Jul 9, 2016 at 9:01 AM Post #3,541 of 26,000
  I don't know whether this is the right place to post this or not but since I have read this thread more than the other chord thread I like to share few things here, hopefully I am not too off the topic.

While I have not had the luxury to try DAVE I do currently own the MOJO and HUGO and I have extensively tried the TT despite my early bias that I had towards the creation of TT prior to listening to it which had stopped me really paying attention to TT.
Here are my take on the products mentioned above: I find MOJO an engaging product with one major weakness to me and that weakness is that MOJO has a distinct sound signature that tend to take precedence over the actual recording itself, ie/ MOJO sound signature is always present no matter what I feed it. Whether it is flac, DSD, mp3, aac to me they all sound so similar that it becomes an issue to me as I feel I dont hear the engineering effect of the album but what I am hearing is basically mojo sound signature.
 do not feel the same with HUGO as in with HUGO I have the ability to on occasion know whether the file is lossy/lossless, whether it is recorded well, I feel with recording that recorded with smaller soundstage HUGO is able to portray that and with recording that has a larger soundstage HUGO can sound quiet expansive. With mojo soundstage always feels the same. 
Now enters TT, which really changed thing for me. I could not understand why TT sounded so much different despite having the same main inner core as the HUGO. To me the improvement on lower frequency and ambiance on TT was the most obvious improvement.While I really dont know what lead to such improvement few members who I talked with suspect that TT has better power delivery management and that is what has resulted in improvement of sound.

So where Am I going with this? My question is will CHORD release a new HUGO based on the new FPGA chip used in Mojo? Or better to ask if we were to assume HUGO was to have the new Sparatan 6 used in Mojo what kind of improvement would we expect to hear?


TT has a super-capacitor, which Mojo and Hugo do not, so that might contribute to a difference in low-frequency presentation. Super-capacitors are expensive, so Chord wouldn't have incorporated any in the TT if it wasn't worthwhile to do so.
As for changing the FPGA chip, in Hugo, I doubt that would make any particular difference to the SQ, unless Rob felt inclined to change the code.
The code on Mojo has a lot in common with Hugo, but the WTA filter is intentionally different:
  Just to correct things - it is a 15T that is used on the Mojo.
That has 16,640 logic cells and 45 dsp cores. 44 cores are used in Mojo.
The overriding design decisions were about power consumption, so although more DSP cores are used than Hugo, that's to reduce power, as the DSP cores are run at a much lower clock speed. To give you another example of lower power, with Hugo when I needed a bigger multiplier I used one DSP core with FPGA fabric (logic cells) added to create the larger multiplier. With Mojo, to save power, I used multiple DSP cores and no fabric to create larger multipliers.
Only the WTA filter is different, the rest of the audio path has Hugo code.

Jul 9, 2016 at 11:05 AM Post #3,542 of 26,000
Yep, audiodnewbi, I concur. I have the same sonic impressions that you do of my Hugo and my Hugo TT. The TT is a major step up in producing a profound sound. I like the TT so much I don't feel the need to step up to a Dave (probably a mistake, but it's a lot of money). (I have not heard the Mojo.)
Jul 9, 2016 at 12:04 PM Post #3,543 of 26,000
  My question about multi-channel isn't really because I am an avid fan of multi-channel, but more out of curiosity, since I know (partly thanks to an earlier discussion with Romaz) that it is technically possible, and I am curious as to how the soundstage-depth talents of DAVE might be subjectively perceived within the context of a multi-channel configuration. For example, I wonder if it might 'expand' the subjective size of the circular soundstage, or, because of the oddities of multi-channel processing, perhaps have no such influence upon soundstage size (or, I could say 'circular-depth'), or perhaps some other unanticipated influence.
So...just simple curiosity, above all else.

It would certainly be expensive using an array of DAVEs.
However if there was a digital output board that could split a 5.1 recording into the 6 streams that you could feed into an array of 3 Mojos, that you could use as a proof of concept test bed, to explore the impact on soundstage.
If the proof of concept was successful, then you could remortgage and buy the full 3 * DAVE setup. 

Jul 9, 2016 at 12:48 PM Post #3,544 of 26,000
Rob, are there any other units out there (demos, etc) that went through a similar process as yours, needing a BOM change?

