Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆
Nov 28, 2023 at 5:26 PM Post #18,271 of 19,435
RIGELIAN advertises its capabilities with poly, furthermore its capabilities with qobuz, but only for openhome devices. So RIGELIAN with qobuz streaming on poly would not work. Am I right?
Qobuz is only shown in the navigation tree after pressing "edit" BTW. Forgot to say, I am aware of that poly is far from being "open".
Could anyone please prove me wrong?
Edit: I bought the premium version of RIGELIAN, but it does not let me put in my qobuz credentials anywhere.
Edit2: I RTFM of Rigelian too, to the best of my knowledge.
FYI, (answering my own post/question), recently got a kind, detailed reply from RIGELIAN support, not quoting word for word, but from memory:
It is not designed to support my use case of streaming with qobuz. (end of part of "not a quote")
Nevertheless it's a frequently enough updated, apparently neat piece of software worth of being supported imho.
So I am still a happy poly user(despite all NOs, would love (ssh+)rsync), with only one use case (streaming with qobuz), having no issues so far.
Nov 28, 2023 at 5:39 PM Post #18,272 of 19,435
I'm very happy with my Mojo2, and I've been thinking about buying a Poly. Mostly for the using a micro-SD card, but streaming Tidal, Apple Music or Quobuz does appeal to me.

I live in an Apple device world. M1 MacMini, iPhone 13 Pro Max, and M1 iPad Pro 12.9". Is using the Mojo2 with the Poly with my Apple gear going to be difficult? The many reports of issues with the Poly kind of puts me off a little about making a purchase.

Finally, on Apple Devices can I download from them to a micro-SD. Probably would use the MacMini for that.
Poly is easy to use with Apple devices. As for using the micro-SD it’s a straightforward file transfer. You’ll need to download an app - I use Rigelian - to play the files but that’s just the way it’s designed. You can also use AirPlay to stream from your phone if you so wish.
Nov 29, 2023 at 5:00 PM Post #18,273 of 19,435
New Poly user here... The instructions seem to imply that the SD Card is accessible with upnp (mconnect, bubbleupnp). I'm aware that I can use an MPD client but I'm wondering why I can't get this to work over upnp. Does the Poly need to be in a specific mode for this to work? There doesn't seem to be a Roon Ready and separate "everything else" mode any longer...
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Nov 29, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #18,274 of 19,435
>Your use cases are incredibly specific.
I hear that more often, lol.
>Mojo was developed more for the mobile market, so bluetooth remotes wouldn't fit that bill.
fair enough
>>can files be added to the µSD via an ssh or other wireless connection?
>I would have liked to have seen that. As we have seen a few firmware updates, and because that isn't available on Chords 2Go, I think it's unlikely to happen.
I'll see if there's a way.
>As for the USB input with Poly connected. It isn't physically possible. Poly is the same width as Mojo(1&2) and it's interface is via the 2 x Micro USB connections. One for power pass through, the other to share the data. The Micro USB on the Poly simply provides power for Poly, or Poly and connected Mojo.
I would assume that there's enough space inside of the poly to add a small 'splitter' so the datalines can be hijacked if a micro USB device is connected to the Poly. I'll look into this as well.
>For the sound quality though, I can't rate the combination highly enough
I have replaced my ifi idsd diablo with this set today. right now it's charging. seemingly the first poly I picked up did not have any wifi capabilities. tried resetting, tried charging, updating, some more resetting. nada. weirdly enough bluetooth did work.

>Poly always drain batteries,
not fantastic, but probably not a problem either.
>When Poly is charged from the very first time you can not turn it off (look at previous point to get the full picture)
>If you have a modern Wifi network around you be prepared to downgrade a lot including describing you security settings in order to make it work.
Seems to connect to my WPA3 AP. at least the one on my phone. not sure how often i'll connect it to my home wifi.
>GoFigure does let you play from SD card in very limited way, you need save a playlist files first.
I use MPD, so that's fine.
>You are right, it is quite expensive, poorly designed product that can quickly become brick unless you will bend and limit yourself to few very specific use cases. I wish it was other way around, but unfortunately it is not
I hope it will eventually be opensourced. Most devices I own that have been, enjoy a greater fanbase than those that have not been.
>To be honest and fair however, when you can make it work you will not regret it in terms of SQ. Another thing is that I got the same quality from a notebook. Mojo is also great via optical BTW but this option is also not possible when Poly is connected.
not possible yet. I'll have a look to see if it's simply a dimensional limitation, software, or hardware.

Despite the app dependency(and the app is not that great), I expect to have a lot of enjoyment out of this device. thanks for the tips!


