had a solidity over Hugo, an authority in the bass, just overall better. And that was the last thing I wanted to hear, as I couldn't afford purchase.
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:08 PM Post #19,684 of 42,836
You nailed it. What is Mojo missing is manual input selection. It can not have everything anyway.

Now back to your issue. In order to deselect USB selection you need to remove the 5V from USB computer port It is how Mojo is selecting it ( once connected). Then you may, by software settings, remove your USB port. I didn't try it yet. Pls note that I annoy sure it is enough for switching off the 5V.

In case your external device is plugged in coaxial jack it will have priority vs optical(when no USB). In that case, no way, you need to unplug jack for activating Toslink.

With Mojo port priorities are:
2 coaxial
3 Toslink.

Hope it helps.

Yeah thank you for trying. I think this might be the only way, and probably all anyone will say.
I had been thinking of running my USB line from PC through a hub, then on to Mojo. Then I can disconnect easy. My PC is on the floor you see so it's not a matter of easily pulling out the USB cable. However I am thinking about risk if I run through two cables and hub from PC to Mojo. Am I going to pick up errors?
I suppose I can try the hub idea. I have a USB 1.0 hub set up and I will try it. Easily done. ...Only reason I did not do before posting this was I was thinking it won't work. Or I tried it already and it did not work. I know the Meridian Explorer does not work over a USB 1.0 hub; it needs USB 2.0. 
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:09 PM Post #19,685 of 42,836
They're all a curse, even though I'm not strictly a believer I've started buying 24/352 and DSD albums, just to get the maximum detail retrieval.
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM Post #19,686 of 42,836
Late-night listening....
this live jam sounds surprisingly close to the original, and excusing youtube compression, should still put a smile on your Mojo-owning face:
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:19 PM Post #19,687 of 42,836
  Late-night listening....
this live jam sounds surprisingly close to the original, and excusing youtube compression, should still put a smile on your Mojo-owning face:

I recently had an interesting conversation about what music is.
It is quite hard to grasp or explain what it is.
As a true music fan (like most of us here on Head-Fi) I wouldn't mind to hear your input Mython, if it is not too off topic. :wink:
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:27 PM Post #19,688 of 42,836
I agree with Relic's early comment about getting an IEM that is technically good. A while back, I was on the market for a set of IEMs and a did a bit of research on these 2. I have not heard these myself, so take my input with lumps of salt. For more in-depth info you need to ask in the respective threads. But here is something to get you started:

Purely from a technical standpoint, AKG 3003 should be better. It is a hybrid IEM and so it has the benefit of Dynamic Driver (Bass and Decay), and BA Driver (Accuracy and Detail). One complaint that I have come across quite a times about the AKG is that it is a slightly bright IEM. Some have even said the tuning is similar to the Sennheiser HD800. Not sure if the included tuning filters help to reduce the brightness, but that would be something to consider. It also does not have a removable cable but the cable has an inline remote and mic. For GBP 400, I would say it is a steal as long as the sound is up your alley.

Sony EX1000 is a Dynamic Driver. I have read nothing but great things about this one as well. Similar to the AKG, EX1000 is also known to have a bright treble. I have never understood Sony’s design philosophy when it comes to IEMs. But many have confirmed it is very comfortable. It has a detached cable with no mic or remote. 

One other IEM that I have tried and would recommend is the Earsonics Velvet. It is excellent from a technical standpoint. But the Velvets are not tuned flat. They have a V shaped sound. I returned the Velvets because the bright treble caused fatigue. On the contrary, many have said that it is one of the smoothest IEM. So I am not sure if it was just my unit or my ears. If you like/can handle bright treble, it would be a worthy consideration.

Once again, I have not heard the K3003 and the EX1000 myself. Just sharing some info that I gathered a while back.

The new ER4SR and ER4XR (same thing with more bass) are both incredibly impressive. Flat FR, channel matched to within 1 dB (with graphs), and clearer than even the old ER4S. I've heard most of the flagship stuff from JH, Noble, UE, etc, but none are as flat across the FR as the new Etys, which translates to improved clarity over every other flagship I've heard imo. Best Mojo pairing to my ears. Fit is definitely not for everyone though.
Jul 8, 2016 at 8:51 PM Post #19,689 of 42,836

8-BAs / 1 BA / 2 BAs + DD ...and the one and only Mojo

Jul 8, 2016 at 10:22 PM Post #19,693 of 42,836
Got my Mojo!

Welcome to upgrading your brain!
If you noticed, this thread has a few post that talk about how a Mojo does not need a bur- in, but your brain does! It very subtle, but it becomes better and better, to the point, that after 7 month with the Mojo every day, even when I listen to music through some other DAC, I notice I hear more details then before. It is quite possible that I'm delusional, or, it is also possible that a Mojo helps your brain to form more persistent synaptic pathways to music! I also notice that Mojo sounds great through a $5 headphone and through $300 one. Sorry, I cannot boast a $1500 one, like lots of kids do. It sounds absolutely fabulous, in 'line level mode', through my main speaker system as well.
Jul 8, 2016 at 10:29 PM Post #19,694 of 42,836
Welcome to upgrading your brain!

If you noticed, this thread has a few post that talk about how a Mojo does not need a bur- in, but your brain does! It very subtle, but it becomes better and better, to the point, that after 7 month with the Mojo every day, even when I listen to music through some other DAC, I notice I hear more details then before. It is quite possible that I'm delusional, or, it is also possible that a Mojo helps your brain to form more persistent synaptic pathways to music! I also notice that Mojo sounds great through a $5 headphone and through $300 one. Sorry, I cannot boast a $1500 one, like lots of kids do. It sounds absolutely fabulous, in 'line level mode', through my main speaker system as well.


Thanks, I will enjoy!
I had this for 10 days about 9 months ago and loved it, I knew I would buy it someday. I need to buy a small phone for it though. Right now I'm using my DX80 and iPhone with it. I'm weird or OCD what ever but I like keeping a source for a device for example my DX80 was bought for my iDSD Micro only but I have to make due until I get something with it. I forgot just how small this thing was.

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