Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread
Jan 7, 2019 at 5:34 PM Post #21,166 of 33,692
Following (justified) criticism of my review disclaimers ("review units purchased for 10 cents") I am presently cleaning most of my review "samples" to give to a local charity in Calgary - as well as some of my regularly purchased earphones - all in all approx. 20 pairs. My current problem is to find a charity that has clients who enjoy music. Trying Syrian refugees as we speak. Any other ideas [hospitals won't accept earphones for hygienic reasons]?

In the future, I will only accept review units with return envelope - and where it is too complicated/expensive to return them to ("China"), I will continue finding a good home for them. There should be no more (suspicion of a) conflict of interest.

I think you are bothering yourself too much with that. Lovely atitude, totally suport. But my friend advice is too chill out with all thar worryng about other people suspicious about honesty. I don't even think that's a thing in general. Only when some people show suspicious behaviours.
Jan 7, 2019 at 5:41 PM Post #21,167 of 33,692
I think you are bothering yourself too much with that. Lovely atitude, totally suport. But my friend advice is too chill out with all thar worryng about other people suspicious about honesty. I don't even think that's a thing in general. Only when some people show suspicious behaviours.
Other advantage: creating space at home.
Jan 7, 2019 at 6:04 PM Post #21,168 of 33,692
Walking around town, and giving to anyone with Skull candy earphones (with the assurance they will throw the Skull Candies in the rubbish bin)

don't throw away the eartips though, they are quite nice! i have a relative who got skullcandy for Christmas gift swap, and didn't use the spare tips, so i asked for the L size, it fits on one of my iems and gives a combo of comfort and sound like no other could
Jan 7, 2019 at 6:14 PM Post #21,169 of 33,692

  • Yup! In fact I use the BT20 with my BQ3 after discovering that the V80 paired with the BT20 was horrible for me - couldn’t bend them far enough to get a deep enough seal and it turned the V80 into a cheap, tinny FM radio sounding IEM. I went back to using the V80 wired to the EarStudio ES100 receiver and it went back to sounding wonderful!

    Previously I had paired the V80 with the TRN BT10 Bluetooth cable and that sounded great too except for the background squeal and then the complete failure of the BT10, sadly, after a few sessions.

How did it sound with the BT BQ3 v wired? Sorry if I've missed this answer
Jan 7, 2019 at 6:43 PM Post #21,170 of 33,692
Good options:
- A battered women’s shelter
- A local orphanage
- A foster home/foster program
- A creative/performing arts school
- A local school for the blind
- Local Boy Scout troop (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is)
- Local church, for use by any that have live band musicians
- Your local college library (where you see students studying)
- Walking around town, and giving to someone who has beat up Apple earbuds with frayed wires
- Walking around town, and giving to anyone with Skull candy earphones (with the assurance they will throw the Skull Candies in the rubbish bin)

On Halloween, when kids come to my door and they've got their older sibling escorting them around, I give those older siblings a KZ ATR. They seem to really enjoy that. I figure, good for them for staying out of trouble and being a good brother/sister!
Jan 7, 2019 at 9:24 PM Post #21,171 of 33,692
Might it's old news now and people already posted it, but I was watching the KPE x IT01s comparative video from this guy, then I ended up watching this one too:

I was kind of surprised the guy prefers the Sony MH-755 over the Ibasso. Crinacle also had good impressions about it. Has anyone knows how to get a genuine pair or a trustworthy seller?
Jan 7, 2019 at 9:35 PM Post #21,172 of 33,692
Might it's old news now and people already posted it, but I was watching the KPE x IT01s comparative video from this guy, then I ended up watching this one too:

I was kind of surprised the guy prefers the Sony MH-755 over the Ibasso. Crinacle also had good impressions about it. Has anyone knows how to get a genuine pair or a trustworthy seller?

Seriously? I’ve always seen those as like entry level Best Buy IEMs. Aren’t they like $5?
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Jan 7, 2019 at 9:51 PM Post #21,173 of 33,692
Seriously? I’ve always seen those as like entry level Best Buy IEMs. Are they like $5?