I happened to see the Poly thread pop up on the index and took a peak after our conversation regarding the Diablo and your gripes.

There seem to be a lot of things that you want to do that the Mojo/Poly combo simply can't because the Poly was fundamentally a very compromised design from the outset, perhaps simply because of its age. It is now a badly out of date product that has no realistic ongoing firmware support and the physical limitations render some of your use cases impossible. You can't access the Mojo inputs with the Poly attached because the Poly is simply in the way and there is no pass through on the Poly.

As you said that was a lot of "no" answers to your list of questions.

I was tempted to go that way because I like my original Mojo very much but I simply could not bring myself to commit due to micro USB on a 2022 release product, daft USB-C implementation and all the use case and connectivity issues that seem to plague the Poly. If my understanding of the headache that the Poly can be is anything like accurate (and a 1200 plus page thread seems to support that) I do not understand why Chord would not just make an up to date Mojo 2 with only USB-C and a Poly to Mojo 2 adapter block with USB-C on the Mojo 2 side and micro on the Poly side. That would make the Mojo 2 more desirable for the non Poly users and allow the Poly to be used with the Mojo 2 at the expense of a perhaps 10mm wide adapter and a case to accommodate the pair. If they did it that way I would have owned a Mojo 2 at launch.

Regardless, I hope you will be happy with the Mojo 2 and Poly after not being happy with the Diablo.
Nov 29, 2023 at 8:03 PM Post #18,275 of 19,435

I happened to see the Poly thread pop up on the index and took a peak after our conversation regarding the Diablo and your gripes.

There seem to be a lot of things that you want to do that the Mojo/Poly combo simply can't because the Poly was fundamentally a very compromised design from the outset, perhaps simply because of its age. It is now a badly out of date product that has no realistic ongoing firmware support and the physical limitations render some of your use cases impossible. You can't access the Mojo inputs with the Poly attached because the Poly is simply in the way and there is no pass through on the Poly.

As you said that was a lot of "no" answers to your list of questions.

I was tempted to go that way because I like my original Mojo very much but I simply could not bring myself to commit due to micro USB on a 2022 release product, daft USB-C implementation and all the use case and connectivity issues that seem to plague the Poly. If my understanding of the headache that the Poly can be is anything like accurate (and a 1200 plus page thread seems to support that) I do not understand why Chord would not just make an up to date Mojo 2 with only USB-C and a Poly to Mojo 2 adapter block with USB-C on the Mojo 2 side and micro on the Poly side. That would make the Mojo 2 more desirable for the non Poly users and allow the Poly to be used with the Mojo 2 at the expense of a perhaps 10mm wide adapter and a case to accommodate the pair. If they did it that way I would have owned a Mojo 2 at launch.

Regardless, I hope you will be happy with the Mojo 2 and Poly after not being happy with the Diablo.

I will not fault the Poly for things it can't do, but I can try to add them. I don't mind modifying my Poly, and if software updates don't happen, I would love to find a way to get some alternative firmware on this. Regardless, the Mojo2Poly combo is closer to what I want from a portable audio player than any other modern solution.

Today I have used it during a 9 hour trip, and the Mojo2 finally ran out of battery after 8.5 hours. I may have found one actual bug (MPD doesn't like Björk because of the ö and won't show her), but overall I'm quite happy with it.

I also understand why they did this weird added USB C port, because making the mojo2 USB-C only would definitely piss poly1 owners off, and adds extra SKUs for no good reason.
Nov 30, 2023 at 3:21 AM Post #18,277 of 19,435
Can someone tell me more about how the Android apps work to playback content on the Poly's SD card... do they go through the Android music architecture and get re-sampled?
the apps instruct the Poly to play music that's on the µSD card, nothing else.
Nov 30, 2023 at 7:51 AM Post #18,280 of 19,435
Good shout.
Just updated mine. I can't see any difference. The Chord website only tells us

– Improves Poly’s stability when operating DLNA servers

– Bug fixes"

I never could get the DLNA server to work on 3.2.0 so maybe this will fix that...
Nov 30, 2023 at 10:01 AM Post #18,283 of 19,435
I never could get the DLNA server to work on 3.2.0 so maybe this will fix that...

Yes, the update fixed the DLNA server. My SD card indexed and now the card is accessible through UPNP (mconnect, bubbleupnp, etc) as well as MPD.
Dec 1, 2023 at 4:24 AM Post #18,285 of 19,435
There's a Poly firmware update (to 3.2.1) as of this morning.
Interesting. My GoFiguer on Android tells me that Poly is up to date with 3.0.0 version yet there is "Update firmware" button available. Any idea why?


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