rlw6534 reacted to Takeda`1537's post in the thread Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk with Like.There are plenty of fakes around but not all the references and pointers in the article are correct. Check: Oct 28, 2024 at 1:25 AM Post...
rlw6534 replied to the thread Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk.Inaccurate in what way? Fakes are definitely out there, right?
rlw6534 replied to the thread Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?.LDAC is a software codec. It is open source for encoding but requires a license to decode...
rlw6534 reacted to jkwanness's post in the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread] with Like.i did think about this.. getting a secondhand iphone/ipod(?) as a transport for the mojo2 hahaha... but probably not worth the hassle as...
rlw6534 replied to the thread Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread].Probably not a solution for you guys, but Apple devices don't have this issue with USB output SRC.
rlw6534 replied to the thread SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2.Does it still use SRC over USB-C output?
rlw6534 replied to the thread [FIIO BT11] Portable High-Res Bluetooth Transmitter Is Officially Released!.I think iOS was the most obvious use case for a portable LDAC dongle/transmitter, and that's where the focus was placed. Maybe this...
rlw6534 replied to the thread iBasso DX180 & DX320 (others possibly as well) Rooting & Optimization Guides and Discussion.With root you can always use ACC (Advanced Charging Controller) for battery management. It can control both current and voltage...
rlw6534 replied to the thread Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?.The BT-W6 does not have LDAC codec support.
rlw6534 replied to the thread Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600.I just followed the "Create Service Request" instructions online, never talked to anyone...
rlw6534 replied to the thread Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600.I'm on my third pair (due to severe volume reduction in one IEM). In both cases Sennheiser sent me a brand new factory sealed...
rlw6534 reacted to MotleyG's post in the thread iBasso DX180 4GB/128GB. Got your music? Enjoy the concert! Manual download on the 1st page of FW 1.02 NEW FW! with Like.These aren't really "work-arounds" in the traditional sense. Google has implemented security measures for file access that is very...
rlw6534 reacted to mattclarke18's post in the thread iBasso DX180 4GB/128GB. Got your music? Enjoy the concert! Manual download on the 1st page of FW 1.02 NEW FW! with Like.I forgot to mention that. All my music is in folder called music.
rlw6534 replied to the thread Introducing Shanling M1 Plus - New Generation of Compact MTouch Players at just $209.Or buy Hiby R3 Pro/II which does not have this limitation (even though it is a very similar device otherwise).
rlw6534 replied to the thread aptX Adaptive / aptX Lossless USB Transmitters.The BT-W6 works perfectly on my iPhone 15 Pro, including AptX Lossless.