Yes! But bear in mind that the market of fakes is big. Crinacle made an overkill version [here] and he got it from Sony SBH56 which isn't that cheap. So trying to figure out if there's a cheaper option to get a genuine one.
Jan 8, 2019 at 4:32 AM Post #21,175 of 33,692

I got the older model of that, the MH 750, definitely original one because it was a free from that time flagship sony phone xperia Z1. bought in singapore and original sony warranty so i assumed that is original one. To my surprise, that free iem is too good to be true for a free gift.
Neutral, got details, with slight bass boost, only with treble roll off if i remember it correctly. And i think it still somewahere on my drawer, but that time i was really surprised, not bad at all for a free iem. so i can believe that but i doubt can beat ibasso
Jan 8, 2019 at 4:41 AM Post #21,176 of 33,692
Does the SBH-24 come with MH755? I ordered one from AE for $11 not sure, if it's legit or Fake.
Jan 8, 2019 at 8:22 AM Post #21,178 of 33,692
Found a few of MH755 at a store in a local online marketplace for around $4 and decided to get a pair.

I don't care if it's fake, but it trumps all my sub $100 chifi. It's closer to the Kanas than to something like Tin Audio T2 or KB100. Detail retrieval is comparable to Kanas which makes T2 vocals sound muddy in comparison. Compared to Kanas, MH755's timbre is less natural (but still better than T2), sub-bass is bigger (even after the vent mod) and a bit slower, mids is thinner and the imaging and layering is flatter (2D-ish).

With better shell and replacable cable, they should be sold at $100 - $120.

And now the store's stock is no more because I ordered two more of them.

edit: about vent mod, there's info and measurements here:
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Jan 8, 2019 at 9:20 AM Post #21,179 of 33,692
MH750 is slightly different from MH755, there was a graph somewhere which says the MH750 has a bigger bass boost compared to the MH755.

MH750 is a normal length iem that comes with a mic and is the free earphone that comes with the Sony Xperia smartphones while the MH755 is a super short IEM which comes with sony's bluetooth player.

There are 2 ways of getting the MH755.
1) Getting one of the sony bluetooth player and you can be 100% sure that it is genuine MH755.
2) Getting one from the resellers. From what I know, sony was making these in huge quantity. Therefore the only way to get them is in huge boxes like these:

More information from one of the sellers from taobao for the white MH755(selling at 20rmb):
1) These required burn in.
2) The white version is new old stock from 2013 ( I finally understood what the seller really meant after reading the sentence for a few more times)
3) One order can come in 10 thousand earphones, that's why the price is cheaper than cabbage. Super good price to performance ratio.
4) Really have to respect Sony's manufacturing and choice of raw material. These have been in the warehouse for 5 years, no yellowing and no stickyness.
5) BUT!! the black version of MH755 is very very rare, which is why i sell them at 80rmb. So whoever is selling lower than this, you should know (implying that it is fake)
6) One way to see if it is genuine/authentic, look at the date and serial number:

Authentic ones should have the same number at 3 places:
1) 13W36 (made in 2013 week 36)
2) the first 4 character of the serial number is 1336
3) there is another 1336 on the wrapping packages.

Disclaimer: I just try to translate what I see to share information for all those who are interested in the MH755. I am in no way related to the seller. Some of the information do seem fishy to me, but this is one of the top sellers for sony accessories in taobao.
I did order from taobao using taobao forwarding agent and the MH755 is on the way to me. I do also managed to find a used sony bluetooth player that comes with the black MH755 in my local marketplace(yet to receive them).
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Jan 8, 2019 at 9:36 AM Post #21,180 of 33,692
There are also some theories that the famous MH1 requires some EQ to make it sound nice. It is a trick that sony did to make the earphone sound the best when it is paired with their xperia smartphone.

Some info on MH750:
1) There seem to be a few hardware revision: (The drivers are the same, no difference in sound)
AG0500 : Cable is harder, the filter at the end of the nozzle is black base with white circle in the middle
AG0501: Cable is softer, filter at the end of nozzle is full black.


2) newer hardware revision is straight ended for 3.5mm jack instead of angled, there are also no labels on the cable

The seller gave an example of fake:
"Many people kept asking me whether this is real or not, I said no point explaining, once you know how to check the serial number, then you won't get cheated."

Last sentence : "This is rubbish."

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