Chord Hugo
Sep 28, 2015 at 6:25 AM Post #12,016 of 15,694
Perhaps a Bryston BDP digital audio player? (Could also be a blu-ray disc player. Okay, I'm obviously just guessing here ...)
No idea what "oviatrs" means though, but its position in the sentence seems to suggest that it's less likely to be "an oviatrs", i.e. a noun, than a verb. (Perhaps "omits"?)

How about "obviates" ?
Sep 28, 2015 at 10:50 AM Post #12,018 of 15,694
@elviscaprice, bdp is blu Ray player. these days blu player can play flacs upto 24 192 through USB input and ouput the pcm via coaxial out. advantage is that you can directly connecting hdd or USB stick to bdp. I posted because many people have preferred coaxial input of hugo over USB input. but these bdp don't have the ability to play and output dsd via coaxial. for playing dsd via pc or Android and still using coaxial input of Hugo one need expensive USB to coaxial converters. one solution is to encode dsd into dop flac and play through any flac compatible bdp or dap that will ouput pcm stream which is encoded in dop. Hugo will treat it as regular on the fly dop just like using j river or foobar outputting on the fly dop via USB. that word was typo.
Sep 28, 2015 at 3:51 PM Post #12,021 of 15,694
hey everyone,
I am enjoying my Hugo very much right now with my A12 custom in ears. Using them with my HD 800 gives pretty enjoyable results but I would like to add an amp for this headphone. Does it make sense to connect the Hugo with such a cable to the amp and connect the HD 800 balanced to the amp? 

I don't know if this makes any sense or if it is wasted as the Hugo doesn't output a balanced signal. I don't have a clue about amps so please excuse my missing knowledge if this is supposed to be amp basics.
Sep 28, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #12,022 of 15,694
  hey everyone,
I am enjoying my Hugo very much right now with my A12 custom in ears. Using them with my HD 800 gives pretty enjoyable results but I would like to add an amp for this headphone... I don't have a clue about amps so please excuse my missing knowledge if this is supposed to be amp basics.

Instead of repeating myself.
Now balanced drive brings a new factor to the table, but I doubt it can compensate for the coloration and blur introduced by the redundant amplification stage.
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:04 PM Post #12,023 of 15,694
The issue with hugo it's sound soft not involving like other good dac for example like iggy or master 11 , I truly believe before 1 year hugo was a good value but now I think the new master 11 is the best value , anyone interested to buy a dac should check this product out .
Sep 28, 2015 at 9:48 PM Post #12,025 of 15,694
I've had my Hugo for a couple weeks now, and there's one difference I've noticed in my listening habbits compared to the ALO RX-MK3-B+ (a great little unit, BTW) I was using before. 
With the ALO unit, I tended to surf through my collection, listening to 2-3 songs per album before moving on to some other album. I was perpetually skipping around, looking for that special song to satisfy me. 
With the Hugo, though, I find that I listen to complete albums much, much more. I put on an album and just relax and listen to it. I'm not sure if this is the sound signature being less fatiguing, or more musical, or what, but everything seems to just disappear (in a good way). 
Sure, the pure joy in sound quality is still there with the Hugo, but it's mached by an enjoyment of the music for the music that was less present before. 
Sure, I'd love to buy a $5000 Woo Audio tube amp to go with the Hugo, but that ain't happening. Given that, I think this will be my end solution for quite a while. 
Sep 29, 2015 at 2:44 AM Post #12,026 of 15,694
@elviscaprice, bdp is blu Ray player. these days blu player can play flacs upto 24 192 through USB input and ouput the pcm via coaxial out. advantage is that you can directly connecting hdd or USB stick to bdp. I posted because many people have preferred coaxial input of hugo over USB input. but these bdp don't have the ability to play and output dsd via coaxial. for playing dsd via pc or Android and still using coaxial input of Hugo one need expensive USB to coaxial converters. one solution is to encode dsd into dop flac and play through any flac compatible bdp or dap that will ouput pcm stream which is encoded in dop. Hugo will treat it as regular on the fly dop just like using j river or foobar outputting on the fly dop via USB. that word was typo ​

If I have a Hugo and my system was only two channel, I wouldn't mess around with any Blu Ray transport.  Keep it simple, USB 2.0 to HD Hugo input.  Optimize your operating system, stream ASIO, add a Regen, update your power supplies.  Done, your SQ will rival if not exceed any other Hugo input.
Sep 29, 2015 at 2:48 AM Post #12,027 of 15,694
The issue with hugo it's sound soft not involving like other good dac for example like iggy or master 11 , I truly believe before 1 year hugo was a good value but now I think the new master 11 is the best value , anyone interested to buy a dac should check this product out .
You seem to like a slightly bolder sound, which to me is what the TT offers over the regular Hugo...

I wish myself that the Hugo had a little more grunt from its amp, thankfully the RCAs on the back eliminate that problem, so you have a world class DAC that can then be connected externally to an amp of your choosing (whether portable, which I have done with my Vorzuge amps, or a pre-amp), so you end up with best of both worlds.

Personally I highly doubt the battery chemistry / power has too much to do with it (although in a much older head-fi life of mine I did source medical grade lithium batteries for a portable amp, and did hear a difference!)
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:45 AM Post #12,028 of 15,694
You seem to like a slightly bolder sound, which to me is what the TT offers over the regular Hugo...

I wish myself that the Hugo had a little more grunt from its amp, thankfully the RCAs on the back eliminate that problem, so you have a world class DAC that can then be connected externally to an amp of your choosing (whether portable, which I have done with my Vorzuge amps, or a pre-amp), so you end up with best of both worlds.

Personally I highly doubt the battery chemistry / power has too much to do with it (although in a much older head-fi life of mine I did source medical grade lithium batteries for a portable amp, and did hear a difference!)

what's your amp ?
Sep 29, 2015 at 8:27 AM Post #12,029 of 15,694
@elviscaprice, using a bdp as transport is not at all lesser in sq and far more hassle free even in a two channel system. I mean for those who like to watch movies too in two channel and don't use a separate multi channel system. I have only a bdp, Hugo and power amp. this is the simplest set up one can get which is good both for music and movies. minimum cables too. for music i switch the tv completely off. I have the option of feeding Hugo anytime with pc too. off course it depends on some one's preference.
Sep 29, 2015 at 8:35 AM Post #12,030 of 15,694
even a cheap bdp like pioneer bdp 160 accepts almost all av formats via its USB input and ouputs via its coax out. I have compared it with fiiox3 as transport and I found no difference in sq. some say a wav or flac rip via USB is slightly better than CD transport. in any case using a better/expensive bdp as transport may not make much difference via coax input of Hugo. I could not try my set up with spr bd which I am craving and will do shortly.

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