Dobrescu George
Reviewer: AudiophileHeaven
My Hugo first impressions
* Bigger than I expected and more sturdy. In pictures, I thought it looked a bit plasticky. Not a bit. The black model looks very elegant
* Cool, so cool, wow this is a cool device to pick up, touch and look at.
* Cool features - being able to look inside the device and see the the Spartan chip and the 3 LEDs ; having the different colours to reflect different source specifications and the volume control lighting is helpful.
* Intuitive to use, once you have used it for a day - on/off switch on, press to select the source, one for cross-feed (if you want), then adjust the volume to your chosen colour.
* All my connectors coaxial or earphone plugs fitted -
* Bluetooth works fine, but I need to keep the Iphone still. Spotify streaming 320K sounds very acceptable.
* No hiss at all with UE TF10s
Sound - initial feelings
1. At the dealers, I found it much easier to determine a difference in quality when listening through earphones than through a desk top into speakers and comparing the Hugo to the otherwise fine Dx90, the latter feels more lightweight and thinner in the sound it produces
2. As people have mentioned the bass is rich & full. The music flows like silky water
3. It doesn't sound thin at all with the UE TP 10s
4. Yes the Hugo *is* good.
DAT hugo looks so amazing in black! it is so much elegant.