None - Chord made a batch of final production PCB's in Spring 2015. They made a micro batch to test it late Spring - I have those PCB's, Chord had a couple of units for demo and test. They got tested in the Summer, when a production BOM was finally released. Then it took to December for me to finish the code to my satisfaction. Production started with the production BOM, so all units that were released with serial nos. are with production BOM's.
Hope that clarifies why my production unit using production PCB's was a little different!
Jul 9, 2016 at 2:11 PM Post #3,545 of 26,000
For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?
Jul 9, 2016 at 2:23 PM Post #3,546 of 26,000
  For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?

 My Spore still not deliver yet, can't tell anything sorry :), but my thinking should be Rendu 1st? Reason is they are so much cheaper than the Spore alone.
Jul 9, 2016 at 2:28 PM Post #3,547 of 26,000
 My Spore still not deliver yet, can't tell anything sorry :), but my thinking should be Rendu 1st? Reason is they are so much cheaper than the Spore alone.

I'm taking cost out the equation: just straight up which has a bigger impact?
I should also add the MR would be replacing a "regular" PC and the Spore would be replacing the stock Abyss cable. 
Jul 9, 2016 at 2:49 PM Post #3,548 of 26,000
  For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?

As with many things, this is not straightforward.  In order for your DAVE to sound great with microRendu, other parts of your system have to work well when paired with the microRendu, such as computers, routers, switches, and other cables.
Adding the Spore4 is more straightforward.  Besides adjusting the gain in your DAVE, everything else can stay constant.
For me, the microRendu made a much more noticeable change in the sound than any headphone cable change.  The DAVE through the microRendu has much more resolution and wider imaging.  Improved isolation of instruments, especially in the complex passages.  Vocals are more three dimensional and less congested inside the head.  DSD128 and DSD256 tracks truly shines and approaching the best LP based systems out there.
Jul 9, 2016 at 2:59 PM Post #3,549 of 26,000
As with many things, this is not straightforward.  In order for your DAVE to sound great with microRendu, other parts of your system have to work well when paired with the microRendu, such as computers, routers, switches, and other cables.
Adding the Spore4 is more straightforward.  Besides adjusting the gain in your DAVE, everything else can stay constant.
For me, the microRendu made a much more noticeable change in the sound than any headphone cable change.  The DAVE through the microRendu has much more resolution and wider imaging.  Improved isolation of instruments, especially in the complex passages.  Vocals are more three dimensional and less congested inside the head.  DSD128 and DSD256 tracks truly shines and approaching the best LP based systems out there.

Thank you - this is actually extremely helpful!
Not to flog a dead horse, but it is interesting that something before the DAVE had a more noticeable impact than a cable after the DAVE.
Jul 9, 2016 at 3:38 PM Post #3,550 of 26,000
  For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?

My situation is probably unique and so my response may not apply to all.  The Abyss was THE headphone that first allowed me to look beyond my SR-009.  In fact, I sold my SR-009 with the intention of moving to the Abyss.  I had an Abyss on loan for several months but unfortunately discovered over time that this headphone, in stock form, was unlistenable for prolonged sessions (maybe an hour max) due to issues I had with its hot treble.  For a track or two and especially with live music, no headphone is more spectacular but invariably, I would start to get headaches and it had nothing to do with the Abyss' size or weight.  
I rediscovered the Abyss again after I bought my DAVE and as before, for the first few tracks, I was reminded of how spectacular this headphone can be but ultimately, after 1-2 hours, the headaches returned.  Just too much treble energy for my tastes.  I was convinced it was due to the stock headphone cable and so I bought adapters to fit my Silver Spore4 with the Abyss and low and behold, my treble issues with the Abyss went away.  Even after listening for 5-6 hours straight, no problems whatsoever.  Even though the hot treble had been tamed, it had not been rolled off and a nice sparkle remained.  The presentation is just more relaxed and effortless and yet still fully resolved.  For my tastes, I would not consider the Abyss without the Silver Spore4 but to be fair to the Abyss, I would not consider my HE-1000 or TH-900 without the Silver Spore4 either.  As I am now a proud owner of an Abyss, combined with the Silver Spore4 and this High Fidelity headphone device, I'm not sure I can ask for more.  Perhaps because it's new, I'm listening to it more than my HE-1000 at the present time although for certain types of music (ie acoustical/atmospheric music, certain female vocals, harsh recordings), the HE-1000 remains my preference. 
As for the mR, for $690 (which includes the basic iFi power supply), it's hard to deny what this brings to the party.  This improves everything.  It better showcases the qualities of the DAVE and any and all headphones that you might own.  I would contend that if someone has the means to afford both the DAVE and the Abyss, then they probably have the means to eventually afford both the Silver Spore4 (or Complement4) and the mR.  If you don't have the high-frequency issues that I have with the Abyss, I would probably opt for the mR first.
Jul 9, 2016 at 4:22 PM Post #3,551 of 26,000
Thanks for your (as usual) very insightful response.  
Cost (on both) isn't the obstacle.  I want to get one option, use that one for a bit then add the second.  Yes, I could just order both, but what's the fun in that?  It isn't a question of value, it's a question of which step to take first.
I find the stock Abyss cable grating - it's (sorry to say this) just isn't a very nice cable in my eyes.  I've been using the Abyss with a silver Solv that is obviously better than the JPS cable so a cable change is less dire that I originally presented.  
When I do get a MR, I will likely get a Paul Hynes LPSU with it.
Jul 9, 2016 at 4:54 PM Post #3,552 of 26,000
  For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?

