Chord Hugo
May 23, 2014 at 2:08 PM Post #3,393 of 15,720
Chord have loaned Noble a demo Hugo for review by our Customers & friends for a fixed period of seven days each. 
Six people have been selected by me to demo the Chord Hugo with Noble products in the UK, all have been asked to post their thoughts after the Hugo leaves them, the people selected (in demo order)...
Fortis-Flyer - N6 (Demo Unit)
Mython - K10 (Demo Unit)
Tupac - K10 (owner)
Cho8 - N6 IEM (Demo Unit)
ibbrezzy - K10 & 4C (owner)
Duncan (Head-Fi) - 8C or K10 (Demo Units)
The Noble & Chord teams look forward to their thoughts...

May 23, 2014 at 2:40 PM Post #3,394 of 15,720
Hi, I recently bought a Chord Hugo and have been using with an AK120 and LCD-2s and getting great results. However, I have been trying it out on my speaker system and have a couple of problems.
Connecting my Oppo 95 with a cheapo optical cable to the Hugo, it works perfectly for CDs and DVD-Audios. With blu-ray disks, however, I get a light buzzing sound and nothing else. I asked my dealer and he hasn't got a clue. Could it be the type of cable I'm using or is there some kind of incompatibility between the two devices with Blu-ray disks?
My second problem is regarding the small gap between the optical and coaxial inputs. My dealer says that if I want to use both inputs, the coaxial diameter should not exceed 10mm. Which coaxial cables would be okay for this? I've read that some people are using the Chord Anthem Digital cable. Would this fit the coaxial input okay if the optical input is being used as well?
May 23, 2014 at 2:54 PM Post #3,395 of 15,720
This would make a nice transport for the Hugo... If it can output audio through its HDMI port, then the USB port could be used for an external SSD.
May 23, 2014 at 3:48 PM Post #3,396 of 15,720
For sutjahjo
I use it to drive my ProAc 115 Studio (8 Ohm), the volume is set to blue color (maximum) and is always plugged in. The sound is not loud, but reasonable in my room( 6.5x3.5 m) . Don't expect to be shaken by bass :) . This set up is only until i receive my MF M6i amp from service. 
May 23, 2014 at 4:06 PM Post #3,397 of 15,720
Connecting my Oppo 95 with a cheapo optical cable to the Hugo, it works perfectly for CDs and DVD-Audios. With blu-ray disks, however, I get a light buzzing sound and nothing else. I asked my dealer and he hasn't got a clue. Could it be the type of cable I'm using or is there some kind of incompatibility between the two devices with Blu-ray disks?

You know it's not the Hugo, it's you Oppo.  Sounds like your trying to send a dts audio signal to the Hugo.  That won't work without first going thru a receiver or PC media player that can handle DTS.
May 23, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #3,398 of 15,720
Hi, I recently bought a Chord Hugo and have been using with an AK120 and LCD-2s and getting great results. However, I have been trying it out on my speaker system and have a couple of problems.

Connecting my Oppo 95 with a cheapo optical cable to the Hugo, it works perfectly for CDs and DVD-Audios. With blu-ray disks, however, I get a light buzzing sound and nothing else. I asked my dealer and he hasn't got a clue. Could it be the type of cable I'm using or is there some kind of incompatibility between the two devices with Blu-ray disks?the

My second problem is regarding the small gap between the optical and coaxial inputs. My dealer says that if I want to use both inputs, the coaxial diameter should not exceed 10mm. Which coaxial cables would be okay for this? I've read that some people are using the Chord Anthem Digital cable. Would this fit the coaxial input okay if the optical input is being used as well?
chord anthem fits perfectly,just let them know it's 4 the hugo.yes you can have both cables in at the same time.
May 23, 2014 at 4:14 PM Post #3,399 of 15,720
  Hi, I recently bought a Chord Hugo and have been using with an AK120 and LCD-2s and getting great results. However, I have been trying it out on my speaker system and have a couple of problems.
Connecting my Oppo 95 with a cheapo optical cable to the Hugo, it works perfectly for CDs and DVD-Audios. With blu-ray disks, however, I get a light buzzing sound and nothing else. I asked my dealer and he hasn't got a clue. Could it be the type of cable I'm using or is there some kind of incompatibility between the two devices with Blu-ray disks?

The cheap optical maybe the cause as some optical cable can only do 24/96 and I am guessing your oppo is streaming 24/192? An optical cable that can handle 24/192 maybe your answer.
Also as elviscaprice said, maybe check the audio setting on your oppo to see how its digital output is set up. Make sure it is in PCM etc.
May 23, 2014 at 6:31 PM Post #3,401 of 15,720
  Hi, I recently bought a Chord Hugo and have been using with an AK120 and LCD-2s and getting great results. However, I have been trying it out on my speaker system and have a couple of problems.
Connecting my Oppo 95 with a cheapo optical cable to the Hugo, it works perfectly for CDs and DVD-Audios. With blu-ray disks, however, I get a light buzzing sound and nothing else. I asked my dealer and he hasn't got a clue. Could it be the type of cable I'm using or is there some kind of incompatibility between the two devices with Blu-ray disks?

I'll test this with my 105D if I get the chance today - currently running the Oppo to my Taurus via XLR and I'm afraid the Hugo has been sidelined for now. The Taurus is an absolute monster of a headphone amp - almost makes me want the HE6 simply to show it who's boss :D 
May 23, 2014 at 7:20 PM Post #3,403 of 15,720
I'll test this with my 105D if I get the chance today - currently running the Oppo to my Taurus via XLR and I'm afraid the Hugo has been sidelined for now. The Taurus is an absolute monster of a headphone amp - almost makes me want the HE6 simply to show it who's boss :D 

Yeah, but how does the oppo DAC sound compared to the Hugo.  I would think the Hugo wins easily.  Of course on 2 channel sound.  I think the following post sums it up.
"I could never go back to listening to any stock Blueray player anymore without Hugo. I would rather listen to a $100.00 Blueray player with the Hugo than a $1000.00  stock player:frowning2: Oppo,Marrantz )ect. minus the Hugo!............FOR SURE!
May 23, 2014 at 7:46 PM Post #3,404 of 15,720
For anyone interested, the Van Den Hul Optocoupler works with the Hugo, both the plug fitting neatly and high-res playing back fine.

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