I've been struggling with the same question and here is where I'm at on the topic...I received my MicroRendu and it was a big improvement over my Aurender N100 so I was satisfied that it needed to stay in my system. I haven't received my Dave yet (2 weeks more and counting) but I had already decided to add new cables so that the Dave could deliver its best. I settled on the Silver Complement 4 for my headphone cable purely due to the reports of weight and rigidity of the Spore4 (I would have preferred the Spore given its reputation) BUT, I did decide to get new XLR interconnects and I opted for the Spore4 for the XLR cables to connect the Dave to my headphone amp. 
I agree with others that the Micro Rendu is a no brainer to add first given the low cost. I purchased it with the iF1 power supply and it's connected into the PS Audio P5 AC regenerator. Not sure how much better it can get but I am interested in experimenting with an upgraded PS to see if it makes it a stronger companion to the Dave when it arrives.
Jul 9, 2016 at 10:48 PM Post #3,553 of 26,000
  When I do get a MR, I will likely get a Paul Hynes LPSU with it.

  I agree with others that the Micro Rendu is a no brainer to add first given the low cost. I purchased it with the iF1 power supply and it's connected into the PS Audio P5 AC regenerator. Not sure how much better it can get but I am interested in experimenting with an upgraded PS to see if it makes it a stronger companion to the Dave when it arrives.

The mR seems to be doing wonders for the power supply industry and many are now offering custom PSUs for the mR.  It's hard to know what is the absolute best but the PSU that most people are waiting for before committing is the upcoming Uptone Audio LPS-1 that is supposed to start shipping in August.  It will sell for $395 USD and will be designed by John Swensen himself with the mR in mind.  As John designed the mR, I won't be surprised if this PSU ends up being the best or at least as good as the best.  It will be based on supercapacitor technology like the Chord TT.  For those interested, here is the thread on CA:
Jul 9, 2016 at 11:07 PM Post #3,554 of 26,000
I settled on the Silver Complement 4 for my headphone cable purely due to the reports of weight and rigidity of the Spore4 (I would have preferred the Spore given its reputation) BUT, I did decide to get new XLR interconnects and I opted for the Spore4 for the XLR cables to connect the Dave to my headphone amp. 

Yes, the Spore4 is heavy and rigid.  I think the Silver Complement4 is a very good alternative.  As an owner of an HE-1000 and former owner of an LCD-4, you might find that you prefer how these headphones sound connected direct to DAVE rather than connected to your GSX-Mk2 or Moon 430HA.  This would not be a bad problem to have since it would mean more money back in your pocket and a much simpler setup but the point is, before you spend a lot of money on Spore4 interconnects, you might want to see how you like the DAVE's integrated headphone amp first.
Jul 10, 2016 at 4:44 AM Post #3,555 of 26,000
  For those that have a similar setup to me - DAVE -> Abyss I have a question.
It seems the 'best' setup is a MicroRendu before the DAVE and DHC Spore after the DAVE.  My question is what, in your opinion, has a great impact on sound, the MR or the Spore?  IE, if you were upgrading one fist, which would it be?


I don’t know which one that has the greatest impact on sound. The wait time for DHC cables is usually many months. It will give you plenty of time to get and evaluate the mR first, if ordered at the same time. 


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